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Forums - NSFW Discussion - NSFW: How NSFW is NSFW?

Mr Khan said:
You know who we have to ban? Smeags. That shit is unacceptable.

i dont know what exactly you are talking about. but still, i agree. smeegS needs banning

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Vertigo-X said:
JayWood2010 said:

No you will just get fired and kicked out of school for this.  Yeah makes sense.  Everything is appropriate at certain times, not at all times.

Yeah you are right.  Definitely we should have this stuff on the site because hey we can wear them in public *rolls eyes*

I have one question for you: WHY THE F*CK WOULD YOU GO TO A RECREATIONAL PUBLIC SITE AT SCHOOL OR WORK?! Seriously, are you aware of how they track you anyway?


People like you annoy me: you think this site should have a preppy atmosphere? No inappropriateness of any kind?

First off, calm yourself down bro.  YOu are getting way too worked up over this.

2nd off I said family and friends as well.  Don't ignore things that i say if you are going to throw a fit.

EDIT:  I was in the office of technology and am very aware of tracking.


LOL. This thread became Carl2291's boobies thread?

It is an honor to be on this thread

Nintendo and PC gamer

I would like to voice my support for Carl's boobies, and Pezus's dancing and cammel toe.

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JayWood2010 said:
Vertigo-X said:
JayWood2010 said:

No you will just get fired and kicked out of school for this.  Yeah makes sense.  Everything is appropriate at certain times, not at all times.

Yeah you are right.  Definitely we should have this stuff on the site because hey we can wear them in public *rolls eyes*

I have one question for you: WHY THE F*CK WOULD YOU GO TO A RECREATIONAL PUBLIC SITE AT SCHOOL OR WORK?! Seriously, are you aware of how they track you anyway?


People like you annoy me: you think this site should have a preppy atmosphere? No inappropriateness of any kind?

First off, calm yourself down bro.  YOu are getting way too worked up over this.

2nd off I said family and friends as well.  Don't ignore things that i say if you are going to throw a fit.

EDIT:  I was in the office of technology and am very aware of tracking.

so, you are scared that someone of your friends or family could see that you are on a site where someone uses an avatar with a girl in a restaurant with huge boobs? or that someone could see a french singer dancing on her stage? what exactly are you scared about when one of you family members or friends could see that?

yesterday i saw my parents and i showed my 70 years old father some pics of girls with nice boobs on the internet and asked him which he likes most and you are talking about pics with girls who have still clothes on and how someone could see that in your house? see what exactly?

JayWood2010 said:
Carl2291 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Carl2291 said:
Are we not allowed boobies in avatars?

I mean, are we now discriminating against women that are big up front?

Let's be honest about your picture and just say her face is not why you put that as your avatar.  If someone is around whether it be my friend, boss, family, or whomever sees that picture on my computer the questions flies.  "What kind of site are you on?"  

That would only bother someone with a guilty conscience.

No guilty conscience here.  Just not a tasteful avatar and inapropriate for a game site.  Take note from NinPie and Proclus.  They put avatars of attractive girls but also tasteful.  If you guys want to see this kind of stuff go look it up yourself on google, bing, yahoo, or whatever you use.

The rules here regarding avatars and signatures are far more strict than anything I've seen. Cleavage is not inappropriate.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

JayWood2010 said:
TheLastStarFighter said:

As far as JayWood's concerns:

-You really seem to have an issue with boobs. Most of the world does not think clevage is a big deal, even if it's big. The girl with the big boobs is provacative, but it's not porn and not offensive.

-Your comparisson pic of a guy in a tiny swimsuit is not a good comparisson. If he was in jeans with a tight shirt or even topless, it would be similar to the girl with big boobs showing clevage. But your fellow is in swimware and his penis is accentuated (definitely not cold in that pool). The female equivalent would be a bikini or topless girl with a gap shot accentuating her vag. Penis doesn't = boobs. Vag = penis.

-It's interesting that you talk about standards and professionalism with a picture of Brad Pitt as your avatar. I find this funny because I've worked in very professional environments for some time. At a place I used to manage we had about 600 employees. It was a professional "image" facility, where business dress was expected. Employees could decorate their office or cubicle to some extent, and some naturally would have a provacative picture of a skimpy dressed man or woman. However, the one I received the most "complaints" - or rather condecending comments, snide remarks, etc, as no one really cared about a few sexy pictures - was a girl that had a framed picture of Brad Pitt. It seems that for most people a celebrity crush on a sex symbol is considered more juvenille than a little eye candy of other kinds. Take that for what you will.

Next time reply to me.

No i have no problem with boobs.  I am also very comftorable with my sexuality and see no need in trying to prove myself to people.

As I said before, i find it hilarious that pics of guys are suddenly provacative but not women's haha  Double standard haha

Brad Pitt isn't profesional?  First I've heard that lol  I also have worked in a business with 600+ people.  In fact I have worked closely with probably about 400 of them at 1 point or another.  At the end of the day though we always had a dress code.  In fact I had even got in trouble at one point.

I could easily start posting masculent men shirtless and people will be like OMG how dare he!  This shouldn't be allowed.  That is a double standard at it's best.

That's not really true, here's a sample of avatars I had in the past that never garnered any complaints (apart from the last one which was a response to pezus's MBP-chosen avatar at the time).

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
JayWood2010 said:
TheLastStarFighter said:

As far as JayWood's concerns:

-You really seem to have an issue with boobs. Most of the world does not think clevage is a big deal, even if it's big. The girl with the big boobs is provacative, but it's not porn and not offensive.

-Your comparisson pic of a guy in a tiny swimsuit is not a good comparisson. If he was in jeans with a tight shirt or even topless, it would be similar to the girl with big boobs showing clevage. But your fellow is in swimware and his penis is accentuated (definitely not cold in that pool). The female equivalent would be a bikini or topless girl with a gap shot accentuating her vag. Penis doesn't = boobs. Vag = penis.

-It's interesting that you talk about standards and professionalism with a picture of Brad Pitt as your avatar. I find this funny because I've worked in very professional environments for some time. At a place I used to manage we had about 600 employees. It was a professional "image" facility, where business dress was expected. Employees could decorate their office or cubicle to some extent, and some naturally would have a provacative picture of a skimpy dressed man or woman. However, the one I received the most "complaints" - or rather condecending comments, snide remarks, etc, as no one really cared about a few sexy pictures - was a girl that had a framed picture of Brad Pitt. It seems that for most people a celebrity crush on a sex symbol is considered more juvenille than a little eye candy of other kinds. Take that for what you will.

Next time reply to me.

No i have no problem with boobs.  I am also very comftorable with my sexuality and see no need in trying to prove myself to people.

As I said before, i find it hilarious that pics of guys are suddenly provacative but not women's haha  Double standard haha

Brad Pitt isn't profesional?  First I've heard that lol  I also have worked in a business with 600+ people.  In fact I have worked closely with probably about 400 of them at 1 point or another.  At the end of the day though we always had a dress code.  In fact I had even got in trouble at one point.

I could easily start posting masculent men shirtless and people will be like OMG how dare he!  This shouldn't be allowed.  That is a double standard at it's best.

That's not really true, here's a sample of avatars I had in the past that never garnered any complaints (apart from the last one which was a response to pezus's MBP-chosen avatar at the time).

As a straight guy, this doesnt make me feel uncomfortable. Nor does it make me think "unprofessional".

Plus, my girlfriend has something to look at if she sees me on my geeky videogame site


crap im not even sure if my avatar is NSFW....mmm now that i think about it.. it is not....