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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS4 Reveal Had No 'Material Impact' On Microsoft

Goatseye said:
Hynad said:
Goatseye said:
Hynad said:
Goatseye said:
Hynad said:

In reality? What reality? Never heard a single person call it that.

Also, you haven't answered my last comment to you. Quite telling, to say the least.

There were various references to the obvious similiraties between Kinect and that Sony thing on game forums around the web. I tought it would be obvious and I didn't have to explain myself.

Can you repost you last question please, I don't see any unanswered question of yours.

I'm wondering your reason for asking if I had a N4G account. Or for implying that the site was my my "community".

I'm really intrigued as to what you were trying to imply there. ¬_¬

Sorry, I thought I had made myself clear.

That website is really biased and agressive towards anything that's not Sony. I mean the users and whoever posts articles on their page have a selective criteria that only benefits their interest in a myopic way.

Oh, really... And this applies to me how, exactly?  Please, do elaborate.

I would love to continue exchanging opinions with you but if you cannot conclude from what I stated then lets stop it here.

My team is about to play so I cannot give you my undivided attention for now.

Can't even be straight for once, nor explain the reason why you'd label me as such. Yeah, do cower away.

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thismeintiel said:

@ OP

It's pretty obvious that this has affected MS's plans.  I believe originally they were going to reveal it at E3, hence the countdown clock.  However, after the Feb 20th reveal of the PS4, we started getting rumors that they would now reveal it in late April.  That got pushed back to early-late May, most likely because MS felt a need to not just match the PS4 reveal, but outdo it.  This will most likely just pertain to a few larger game reveals, as well as showing the console casing.  The fact that they settled on May 21st reveals a lot.  They weren't ready to reveal it a couple of months ago, but they still feel the need to get out an announcement before E3.  Even if that reveal is a mere 2 weeks before E3. 

I do think it would be hilarious if Sony has another reveal a couple days before or after (before would probably be better), to reveal some larger launch titles, as well as the console design.  This would take a lot of thunder from the NeXbox reveal.  Especially if some of the more negative rumors for the NeXbox turn out to be true.

Actually its not obvious at all what MS plans were before or after the PS4 reveal.  People keep forgetting that MS was rumored to have a reveal date in April Before Sony revealed the PS4 not after.   Also if we go by MS history, they have never revealed their Console at E3.  The Xbox was revealed at GDC and the 360 was weeks before E3 on MTV.  So it stands to reason that MS always had a plan to announce their next Xbox before E3 at their own event.

As for the may reveal, it was already rumored that MS pushed to May because they want to show the actual working console not have the same situation like Sony where twitter blew up because Sony did not have a console to show for their reveal.

As for Sony doing another reveal before MS reveal means nothing at this point.  We all know that we will get the full line-up at E3 or before E3 and doing to many of those just become a waste of money.  Not knowing what MS could bring to their reveal could backfire if they try to one up their competitor.  The ball is in MS court now since Sony decided to serve first so Sony will have to wait for MS response before they can effectly play their return attack.

As for some of the negative rumors about the nextbox, I believe people will be quite surprise how very similar both consoles are going to be as far as those rumors goes.  Already it looks like a lot of features and capabilities are the same between both consoles.  Both have a always on, always online feature.  Both have the ability to share gaming content and probably both will have some type of DRM feature that publishers can either use or not use.

There is a lot of information we do not know about the PS4 and Sony was smart not to talk about them before their competitors were ready to show their hand as well.  Really, Sony just threw some hardware specs out there and showed some demos and for some thats all that is needed to get their money but I would like to know much more about my purchase decision.

Unveiling your system two months after Sony with two weeks to spare before E3 shows that what Sony did got to Microsoft a bit. I am sure they made minor tweaks but Sonys offerings caught even haters off guard.

MS doesn't care about the ps4 reveal it knows the xbox brand has taken roots this gen and has a loyal fanbase now, who wont abandon there gamertags and there achievements!!! And there in no rush to show there new system to counter the ps4 they move to there pace. Just like the 360 there showing off there new system a couple of weeks before e3 , is there no one here that remembers the event on mtv to show off the new 360 before e3!!!

AAA300 said:
MS doesn't care about the ps4 reveal it knows the xbox brand has taken roots this gen and has a loyal fanbase now, who wont abandon there gamertags and there achievements!!! And there in no rush to show there new system to counter the ps4 they move to there pace. Just like the 360 there showing off there new system a couple of weeks before e3 , is there no one here that remembers the event on mtv to show off the new 360 before e3!!!

LOL...The majority of the 360 gamers came from the PS2 fanbase. They'll leave Microsoft as easily as they left Sony because they both have similar offerings in third party.

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Ps2 didnt have achievements or the online structure that ms has,they will want to keep there gamertags that they built-up!And if the next xbox has backwards compatibility it will help in the game drought that happens for all system launches the ps4 will lose early adopters to the xboxnext because of this even though the feature is not used much, people like perks and they sell systems! Theres a reason world of warcraft is still around people cant abandon there characters nor will they abandon there gamertags!

Goatseye said:
AbbathTheGrim said:
gooch_destroyer said:

"It’s never too little too late for Microsoft. They are the incumbent.



"Incumbent" of what? The best selling console is still the Wii, the console with sells momentum is Sony.

MS sells more in US, which is extra important. More Xbox Live revenue and other software sales including games. More profit.


Getting the most sells in the different countries is important but that doesn't make you incumbent when you are not the best selling console worldwide. The US =/= the World.

Has Micro made the most profit out of all consoles this gen? Show me the numbers that prove that they made more profit than the Wii. If you present the numbers then it could be said that Micro is incumbent on the "profit" aspect of the generation, but I doubt they have been the most profitable. Micro started making profit out of Xbox360 years after its release, while the Wii was profitable out of the gate and sold all those millions on software and accessories. Show me the numbers that prove that Micro made more profit than Nintendo.

"Incumbent" of what?


DaRev said:
Yes, MS was affected by the PS4 announcement, but only to the benefit of MS. I believe MS watched the PS4 reveal and said "that's it?", but where are all the awesome 3rd party games and where the hell is the actual PS4? Then MS asked whether PS4 can play PS3 games and wondered what the hell Gaikai is about. After all that many many more considerations, I assume MS decided not to make those same 'mistakes'

So there you have it, MS, IMO, was affected by the PS reveal.

Woah, you just put Sony in its place! Take that Sony! What you got now, huh Sony, what you got now? You got nothing!

You call the reveal of Sony as having "mistakes", yet the console has not even released to see any results or consequence to call anything from it a mistake. It isn't like the WiiU that already released and isn't selling at all, you could name mistakes behind the release of that console on the contrary.

The "awesome" third party games you didn't see and expected to see, well, wait for them, they will appear. There is a lot of positive feedback coming from third party developers regarding Sony's new console, so you ought to see those awesome third party games coming to Sony soon enough, can't say the same for WiiU when the president of Nintendo himself admits that developers are not looking at WiiU as a development option:

You seem to have an opinion that Sony didn't show anything worthwhile in their presentation. That is your opinion and you are free to have it. But let us look at you and your preferences. I bet you think that Sony and what they have to offer doesn't have anything on the Xbox360, Wii and WiiU, right? Or you think that the PS3 is a great gaming option worthy of having the upper hand against the Xbox and Wiis? If you think it isn't a great gaming option, that is alright. But look at the PS3 sales up there. It is outselling the Xbox360 and selling better than the Wii and WiiU combined, which means that the consumer does identify worthwhile content being presented by Sony. Therefore, this demonstrate that your opinion of whether what Sony releases is good and tight content doesn't go hand on hand with the general opinion of the consumer nowadays.

Your opinion of the quality of the Sony reveal is nothing to be afraid of, on the contrary, if anything it would mean that Sony is on track to keep sells momentum.

But don't shoot your gun just yet, there's still more to come, e3 hasn't even happened yet. Sony still have things to show. Maybe what they show will be even more groundbreaking than that shown in the reveal, maybe it won't, we'll have to wait and see. But the fact is that Sony still has things to show and you can't judge what you'll get from the PS4 just yet because e3 is up ahead and they will have a proper presentation there, can't say the same for the WiiU, I am afraid.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

walsufnir said:
dsgrue3 said:
Didn't they just say they pushed back their "April 24th" reveal to May 21st(?) because of the PS4?

I read this several times, yes. But this can mean two things:

1) Fuck, we have to change all our hardware, all our software, re-implement, re-think, build new directx, throw away old apis, write 360-emulator!


2) Ok, that's all? We have the same (perhaps more and better), so no need to hurry guys. We can comfortably delay our announcement.

I'm thinking option #2 but whopeful really knows? I think Sony going first put MS in better position, especially going into e3 only a few weeks later but going early also gave Sony more press for a longer time.


I just want to see the damn console already!

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Unveiling your system two months after Sony with two weeks to spare before E3 shows that what Sony did got to Microsoft a bit. I am sure they made minor tweaks but Sonys offerings caught even haters off guard.

Doing the same thing you did when you released your last couple of consoles shows that you are confident on what you are doing and your product.  SInce MS did not change how they do business with this console compared to the 360, there is no coorelation with your opinion.

AAA300 said:

Ps2 didnt have achievements or the online structure that ms has,they will want to keep there gamertags that they built-up!And if the next xbox has backwards compatibility it will help in the game drought that happens for all system launches the ps4 will lose early adopters to the xboxnext because of this even though the feature is not used much, people like perks and they sell systems! Theres a reason world of warcraft is still around people cant abandon there characters nor will they abandon there gamertags!

I do agree that your online id helps to keep consumers purchasing your system.  If MS does have BC then thats a added benefit because like myself, I have purchase a lot of digital content that I would like to use with the next console I purchase.  BC would definitely be a bump in MS favor if they can pull it off.  It allows me to sell my old system for the new thus taking a bit out of the cost.  I get to remove a system and replace it with a new one without skipping a beat.

Currently I have 3 consoles underneath my TV, I would not want to have 4 or 5 if possible.