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thismeintiel said:

@ OP

It's pretty obvious that this has affected MS's plans.  I believe originally they were going to reveal it at E3, hence the countdown clock.  However, after the Feb 20th reveal of the PS4, we started getting rumors that they would now reveal it in late April.  That got pushed back to early-late May, most likely because MS felt a need to not just match the PS4 reveal, but outdo it.  This will most likely just pertain to a few larger game reveals, as well as showing the console casing.  The fact that they settled on May 21st reveals a lot.  They weren't ready to reveal it a couple of months ago, but they still feel the need to get out an announcement before E3.  Even if that reveal is a mere 2 weeks before E3. 

I do think it would be hilarious if Sony has another reveal a couple days before or after (before would probably be better), to reveal some larger launch titles, as well as the console design.  This would take a lot of thunder from the NeXbox reveal.  Especially if some of the more negative rumors for the NeXbox turn out to be true.

Actually its not obvious at all what MS plans were before or after the PS4 reveal.  People keep forgetting that MS was rumored to have a reveal date in April Before Sony revealed the PS4 not after.   Also if we go by MS history, they have never revealed their Console at E3.  The Xbox was revealed at GDC and the 360 was weeks before E3 on MTV.  So it stands to reason that MS always had a plan to announce their next Xbox before E3 at their own event.

As for the may reveal, it was already rumored that MS pushed to May because they want to show the actual working console not have the same situation like Sony where twitter blew up because Sony did not have a console to show for their reveal.

As for Sony doing another reveal before MS reveal means nothing at this point.  We all know that we will get the full line-up at E3 or before E3 and doing to many of those just become a waste of money.  Not knowing what MS could bring to their reveal could backfire if they try to one up their competitor.  The ball is in MS court now since Sony decided to serve first so Sony will have to wait for MS response before they can effectly play their return attack.

As for some of the negative rumors about the nextbox, I believe people will be quite surprise how very similar both consoles are going to be as far as those rumors goes.  Already it looks like a lot of features and capabilities are the same between both consoles.  Both have a always on, always online feature.  Both have the ability to share gaming content and probably both will have some type of DRM feature that publishers can either use or not use.

There is a lot of information we do not know about the PS4 and Sony was smart not to talk about them before their competitors were ready to show their hand as well.  Really, Sony just threw some hardware specs out there and showed some demos and for some thats all that is needed to get their money but I would like to know much more about my purchase decision.