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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Over-rated/Under-rated games

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Michael-5 said:
Jay520 said:
Michael-5 said:

3 when Origin comes out, and 3 games in 4 years is a bit much.

However I'm not complaining about Batman, they have a good engine, and if they want to release it on PS3/360 with any reasonable amount of success, they had to release one this fall. This is nothing like Halo or Assassin's Creed.

2009, 2011, 2013

Once every two years. That's the norm.

Like I said, it's not too bad, but I consider every 2 years a bit excessive. Main Forza games are also every 2 years, and I think that's too much as well.

No franchise should have a regular interval of releases, when it does, I feel the the game is made because the franchise is popular, not because the devs actually thought of unique and original ideas.

Compare Batman to a franchise, which I don't consider milked. Zelda or Uncharted. Since 2006 there have been 2 main Zelda games, with 6 years between them. Yes there were also 2 fairly main handheld games, but it's a very different game, and it's a different audience. Uncharted as well, 1-3 had a 2 year dev time, but since 2011 all we've seen is a side game.

I know Batman will take a break, we probably won't see a new game in 2015. So in 2015, I might change my opinion, but atm it feels a little too much. However, I understand though, there should be a 3rd Batman, and it makes more sense to release a PS3/360/Wii edition using the same engine, then making a new engine and selling less copies for PS4/720 next year.

But you haven't even played the third Batman game. You've only played one sequel, which was a big improvement over the first (at least most feel that way). So your worries that the series is becoming unoriginal/creative are unwarranted at the moment.

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Underated: psvita, Valkyria Chronicels, infamous series, resistance 3, silent hill 2&3, Desu Ex, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Ghostbusters.

Overrated: Skyrim, GTA 4


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

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bananaking21 said:
Michael-5 said:

I appear to disagree with you. Compare Batmans controls to Devil May Cry, or even the notorious God of War. When you play challenge mode in Batman, and sting together a combo larger then 20, you really have to work for it, and you have to press all 4 face buttons. Everything has to be timed so well, and you have to play your next 2-3 moves in advance. I loved this game because it was so damn challenging in challenge mode.

Did you play Asylum, or City? I only played Asylum, and man I loved it. Yes the AI were a bit dumb, but the stealth scenes in the game were fun. Poping out of manholes to pick people up, knocking them out when no one is looking.

and all the gadjets, I dunno.


Question, did you like the Batman movies? Both new and old?

i havent played Devil may cry so i cant really comment. but on GoW i can say that it certainly isnt like that, atleast to me since i use pretty much every combo the game gives me and i play differently with each type of enemy.

i played Asylum and after that i wont play city. i know i seem to harsh but i just got burnt by the game bad. since i heard it was awesome i borrowed it, i put it in and really tried to get my self in the mood, but at every turn the game just fought against me liking it. to each their own i guess.

funny you would ask, at the point when i played the game i havent watched batman the dark knight, this game burnt me so bad that i disliked batman. when i watched the movie i got bored out of my mind, i just cant understand why people like this character. he is boring and his story is just stupid (IMO) i honestly do dislike everything batman now. i watched the first two movies (the new ones) and they are both more boring than the game.

Hm, our opinions seem to be polar oposites. I actually really dislike god of war because you me, it was just square square square, new weapon, square square, dodge, square.


As for Batman, do you not like Batman the character as well? That could add to the reasons why Batman just didn't work for you.

BloodyRain said:
Michael-5 said:

You should play city eventually. It tons of fun especially with those challenge rooms and all those dlc char like nightwing. I'm sure the goty addition has all those included already.

Too much on my TDL as it is. I'll get City if I manage to beat all my PS3/Wii/360 games, and not have too many higher priority PS4/Wii U games. City looks like a good game, but I'm trying to hold back on what I buy because in the past I've boughten games, barely touched them, and sold them at a loss. I don't want to do that anymore.

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Michael-5 said:
bananaking21 said:
Michael-5 said:

I appear to disagree with you. Compare Batmans controls to Devil May Cry, or even the notorious God of War. When you play challenge mode in Batman, and sting together a combo larger then 20, you really have to work for it, and you have to press all 4 face buttons. Everything has to be timed so well, and you have to play your next 2-3 moves in advance. I loved this game because it was so damn challenging in challenge mode.

Did you play Asylum, or City? I only played Asylum, and man I loved it. Yes the AI were a bit dumb, but the stealth scenes in the game were fun. Poping out of manholes to pick people up, knocking them out when no one is looking.

and all the gadjets, I dunno.


Question, did you like the Batman movies? Both new and old?

i havent played Devil may cry so i cant really comment. but on GoW i can say that it certainly isnt like that, atleast to me since i use pretty much every combo the game gives me and i play differently with each type of enemy.

i played Asylum and after that i wont play city. i know i seem to harsh but i just got burnt by the game bad. since i heard it was awesome i borrowed it, i put it in and really tried to get my self in the mood, but at every turn the game just fought against me liking it. to each their own i guess.

funny you would ask, at the point when i played the game i havent watched batman the dark knight, this game burnt me so bad that i disliked batman. when i watched the movie i got bored out of my mind, i just cant understand why people like this character. he is boring and his story is just stupid (IMO) i honestly do dislike everything batman now. i watched the first two movies (the new ones) and they are both more boring than the game.

Hm, our opinions seem to be polar oposites. I actually really dislike god of war because you me, it was just square square square, new weapon, square square, dodge, square.


As for Batman, do you not like Batman the character as well? That could add to the reasons why Batman just didn't work for you.

well you are the one who asked me why i hated the game but yeah its seems like a lot of people enjoyed the game sp i guess thats a good thing. though still believe the only reason some people enjoyed it was because its "batman". i really liked him when i was a kid, when i grew up i didnt hate or like him, i simply didnt care about him or you could say i was impartial about him, that describes it better. after the game i really disliked him and now after the movies and all the people saying how awesome it is while i see it as an abomination to good movies i honestly dispise him

Every single Zelda game since Ocarina of Time is overrated. Call of Duty by Infinity Ward is overrated.
GTA is overrated, GoWs 2-3 are overrated (Both GoWs), SSBM is overrated. Skyrim is overrated. Chrono Trigger is overrated, FF7 is overrated. And the majority of Day 1! Hype! exclusives.

Wii Series is underrated (well more under-appreciated because some people didn't like what it did to the industry), Handheld games in general are underrated. Pokemon is underrated, Dragonball Z fighting games are underrated. Well a lot of fighting games in are. But the most criminally underrated games by far are Nintendogs/Brain Age, we can pretty much attribute the birth of casual touch screen gaming to those 2. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

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Wow, some crazy shit going on here: Batman AA and RDR overrated... Geez!

bananaking21 said:
Michael-5 said:

Hm, our opinions seem to be polar oposites. I actually really dislike god of war because you me, it was just square square square, new weapon, square square, dodge, square.


As for Batman, do you not like Batman the character as well? That could add to the reasons why Batman just didn't work for you.

well you are the one who asked me why i hated the game but yeah its seems like a lot of people enjoyed the game sp i guess thats a good thing. though still believe the only reason some people enjoyed it was because its "batman". i really liked him when i was a kid, when i grew up i didnt hate or like him, i simply didnt care about him or you could say i was impartial about him, that describes it better. after the game i really disliked him and now after the movies and all the people saying how awesome it is while i see it as an abomination to good movies i honestly dispise him

Maybe, but for me, and people I know in person who enjoyed the game, this isn't the case.

I hate Superhero movies/games, I only liked the Batman movies because they were so well executed, and a good popcorn flick. I liked Batman the game, for the gameplay, and the gadgets. I really liked how someone actually made a violent game, with an adult target audience, which has no homicides in it. Actually, I think how they tried to tie the game in with the Badman series hurts the game. I mean look at Mega Joker at the end of AA, if Joker wasn't the villain, that would have been less stupid.

P.S. We are polar oposites on our opinion of Batman/God of War. I feel a lot of people like God of War because of a) tits, and b) blood and graphic decapitation (He ripped off a dudes head in GoW3!). Without that, GoW isn't as huge, and my support for this are the PSP iterations (which I actually like better then the main series).

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Wright said:
platformmaster918 said:
Wright said:
platformmaster918 said:
It's the first game to have a use for trophies (or achievements) in that it read your trophies for Infamous 1 and applied bonuses based on them.

You've never played a Dead Rising game, I'm afraid.

I played 2 on PS3.  Why did it do that on Xbox?  Interesting.  Well still that wasn't really a big reason why I think the game is underrated just thought it was worth mentioning.

I know, I know, I was just making fun of you =P Besides, 2 has some achievement that pop-up some unlockables, such as the Shaun costume from Shaun of the Dead. The original Dead Rising granted you way better bonuses by unlocking certain achievements, like a lightsaber or Megaman's cannon.

I've never played Infamous 2. I did play Infamous 1 when a friend lend me his Ps3 and he had it for free from the Welcome Party.

well then it is a bit different.  If I'm reading it right, you're saying Dead Rising 1 achievements effected Dead Rising 1 costumes.  Infamous 2 gave you extra cores and morality to either side depending on if you had platinum or morality trophies in Infamous 1.

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Otakumegane said:

 SSBM is overrated.

... D:

platformmaster918 said:

well then it is a bit different.  If I'm reading it right, you're saying Dead Rising 1 achievements effected Dead Rising 1 costumes.  Infamous 2 gave you extra cores and morality to either side depending on if you had platinum or morality trophies in Infamous 1.

No, Dead Rising 2 affected Dead Rising 2 costumes. Dead Rising 1 achievements gave you weapons for unlocking several achievements. And Case Zero carried over Dead Rising 2, though I suspect that one didn't have nothing to do with its achievements.


But it is nice when a game uses achievements or trophies in form of in-game rewards. Makes some of them actually worth hunting!