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Every single Zelda game since Ocarina of Time is overrated. Call of Duty by Infinity Ward is overrated.
GTA is overrated, GoWs 2-3 are overrated (Both GoWs), SSBM is overrated. Skyrim is overrated. Chrono Trigger is overrated, FF7 is overrated. And the majority of Day 1! Hype! exclusives.

Wii Series is underrated (well more under-appreciated because some people didn't like what it did to the industry), Handheld games in general are underrated. Pokemon is underrated, Dragonball Z fighting games are underrated. Well a lot of fighting games in are. But the most criminally underrated games by far are Nintendogs/Brain Age, we can pretty much attribute the birth of casual touch screen gaming to those 2. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)