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Wright said:
platformmaster918 said:
Wright said:
platformmaster918 said:
It's the first game to have a use for trophies (or achievements) in that it read your trophies for Infamous 1 and applied bonuses based on them.

You've never played a Dead Rising game, I'm afraid.

I played 2 on PS3.  Why did it do that on Xbox?  Interesting.  Well still that wasn't really a big reason why I think the game is underrated just thought it was worth mentioning.

I know, I know, I was just making fun of you =P Besides, 2 has some achievement that pop-up some unlockables, such as the Shaun costume from Shaun of the Dead. The original Dead Rising granted you way better bonuses by unlocking certain achievements, like a lightsaber or Megaman's cannon.

I've never played Infamous 2. I did play Infamous 1 when a friend lend me his Ps3 and he had it for free from the Welcome Party.

well then it is a bit different.  If I'm reading it right, you're saying Dead Rising 1 achievements effected Dead Rising 1 costumes.  Infamous 2 gave you extra cores and morality to either side depending on if you had platinum or morality trophies in Infamous 1.

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