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Michael-5 said:
bananaking21 said:
Michael-5 said:

I appear to disagree with you. Compare Batmans controls to Devil May Cry, or even the notorious God of War. When you play challenge mode in Batman, and sting together a combo larger then 20, you really have to work for it, and you have to press all 4 face buttons. Everything has to be timed so well, and you have to play your next 2-3 moves in advance. I loved this game because it was so damn challenging in challenge mode.

Did you play Asylum, or City? I only played Asylum, and man I loved it. Yes the AI were a bit dumb, but the stealth scenes in the game were fun. Poping out of manholes to pick people up, knocking them out when no one is looking.

and all the gadjets, I dunno.


Question, did you like the Batman movies? Both new and old?

i havent played Devil may cry so i cant really comment. but on GoW i can say that it certainly isnt like that, atleast to me since i use pretty much every combo the game gives me and i play differently with each type of enemy.

i played Asylum and after that i wont play city. i know i seem to harsh but i just got burnt by the game bad. since i heard it was awesome i borrowed it, i put it in and really tried to get my self in the mood, but at every turn the game just fought against me liking it. to each their own i guess.

funny you would ask, at the point when i played the game i havent watched batman the dark knight, this game burnt me so bad that i disliked batman. when i watched the movie i got bored out of my mind, i just cant understand why people like this character. he is boring and his story is just stupid (IMO) i honestly do dislike everything batman now. i watched the first two movies (the new ones) and they are both more boring than the game.

Hm, our opinions seem to be polar oposites. I actually really dislike god of war because you me, it was just square square square, new weapon, square square, dodge, square.


As for Batman, do you not like Batman the character as well? That could add to the reasons why Batman just didn't work for you.

well you are the one who asked me why i hated the game but yeah its seems like a lot of people enjoyed the game sp i guess thats a good thing. though still believe the only reason some people enjoyed it was because its "batman". i really liked him when i was a kid, when i grew up i didnt hate or like him, i simply didnt care about him or you could say i was impartial about him, that describes it better. after the game i really disliked him and now after the movies and all the people saying how awesome it is while i see it as an abomination to good movies i honestly dispise him