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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Software numbers for the biggest games on Wii U, 3DS, DS and Wii!

Smeags said:
Comparisons with VGChartz*



*Note that VGChartz data includes two extra week of sales data.
Note II: Keep in mind that Nintendo's data is shipped while VGChartz is sold. Still, interesting comparisons.

That's some mighty awesome data, mind if I borrow it for the OP?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Around the Network
Barozi said:
KHlover said:
Barozi said:
Smeags said:
Comparisons with VGChartz*
Wii U
  • Nintendo Land: 2.6 million units (1.86)
  • New Super Mario Bros. U: 2.15 million units (1.74)
  • Super Mario 3D Land: 8.29 million units  (8.32)
  • Mario Kart 7: 8.08 million units  (7.82)
  • New Super Mario Bros. 2: 6.42 million  (5.82)
  • Animal Crossing: New Leaf: 3.86 million units  (3.17)
  • Nintendogs + Cats: 3.28 million units  (2.99)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D: 2.95 million units (3.04)
  • Paper Mario: Sticker Star: 1.97 million units (1.45)
  • Pokemon Rumble Blast: 1.29 million units  (1.02)
  • Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon: 1.22 million units  (1.34)
  • Kid Icarus: Uprising: 1.18 million units  (1.04)
  • Mario Tennis Open: 1.11 million units (0.69)

*Note that VGChartz data includes two extra week of sales data.
Note II: Keep in mind that Nintendo's data is shipped while VGChartz is sold. Still, interesting comparisons.

are all 3DS games available digitally ?

All Nintendo games are. Some of the 3rd party games too, but far from all of them AFAIK


This might be a first, you actually replied to a comment of me^^

Updated my tables with +/- figures compared to VGChartz

Couple of things

1. ioi must be a very big fan of the original Brain Training game, as he's overtracked it by a million units.

2. We really don't do a lot of sales-type threads with hard numbers anymore... and that's a real shame.

So either Mario Tennis Open is selling like hot cakes on the eShop (which I seriously doubt), or VGChartz has it seriously undertracked...
It's probably a mixture of both...
And just to prevent confusion, there are a few Nintendo developed/published games that are not on the eShop (here in the US at least)...
Kid Icarus: Uprising is not on the eShop and I don't think Nintendogs+Cats is either...
And obviously Spirit Camera...

Have a nice day...

Barozi said:
Smeags said:
Comparisons with VGChartz*
Wii U
  • Nintendo Land: 2.6 million units (1.86)
  • New Super Mario Bros. U: 2.15 million units (1.74)
  • Super Mario 3D Land: 8.29 million units  (8.32)
  • Mario Kart 7: 8.08 million units  (7.82)
  • New Super Mario Bros. 2: 6.42 million  (5.82)
  • Animal Crossing: New Leaf: 3.86 million units  (3.17)
  • Nintendogs + Cats: 3.28 million units  (2.99)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D: 2.95 million units (3.04)
  • Paper Mario: Sticker Star: 1.97 million units (1.45)
  • Pokemon Rumble Blast: 1.29 million units  (1.02)
  • Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon: 1.22 million units  (1.34)
  • Kid Icarus: Uprising: 1.18 million units  (1.04)
  • Mario Tennis Open: 1.11 million units (0.69)

*Note that VGChartz data includes two extra week of sales data.
Note II: Keep in mind that Nintendo's data is shipped while VGChartz is sold. Still, interesting comparisons.

are all 3DS games available digitally ?

From that list nintendogs + cats and kid icarus arent, the rest yes

Around the Network

Wow SMG! Deserved!!!

sundin13 said:
Theres a pretty big difference in Wii U software numbers between VGC and Nintendo
VGC says 6.6mil software sold
Nintendo says 13.4mil software shipped (doesn't specify whether this includes digital)

...big difference >.>

DS software undertracked by almost 200million? what? I am misunderstanding something here?

The WiiU difference isn't surprising though.

All games available digitally (Nintendo includes that), so add at least 10% = 7.26m
then there are 600k WiiUs on shelves. ~75% of that are Premium bundles and that means 450k NintendoLand bundles on shelves = 7.71m

Difference 5.7m

Then think about all the tens of thousands gaming shops who need to have several copies of every WiiU game in stock (aren't that many games anyway)
The US alone has more than 10,000 stores that sell games. Not including Amazon and other online shops.
(1000 Best Buy, 4500 Gamestop, 3000 Walmart, 1000 ToysRus etc.)

We have 37 retail games listed (with sales), let's assume 5 copies in stock for every game at ~30k retailers (USA roughly 33% of the market to make it easier).
That's 5.55m games on shelves. Sure 5 copies sounds a bit much for let's say Transformers Prime & Marvel Avengers, but low for ZombiU, NSMBU or NintendoLand.
You get the idea.

Overall it seems like much but those proportions will go down over the years.
Software shipments until (Nintendo's) Q3 were 11.7m, so 1.7m SW shipped in Q4 with releases of Monster Hunter in the West, Lego City Undercover and several smaller ones + digital sales of all games during that time + 300k NintendoLand bundles.
Pretty much confirms that the initial shipments of almost all launch games were too high and retailers aren't ordering more games.

Just out of curiosity will the games where there are pretty big differences like mario tennis, paper mario and nsmb2 get adjusted. It seems strange that they would be left if we all know the numbers are off. Obviously they cant update everything all the time but for the bigger differences?

I would want to thank Smeags for that comparison but he already knows he's awesome..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

acdcste said:
Just out of curiosity will the games where there are pretty big differences like mario tennis, paper mario and nsmb2 get adjusted. It seems strange that they would be left if we all know the numbers are off. Obviously they cant update everything all the time but for the bigger differences?

Luigi's Mansion definitely won't as it just launched and therefore stores have just started ordering copies, so it's natural that the ship vs. sold difference is a little big bigger.

disregarding the examples for a moment.
In general the sales should be updated, but there is no real connection from the community to the one(s) who update(s) the numbers, so we have to rely on him or them to read the numbers him- or themselves.

We got a lot of Vita and 3DS NPD leaks for lifetime sales for some of their games and only the Vita games were adjusted, probably because the 3DS leaks were simply overlooked.

However since these are official numbers that are all over the internet, it's certainly more likely.