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Forums - Politics Discussion - Is Obama the Worst President that we have ever had?

Lostplanet22 said:

Well atleast he give us great cartoons:

Isn't that George W. Bush's Danger Colors and G.W. Bush ears, LOL.

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Facts elude you on every point.  Let's begin.


Healthcare- The status quo has America saddled with tens of millions of uninsured citizens costing the government hundreds of billions in funding that ought to be offset, with very little affect in overall corporate earnings, by employers.  Current healthcare law brutally discriminates against a massive swath of citizens (even the insured), leaving people with conditions that while easily solved by modern healthcare, are unavailable to them due to prohibitive costs and sticking them with a death sentence.  According to Mukherjee (A.B. from Dartmouth College in June 2012, double majoring in government and religious studies.), within two years time, healthcare reform will lead to-

Statewide health insurance exchanges

An end to insurance company discrimination against Americans with pre-existing conditions

Prohibitions on lifetime and annual benefit

 Increased access to affordable contraception 

 Employer incentives for offering workers health care benefits

Which means that ObamaCare in fact solves the worst deficiencies of current healthcare, doesn't have any public option attached to it, and directly induces competitive benefits and tax incentives to provide healthcare benefits to employees.  His reform leads to the private sector taking the bill for a current regime that is bloating the deficit and causing hundreds of thousands to die annually.

Debt- Given your writing, I assume economics isin't your strong suit.  Fortunately, actual economists and numbers exist to refute your claims, proving that Obama's economic policy has actually drastically reduced unemployment, inflation, and is leading to a reduction of U.S. domestic debt creation through low interest rates and attractive sovereign debt borrowing packages.  According to (citing Treasury reports and Noble prize winning economists), since taking office in 2009, Obama has created 1.5m new jobs, reduced unemployment to 7.6%, increased the S&P 500 by 96%, increased federal tax rates on families earning less than $450,000 by 0%, and saved the global economy.  Specifically-

Stock prices, which plunged during the 2007-2009 recession, have continued to rebound since our last report. As of the market’s close on April 16, the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index stood 96 percent above where it was when the president first came to office in 2009, and very close to the record high set in October 2007. The Dow Jones Industrial Average had gone up 86 percent. Both the Dow and the S&P 500 have set record highs in recent days.

The NASDAQ Composite index had more than doubled — closing on April 16 at 127 percent higher than it was when Obama was first inaugurated — but was still short of the record the tech-heavy index set in 2000 before the dot-com bubble burst.

Now, you don't need an Econ degree to know that when you increase capital gains taxes, don't increase middle class taxes, double the performance of the stock market and reduce inflation, that causes MORE FEDERAL REVENUE.  Revenue solves debt.


Bush Mistakes

I guess we could argue about what Bush mistakes were (there were a lot) but I'll just isolate a few of the ones I imagine are big?  The Iraq War, the Financial Crisis, and Bin Laden.  First, Obama ended Iraq  There are no longer combat troops there.  They are running the show.

Second, Obama stopped the financial crisis of 2008, saved the global economy from collapse in the wake of AIG, and stabilized global markets.  You can return to the markets analysis above for reference, as the DOW has doubled.  Additionally, he prevented the global economy from collapsing a second time by forcing the debt ceiling increase (  I don't have the time nor interest in explaining the debt ceiling to you, just know if we had a sovereign default, we'd be in a world worse than 1939.

Third, Obama got Bin Laden.  This is simply a fact- Bush focused on Saddam over pursuing him back in his first term, letting him escape to Pakistan.  Obama sent in SEALs and rocked his world (

If you think there are unsolved mistakes of these gravity, I'm happy to refute those.

Poor Poorer- Considering the aforementioned evidence that unemployment is down, wages are up, and consumer prices are stabilizing, I don't think the poor are poorer.  Poverty increased hard after 2008, but Stimulus spending and rock solid Treasury policy during Obama's administration ended that spiral.  As of 2013, poverty is decreasing at an expected rate.

Sodas- Factually wrong, unless Obama and Bloomberg suddenly did a Captain Ginyu body swap and changed jobs.  Obama isin't the Mayor of New York- he's the president of the United States.  Blame Bloomberg for the sodas.  Also, the courts halted the ban a day before implementation, so this isin't even policy.

Gun Laws- Hard to define failure when you don't specify your stance on the issue.  Obama, with a record high level of public approval, is still pushing for new gun registration laws, background checks, and fighting the NRA hard on assault weapons legislation.

Failed to get out of a war- This is already answered above in the Iraq section of Bush mistakes.  He ended Iraq.  

Gulf of Mexico- I didn't know Obama became BP, went underwater and broke the oil well himself.  Factually, this was BP, proven by BP paying out tens of billions in liability claims and hundreds of millions to new restoration projects.

Marijuana- It's not legal federally, it's only legal in a few states, and the President has no power over state laws.  As proven here, it's still not federally legal.

US Leadership- Wrong beyond measure.  Obama reversed a decade of decline of US credibility, in terms of soft and hard power worldwide.  He's perceived globally by allies in East Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa as a much more credible international actor, and is incredibly popular among international publics.  This was global reaction back in 2010-  Here's it now  

Obama has supported international action on issues including Libya, Afghanistan, and now is pushing at Syria.  Not taking unilateral action has declined the perception of the US as a warmongering actor and has elevated our prestige back to the level of the Clinton years.  

Credit Rating- Blame Reps in Congress for failing to move legislation Obama pushed before the downgrade from AAA, not him.  Also, we're still AAA in 2 of the 3 major international credit evaluations.  

Your turn.

End Thread ^^

So glad I showed you this thread Aria lol

About the unemployment numbers you should check Kasz's answer. It kind of annoys me that Obama would call the reduction of the unemployment numbers great and show his biggest smile while he know very wel that the numbers show not the truth.. 5-6 million citizens leaving the job market and becoming a burden for society is not good the chance of them seeing back on the job market anytime soon is also small..


First, unemployment within 5% is considered a standard control for unemployment analysis in political science, as we only ever see it below that in the most exceptional circumstances (WW2 rate below 2% for example). There are always million leaving jobs and transitioning to either new jobs or their own businesses, or choosing to leave the job market for other unrelated reasons. The extra values of 2.6% isin't a result of Obama's policies- it's the aftereffects of the 2008 induced recession which has ended. As the value decreases over time, your problem is mitigated.

Obama never claimed unemployment is over. He factually was correct in saying it's decreasing.

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Jumpin said:

Obama is actually the only good president the US has had in over 30 years, except for maybe Clinton. The rest of them were villainous and can even be described as disasterous in some cases.

I'll quote this from a month ago.

Lots of ignorant people blame Obama for the problems listed in the OP when in fact pretty much all of it can be blamed smack bang on the Republicans in the Senate for obstructing progress out of pure spite.

Lostplanet22 said:

Well atleast he give us great cartoons:

Everyone except the hawkiest of hawks knows that intervention in Syria will be a total clusterfuck. Caution is warranted, with the hope that all this "Red Line" talk will keep Assad at least from using the weapons on an easily identifiable scale.

For the moment, the administration's policy on Syria is the only sensible one: talk tough and hope it can scare them a little, but wait until we have no choice but intervention, hoping the whole thing solves itself (at least militarily)

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
Lostplanet22 said:

Well atleast he give us great cartoons:

Everyone except the hawkiest of hawks knows that intervention in Syria will be a total clusterfuck. Caution is warranted, with the hope that all this "Red Line" talk will keep Assad at least from using the weapons on an easily identifiable scale.

For the moment, the administration's policy on Syria is the only sensible one: talk tough and hope it can scare them a little, but wait until we have no choice but intervention, hoping the whole thing solves itself (at least militarily)

More or less the case.  It's like Libya... except worse to the point of where we'd basically be spending blood and money to put in a government that would instantly hate us.

At the same time, it seems inevitable... I don't see why else Israel would Suddenly switch sides.

Mr Khan said:
Lostplanet22 said:

Well atleast he give us great cartoons:

Everyone except the hawkiest of hawks knows that intervention in Syria will be a total clusterfuck. Caution is warranted, with the hope that all this "Red Line" talk will keep Assad at least from using the weapons on an easily identifiable scale.

For the moment, the administration's policy on Syria is the only sensible one: talk tough and hope it can scare them a little, but wait until we have no choice but intervention, hoping the whole thing solves itself (at least militarily)

I am not disagreeing with you, just put up the cartoon because it made me lol and also suit this this.  Btw lucky he did nothing today Carlo del ponte from the UN pointed out that the rebels are also using chemical weapons...


Psyberius said:
tres said:
Kaizar said:
tres said:
Is Obama the worst president ever as question by the op with a lot of fox drivel statements.

This statement is the answer to all the b.s. this president had to endure from day 1

(Republican)Toomey “In the end it didn’t pass because we’re so politicized. There were some on my side who did not want to be seen helping the president do something he wanted to get done, just because the president wanted to do it,”

There is no more statement that is as indicative of the state of the rapid toxic state of the congressional right.

Obamas problem is hes too freakin nice if that makes him the worst he is

My thoughts exactly.

And I'm glad I'm the only person who notice the Obama is too nice, always trying to give a chance to everybody.

But I think when he came into office that he didn't believe that politician where really that bias & political, but after 2 to 4 years in office he has finally realize that politicians don't care Bout the people and that they only really care about Politics. Better late then never that Obama learns what kind of people all other democrats & republicans & independents really are.

i joke and say i which his name was jerome more than barry.  after the first 2 he should said the hell with them.  i mean come on the republican senate leader said our biggest goal is to make you a one term president.  that doesnt sound like a party that would ever be your friend.  they really dont give a damn about the people of america.  theres only one group that would get stuff done and thats the progressive caucus unfortunately the republican block and corporate shills of the democrap party dont want stuff to happen

its amazing how people in country hate progress

Obama should dissolve congress and then he'll be able to get some work done without it being stopped by reps on everything.

IE Obama votes to save peoples lives caught in a freak vaccum by providing them air.  Republican congress: tables the idea for four years until it can be studied by a republican president.←this is basically what's being done.

What an idiotic statement.  You want to go back to having Kings?  (No wonder our country's future is hopeless when idiots like you actually vote.)  Do the rest of the country a favor.....don't vote if you don't have a clue about politics.)


Obama had the majority in House and the Senate for his 1st 2 years and he did nothing.

Obama now has the Senate and the Republicans have the House.

You are whining about Congress blocking everything when his own party is still in charge of half of Congress.


You are a brainless drone that parrots White House talking points.  "Everything would be fixed if Congress would stop blocking things"  Wahhhhh Wahhhh!


Alright genius.  Name something that Congress blocked that would have helped turn things around?  Cap and Trade?  (Good thing they blocked Cap and Trade because it would have raised energy prices in bad economic times.


Like I one thing that Congress has blocked that would have turned things around.  Prove that you are not a mindless parrot.


Quit treating politics like sports teams and sticking to your "team" no matter what.  The blame game gets old especially coming from a supposed leader like Obama.  True leaders don't point fingers and blame.  They lead and take responsibility.  Obama is not a true leader.


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