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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Deep Silver on WiiU and other next gen consoles: "No Wii U games from Us"

Player2 said:
DieAppleDie said:
What is Deep silevr?

They published Purr Pals, Get Fit With Mel B and Horse Life Adventures on the Wii among other great games last gen. Nintendo is screwed.

They also worked on Dead Island, Catherine, and they own the rights to Saints Row. Don't discount an entire publisher because of their worst games.

Anyways, I'm not even sure why anyone would be surprised. It seems a 3rd party drops from the WiiU every other day. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

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scottie said:

I couldn't quite work out what you were saying, I think you're agreeing with me and have worked out what the company is saying, that a) They will not release on any console until it reaches sufficient install base, and that b) at this point in time, they believe that the PS4720 will reach that point before the WiiU does. Now of course, when Nintendo start putting games out for the WiiU, they will revise that prediction.


As for launch being 6 months from now, that is some great rounding. PS4 will launch in late November in Japan, just like pretty much every console ever. That is 7.5 months away. It will release in the USA any time from 7.5 months to 8 months from now, Europe 8-11 months from now. 720 may release Nov 2013 in the USA, it may not. Regardless, do not expect this company to be making games to release on the 2nd day of launch - they will wait

That's some great jumping to conclusions. My comment was a general one since I am assuming they will launch the system towards the end of the year (fall/Holiday season)...October-novemeber onwards. You took that and wrote a paragraph about some made up time table 0_o different regions included! 

And no they are not talking about the size of the userbase but rather than having major competition at launch..and they are not wrong. Their problem with wiiu mainly lies with the nature of the userbase and not the size. They believe PS4/720 will have a userbase suitable for the type of games they are making as they did with PS360. This should be obvious as he specifically mentions the Nintendo market and "Audience". They don't think the type of games they make will sell on the system, simple as that

So not sure what you mean by don't expect them to have games on day 2..I never said so..I mean I can read and they pretty much said they won't be there at launch. They would get absolutely buried under all the other releases that we have this year alone. The point you seem to run around here is that they say they don't have any plans for wiiu but they do for PS4/720. Not just for launch. You are thinking too much into this..take the words for what they are

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

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hM.U.G.E.N said:
carlos3189 said:

Funny that you mention that, it's just like EA saying there was gonna be full support for the WiiU.. We all know how that turned out.

Just in case you don't get what I'm trying to say, Deep Silver saying today that there will not be support for the WiiU can change tomorrow, just like EA...


Oh, and what I said was that one game doesn't make a franchise good, specially cause those Franchises only have one game released...

I definitely agree with you that things change..and that's a good thing too. The current situation can change around and I do admire Nintendo and their capabilities once they set their mind to do something they can get it done. So I'm hopeful they will. Contrary to popular belief I do want to see wiiu do well. Competition is good for everyone..


oh and we had 3 Saints row games and another coming up soon. Check out their published games list

They have a good track record (with some horrible titles included of course lol)

That has happened so many times that I don't know why people make such a big drama with statements like this one...


That pretty much shows how irrelevant they are... Saints Row won't make people go crazy for any system...

carlos3189 said:
hM.U.G.E.N said:
carlos3189 said:

Funny that you mention that, it's just like EA saying there was gonna be full support for the WiiU.. We all know how that turned out.

Just in case you don't get what I'm trying to say, Deep Silver saying today that there will not be support for the WiiU can change tomorrow, just like EA...


Oh, and what I said was that one game doesn't make a franchise good, specially cause those Franchises only have one game released...

I definitely agree with you that things change..and that's a good thing too. The current situation can change around and I do admire Nintendo and their capabilities once they set their mind to do something they can get it done. So I'm hopeful they will. Contrary to popular belief I do want to see wiiu do well. Competition is good for everyone..


oh and we had 3 Saints row games and another coming up soon. Check out their published games list

They have a good track record (with some horrible titles included of course lol)

That has happened so many times that I don't know why people make such a big drama with statements like this one...


That pretty much shows how irrelevant they are... Saints Row won't make people go crazy for any system...

maybe not but saying its irrelevent is incredibly naive. People will be able to tell the difference between library size

carlos3189 said:

That has happened so many times that I don't know why people make such a big drama with statements like this one...


That pretty much shows how irrelevant they are... Saints Row won't make people go crazy for any system...

I wouldn't call franchises like that irrelavanet because 

1. They sell well..check the sales numbers

2. WiiU could use all the 3rd party support it could at the moment

And discussing things like these is not a bad thing..if we didn't talk about everything because things 'can' change we won't have forums anymore lol but the drama here is mainly because "I" posted this news here. If this was a thread by a nintendo fans people would be less hostile and would actually talk about the topic at hand

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

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Max King of the Wild said:
carlos3189 said:
hM.U.G.E.N said:
carlos3189 said:

Funny that you mention that, it's just like EA saying there was gonna be full support for the WiiU.. We all know how that turned out.

Just in case you don't get what I'm trying to say, Deep Silver saying today that there will not be support for the WiiU can change tomorrow, just like EA...


Oh, and what I said was that one game doesn't make a franchise good, specially cause those Franchises only have one game released...

I definitely agree with you that things change..and that's a good thing too. The current situation can change around and I do admire Nintendo and their capabilities once they set their mind to do something they can get it done. So I'm hopeful they will. Contrary to popular belief I do want to see wiiu do well. Competition is good for everyone..


oh and we had 3 Saints row games and another coming up soon. Check out their published games list

They have a good track record (with some horrible titles included of course lol)

That has happened so many times that I don't know why people make such a big drama with statements like this one...


That pretty much shows how irrelevant they are... Saints Row won't make people go crazy for any system...

maybe not but saying its irrelevent is incredibly naive. People will be able to tell the difference between library size

Really? I mean, not every game has to be on the WiiU, like not every game is gonna be on the Next Box and PS4... Same could be said about PS4 not getting Batman Arkaham Origins but it's only one game, sure people would notice but that doesn't mean they aren't buying PS4 for that...

deep silver might not be important but its alarming to see what other companies could potentially feel also...
good luck in getting 3rd party games nintendo

M.U.G.E.N said:
carlos3189 said:

That has happened so many times that I don't know why people make such a big drama with statements like this one...


That pretty much shows how irrelevant they are... Saints Row won't make people go crazy for any system...

I wouldn't call franchises like that irrelavanet because 

1. They sell well..check the sales numbers

2. WiiU could use all the 3rd party support it could at the moment

And discussing things like these is not a bad thing..if we didn't talk about everything because things 'can' change we won't have forums anymore lol but the drama here is mainly because "I" posted this news here. If this was a thread by a nintendo fans people would be less hostile and would actually talk about the topic at hand

1. Again, you can't measure a success with only one game released, specially with the transaction they went through...


2. Well, it's only been out 5 months and it already has a good library for the second part of the year... With Pikmin and Wonderful 101 releasing, most likely, this quarter.

carlos3189 said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
carlos3189 said:

That has happened so many times that I don't know why people make such a big drama with statements like this one...


That pretty much shows how irrelevant they are... Saints Row won't make people go crazy for any system...

I wouldn't call franchises like that irrelavanet because 

1. They sell well..check the sales numbers

2. WiiU could use all the 3rd party support it could at the moment

And discussing things like these is not a bad thing..if we didn't talk about everything because things 'can' change we won't have forums anymore lol but the drama here is mainly because "I" posted this news here. If this was a thread by a nintendo fans people would be less hostile and would actually talk about the topic at hand

1. Again, you can't measure a success with only one game released, specially with the transaction they went through...


2. Well, it's only been out 5 months and it already has a good library for the second part of the year... With Pikmin and Wonderful 101 releasing, most likely, this quarter.

1. You keep saying this but if you check their games you will see many sequels for many franchises....what are you going on about exactly? What is this specific game you refer to? 

2. The software releases so far this year on the WiiU has been embarassingly bad. First two months were pretty much blank and I don't think there's anything nore worthy in April or May either (heck not sure what note worthy stuff is coming out until Fall really. Injustice is coming out I know). Droughts could have been averted with better third party support, just admit it

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

M.U.G.E.N said:
scottie said:

I couldn't quite work out what you were saying, I think you're agreeing with me and have worked out what the company is saying, that a) They will not release on any console until it reaches sufficient install base, and that b) at this point in time, they believe that the PS4720 will reach that point before the WiiU does. Now of course, when Nintendo start putting games out for the WiiU, they will revise that prediction.


As for launch being 6 months from now, that is some great rounding. PS4 will launch in late November in Japan, just like pretty much every console ever. That is 7.5 months away. It will release in the USA any time from 7.5 months to 8 months from now, Europe 8-11 months from now. 720 may release Nov 2013 in the USA, it may not. Regardless, do not expect this company to be making games to release on the 2nd day of launch - they will wait

That's some great jumping to conclusions. My comment was a general one since I am assuming they will launch the system towards the end of the year (fall/Holiday season)...October-novemeber onwards. You took that and wrote a paragraph about some made up time table 0_o different regions included! 

And no they are not talking about the size of the userbase but rather than having major competition at launch..and they are not wrong. Their problem with wiiu mainly lies with the nature of the userbase and not the size. They believe PS4/720 will have a userbase suitable for the type of games they are making as they did with PS360. This should be obvious as he specifically mentions the Nintendo market and "Audience". They don't think the type of games they make will sell on the system, simple as that

So not sure what you mean by don't expect them to have games on day 2..I never said so..I mean I can read and they pretty much said they won't be there at launch. They would get absolutely buried under all the other releases that we have this year alone. The point you seem to run around here is that they say they don't have any plans for wiiu but they do for PS4/720. Not just for launch. You are thinking too much into this..take the words for what they are


PS3 launch: Nov

Wii launch: Nov

360 launch: Nov

Xbox launch: Nov

Gamecube launch: Nov

DS launch: Nov

PSP launch: Dec

PS1 launch: Dec

PSV launch: Dec


3DS launch: Feb

PS2 launch, Mar


That is just the release in the first country, if you seperated it by region (US, Jap and Western Europe) you see a lot of Dec and Mar added in there.


Consoles DO NOT release in October. the PS4 WILL NOT release in Oct. It will release in Nov, Dec, Feb or March.


As for me reading too deep, that's like getting annoyed at me for knowing too much. I am reading what they are meaning, you are reading only what you want to.