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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Miyamoto: give the Wii U time.

Max King of the Wild said:
Pachofilauri said:
Max King of the Wild said:
MegaDrive08 said:
Thing is if Sony or Microsoft came out with a gamepad controller first with off screen play you know damn well the Sony and Microsoft fans would say it's amazing and the best thing since sliced bread, but its a gimmick because it's a Nintendo console, the U is a cracking console and half the people who talk crap about it haven't even touched the thing, maybe I'm old school but i couldn't care less about all these fancy features I buy a games console to play games, nothing else.

its so easy to make baseless accusations.

no its not...

what where the comments when move and kinect came out?

yes, it is.

The comments were pretty universially that both peripherials sucked and would both flop. I bought the move thinking it would get stronger support with better games than it did and other than the sports game I think it pretty much sucks balls.

I didn't hang around vgchartz when those came out, but on ign, it was basically universal before those came out, and for a short while after, that they were the next big thing.  After a few months however, then people starting saying they were just as bad as the wii-mote.


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JakDaSnack said:
Euphoria14 said:
JakDaSnack said:

You haven't played nintendoLand, ZombiU or the raymon demo have you?  Please go play those games before making idiot comments k?

in NintendoLand, a 5th player uses the gampad to play as the "villain" like the ghost, or the guards.  while you may be able to play the ghost without buttons, the guards would be near impossible because you need 2 analog sticks, and your fingers would get uncomfortable without being able to use the back ZR/ZL buttons.  ZombiU uses the gamepad as an inventory as well as the main controller, but the difference is that you are not safe while using your inventory, you also use it for sniping and using turrets.  These are features that would be impossible for a tablet, unless you like set the tablet down, and constantly switched between a dual analog and tablet.  But that would be just terrible.....In Raymon, the single player mode has u switching between using buttons and using the touchscreen constantly as well.

These are just he beginnings, you are making an argument with no backbone because the only way your argument works, is if you have NO IMAGINATION.  This is just the beginning, if the DS was able to create hundreds of amazing games that utilizes buttons and a touchscreen and 2 screens, the wiiU can do just the same.

I would argue back and attempt proper debate, but the fact you go straight into insults shows me you're not worth the effort.

Spend a little more time in the VGC community and learn how to debate in a respectable manner and then we can try this again.


Your arguments are valid, but your presentation is lacking.

What insults? I said you made an "idiot comment" I did not say "you" were an idiot.   Anyways, if you are not willing to debate, that's fine, but please, don't make false accusations like that.

You start off and say I made idiotic comments. In which way is anything I said idiotic? My argument is valid. Off-TV play is not a feature to brag about with a home console. I, as well as many others do not see the big appeal of the gamepad and what it brings to the table. You don't like that opinion, which is fine, but it isn't idiotic. I have played these demos. I know how they control. It isn't hard for me to leave the house, drive 3 blocks and hit up the Gamestop in the shopping center down the road.

You then say that my argument has no backbone, as if I have no imagination. You even made the effort to place all of that in caps. How do I lack imagination with my argument? Tablets lack buttons, yes, but those are easily replicated in the small instances where buttons have thus far been required on the Gamepad thanks to it actually having multitouch capabilities. Multitouch alone also brings more possibilities to the table than the single touch would.

You could also just leave your phone or tablet on your lap. Why would it be on the floor? It isn't tough to pick up a phone/tablet from your lap.


Also, speaking about imagination and lack of backbone in my argument. I argued about how the tablets and smartphones usage on PS4 and 720 would allow you to take experiences outside of the household, which is something the WiiU gampad can not do. I also spoke of how some PS4 titles have shown this in the form of setting up challenges with friends, keeping up with in game car clubs, micromanging your inventory, etc... All from your smartphone or tablet while at home, work, on the bus, etc... another things the WiiU does not allow for since the gamepad requires the WiiU to be within range for it to operate properly.

All of these are ways to enhance your game experience without actually interferring with your gameplay experience. Without requiring you to take your eyes off the TV screen. Experiences that can be had without the need to actually be within the game itself. Interacting with the games when outside of the games.


Anyways, it isn't difficult to see the emotion in your post and the way it is easily read. If I read it wrong I apologize, but it surely does come off the way I interpreted it.

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re reading the statement... i think they have a lot on their sleeves.... maybe they already contracted some 3rd party that focus on their tablet controller.
i mean look they dont seem to be that worried and they wouldnt say that unless they have something to offer in the next 3 years (ok thats a stretch), but now i think they actually have something... they might just pull a 3ds on a wiiU


Max King of the Wild said:
Pachofilauri said:
Max King of the Wild said:
MegaDrive08 said:
Thing is if Sony or Microsoft came out with a gamepad controller first with off screen play you know damn well the Sony and Microsoft fans would say it's amazing and the best thing since sliced bread, but its a gimmick because it's a Nintendo console, the U is a cracking console and half the people who talk crap about it haven't even touched the thing, maybe I'm old school but i couldn't care less about all these fancy features I buy a games console to play games, nothing else.

its so easy to make baseless accusations.

no its not...

what where the comments when move and kinect came out?

yes, it is.

The comments were pretty universially that both peripherials sucked and would both flop. I bought the move thinking it would get stronger support with better games than it did and other than the sports game I think it pretty much sucks balls.

You will say anything that fits your argument, people were all over the Internet saying how much better kinect and move were to the wii and how the wii is finished now, anything Nintendo does isn't good enough for you people and never will be.


Rogerioandrade said:
Weedlab said:
sales2099 said:
Nintendo acts like MS and Sony can't release a peripheral in the future to compete......

But what they don't acknowledge is that the more time goes by, the more dated the WiiU will look by comparison. This aint like the Wii, where casuals didn;t care about graphics......WiiU is for core gamers, and in a couple years it will allready look ancient compared to PS4/Xbox

This is how I feel about the issue really. Smart glass and Vita for the win.

But there´s a difference.... in order to do the trick people would need a second device (smartglass) or a second console (Vita). WiiU does that with only one device. Will people be willing to pay for a second device to use off-screen play on PS4 and Xbox720 ?

Why yes, I’m well aware of that particular disadvantage. Nevertheless, if an owner of the PS4 or Next Xbox were so inclined, they have the option through those external devices. In that sense they won't be 'locked out' from the feature. If they chose to use their already existing devices or decide to purchase them later it is up to them, but either way, they do have the option to experience something akin to the Wii U and the pad. I’m inclined to believe most people who purchase either console won’t purchase them primarily for that feature, however.


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

Around the Network
Rogerioandrade said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Pachofilauri said:
Max King of the Wild said:
MegaDrive08 said:
Thing is if Sony or Microsoft came out with a gamepad controller first with off screen play you know damn well the Sony and Microsoft fans would say it's amazing and the best thing since sliced bread, but its a gimmick because it's a Nintendo console, the U is a cracking console and half the people who talk crap about it haven't even touched the thing, maybe I'm old school but i couldn't care less about all these fancy features I buy a games console to play games, nothing else.

its so easy to make baseless accusations.

no its not...

what where the comments when move and kinect came out?

yes, it is.

The comments were pretty universially that both peripherials sucked and would both flop. I bought the move thinking it would get stronger support with better games than it did and other than the sports game I think it pretty much sucks balls

Both were extremely hyped around media at the time of their launch.

I thought we were talking about sony fans not media...

Euphoria14 said:
JakDaSnack said:
Euphoria14 said:
JakDaSnack said:

You haven't played nintendoLand, ZombiU or the raymon demo have you?  Please go play those games before making idiot comments k?

in NintendoLand, a 5th player uses the gampad to play as the "villain" like the ghost, or the guards.  while you may be able to play the ghost without buttons, the guards would be near impossible because you need 2 analog sticks, and your fingers would get uncomfortable without being able to use the back ZR/ZL buttons.  ZombiU uses the gamepad as an inventory as well as the main controller, but the difference is that you are not safe while using your inventory, you also use it for sniping and using turrets.  These are features that would be impossible for a tablet, unless you like set the tablet down, and constantly switched between a dual analog and tablet.  But that would be just terrible.....In Raymon, the single player mode has u switching between using buttons and using the touchscreen constantly as well.

These are just he beginnings, you are making an argument with no backbone because the only way your argument works, is if you have NO IMAGINATION.  This is just the beginning, if the DS was able to create hundreds of amazing games that utilizes buttons and a touchscreen and 2 screens, the wiiU can do just the same.

I would argue back and attempt proper debate, but the fact you go straight into insults shows me you're not worth the effort.

Spend a little more time in the VGC community and learn how to debate in a respectable manner and then we can try this again.


Your arguments are valid, but your presentation is lacking.

What insults? I said you made an "idiot comment" I did not say "you" were an idiot.   Anyways, if you are not willing to debate, that's fine, but please, don't make false accusations like that.

You start off and say I made idiotic comments. In which way is anything I said idiotic? My argument is valid. Off-TV play is not a feature to brag about with a home console. I, as well as many others do not see the big appeal of the gamepad and what it brings to the table. You don't like that opinion, which is fine, but it isn't idiotic. I have played these demos. I know how they control. It isn't hard for me to leave the house, drive 3 blocks and hit up the Gamestop in the shopping center down the road.

You then say that my argument has no backbone, as if I have no imagination. You even made the effort to place all of that in caps. How do I lack imagination with my argument? Tablets lack buttons, yes, but those are easily replicated in the small instances where buttons have thus far been required on the Gamepad thanks to it actually having multitouch capabilities. Multitouch alone also brings more possibilities to the table than the single touch would.

You could also just leave your phone or tablet on your lap. Why would it be on the floor? It isn't tough to pick up a phone/tablet from your lap.


Also, speaking about imagination and lack of backbone in my argument. I argued about how the tablets and smartphones usage on PS4 and 720 would allow you to take experiences outside of the household, which is something the WiiU gampad can not do. I also spoke of how some PS4 titles have shown this in the form of setting up challenges with friends, keeping up with in game car clubs, micromanging your inventory, etc... All from your smartphone or tablet while at home, work, on the bus, etc... another things the WiiU does not allow for since the gamepad requires the WiiU to be within range for it to operate properly.


All of these are ways to enhance your game experience without actually interferring with your gameplay experience. Without requiring you to take your eyes off the TV screen. Experiences that can be had without the need to actually be within the game itself. Interacting with the games when outside of the games.


Anyways, it isn't difficult to see the emotion in your post and the way it is easily read. If I read it wrong I apologize, but it surely does come off the way I interpreted it.

First off I wanted to say that this was a much better response, simply saying that all the wiiU gamepad brings to the table is inventory/map, and then asking me what other features there are, and then before I even say anything you assume my response is "none." That is rude, and lacks imigination, if you really can't think of anything besides inventory/map/off-screen play, then you clearly have no imagination, and thus made me feel that your comment was idiotic and that you hadn't played any of the wiiU games.  My more rude comments were 100% based off of your last line and how you answered your own question.

Moving on.  You say that tablets don't need extra buttons, and I do agree, this is largely true, you can program buttons on the screen using multi touch.  However, there are some experiences that are just uncomfortable.  Lets take the animal crossing game on Nintendoland(you say you've played the wiiU, so I assume you have tried this game, if not, please tell me, I wont be rude, I just need to know if I need to explain this game to you)  But the the point of this game is being able to run at the other animals, with 2 different guards, and when near them, you have to quickly tackle them with the ZR/ZL buttons, it's easier to have your thumb on the front and your index fingers on the back, imagine having to have your index fingers and thumbs on the front?  Wow that sounds uncomfortable, and that is just one example of buttons being necessary.

You next move on to talk about being able to do things on the ps4 away from your home with the vita.  And I completely agree wtih that, however, unless the vita is bundled, not many will have vita's, and thus it won't be something that is largely supported, and even if it was, it won't have a huge effect on wiiU sales.

In response to what I bolded, you didn't mention anything from that paragraph in your initial argument.  If you said that in a different post that's fine, but I am only referring to your original response to my original statement.

I do agree that tablets and vita's can offer different experiences that the tablet, but I believe that the wiiU offers much better experiences by either offer a tablet with buttons, or by bundling this tablet with every wiiU and thus every wiiU owner will have a gamepad and all wiiU games will offer gamepad experiences.


Honestly the gamepad sounds cool and all but is just a distraction and useless in my opinion
I have my 360 in my room and my ps3 in the living room if someone was watching tv in either room I'd go with the one free and vise versa, no need for this supposedly revolutionary crap of continuing to play on the gamepad lol

I guess the gamepad could have some cool features, but seems like a gimmick to me. I would rather just use a regular controller.

Ridiculous. The second screen isn't that big if a deal. Sony/MS can already do this with tablets/vita if they really had to. Over time the Vita will become cheap enough to bundle as a second-screen if Sony needs it to be.