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Rogerioandrade said:
Weedlab said:
sales2099 said:
Nintendo acts like MS and Sony can't release a peripheral in the future to compete......

But what they don't acknowledge is that the more time goes by, the more dated the WiiU will look by comparison. This aint like the Wii, where casuals didn;t care about graphics......WiiU is for core gamers, and in a couple years it will allready look ancient compared to PS4/Xbox

This is how I feel about the issue really. Smart glass and Vita for the win.

But there´s a difference.... in order to do the trick people would need a second device (smartglass) or a second console (Vita). WiiU does that with only one device. Will people be willing to pay for a second device to use off-screen play on PS4 and Xbox720 ?

Why yes, I’m well aware of that particular disadvantage. Nevertheless, if an owner of the PS4 or Next Xbox were so inclined, they have the option through those external devices. In that sense they won't be 'locked out' from the feature. If they chose to use their already existing devices or decide to purchase them later it is up to them, but either way, they do have the option to experience something akin to the Wii U and the pad. I’m inclined to believe most people who purchase either console won’t purchase them primarily for that feature, however.


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS