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Rogerioandrade said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Pachofilauri said:
Max King of the Wild said:
MegaDrive08 said:
Thing is if Sony or Microsoft came out with a gamepad controller first with off screen play you know damn well the Sony and Microsoft fans would say it's amazing and the best thing since sliced bread, but its a gimmick because it's a Nintendo console, the U is a cracking console and half the people who talk crap about it haven't even touched the thing, maybe I'm old school but i couldn't care less about all these fancy features I buy a games console to play games, nothing else.

its so easy to make baseless accusations.

no its not...

what where the comments when move and kinect came out?

yes, it is.

The comments were pretty universially that both peripherials sucked and would both flop. I bought the move thinking it would get stronger support with better games than it did and other than the sports game I think it pretty much sucks balls

Both were extremely hyped around media at the time of their launch.

I thought we were talking about sony fans not media...