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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Miyamoto: give the Wii U time.

Also, Mr. Miyamoto, if the WiiU's biggest strength is letting someone else use the TV while you still play WiiU games, well, then it should have been a handheld.

You need to show why the Gamepad is good for games played while using both of them together and I am not talking about putting your map or inventory on your big ass controller.

PS4 and 720 will let you have those same things on your tablets and smartphones, which you can take outside of the house and still micromanage your stuff. Not to mention those tablets and smartphones capabilities far surpass anything the WiiU reliant Gamepad can do.

Also, if anyone thinks that devs can not design for that since it doesn't come packaged, that isn't true. Just look at smartphone and tablet sales. Back in October it was estimated that over 1 billion smartphone owners existed worldwide.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Well that's arguable, so long as there's games to play which actually use these features!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Sure thing, miymota. Rivals are afraid. They are very, very afraid.

Maybe you should realize that your tablet controller is not wanted and do something about it, eh?

Miyamoto is absolutely right, but the wiiU also needs games. Tablets don't have buttons and analog sticks, the vita won't be bundled with every ps4. The wiiU will essentially have no competition, they just need to show the consumer that it's worth buying. And until new games come out, it's really not worth buying.


JakDaSnack said:
Miyamoto is absolutely right, but the wiiU also needs games. Tablets don't have buttons and analog sticks, the vita won't be bundled with every ps4. The wiiU will essentially have no competition, they just need to show the consumer that it's worth buying. And until new games come out, it's really not worth buying.

Tablets do not need buttons and sticks to make use of the features the gamepad would have incorporated if it added features other than off-TV play. Tablets can easily replicate the Map/Inventory style we have been seeing so far.

Other than off-TV play, what features of the touchscreen will require buttons? I am going to guess "none".

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Sorry Nintendo, I have two TVs and 3 computers and a Netflix account with 2 people in my house... Off screen play is a rathe useless feature for most housholds

Euphoria14 said:
JakDaSnack said:
Miyamoto is absolutely right, but the wiiU also needs games. Tablets don't have buttons and analog sticks, the vita won't be bundled with every ps4. The wiiU will essentially have no competition, they just need to show the consumer that it's worth buying. And until new games come out, it's really not worth buying.

Tablets do not need buttons and sticks to make use of the features the gamepad would have incorporated if it added features other than off-TV play. Tablets can easily replicate the Map/Inventory style we have been seeing so far.

Other than off-TV play, what features of the touchscreen will require buttons? I am going to guess "none".

You haven't played nintendoLand, ZombiU or the raymon demo have you?  Please go play those games before making idiot comments k?

in NintendoLand, a 5th player uses the gampad to play as the "villain" like the ghost, or the guards.  while you may be able to play the ghost without buttons, the guards would be near impossible because you need 2 analog sticks, and your fingers would get uncomfortable without being able to use the back ZR/ZL buttons.  ZombiU uses the gamepad as an inventory as well as the main controller, but the difference is that you are not safe while using your inventory, you also use it for sniping and using turrets.  These are features that would be impossible for a tablet, unless you like set the tablet down, and constantly switched between a dual analog and tablet.  But that would be just terrible.....In Raymon, the single player mode has u switching between using buttons and using the touchscreen constantly as well.

These are just he beginnings, you are making an argument with no backbone because the only way your argument works, is if you have NO IMAGINATION.  This is just the beginning, if the DS was able to create hundreds of amazing games that utilizes buttons and a touchscreen and 2 screens, the wiiU can do just the same.


Thing is if Sony or Microsoft came out with a gamepad controller first with off screen play you know damn well the Sony and Microsoft fans would say it's amazing and the best thing since sliced bread, but its a gimmick because it's a Nintendo console, the U is a cracking console and half the people who talk crap about it haven't even touched the thing, maybe I'm old school but i couldn't care less about all these fancy features I buy a games console to play games, nothing else.


Ok, as much as I respect Miyamoto, I think that he went a little far with that statement

It´s clear that, while WiiU do provide some different gameplay approaches, there will still be a considerable number of players who prefer to enjoy their games on a more traditional way. Those are the same consumers who still avoid the use of motion controls, and will avoid the use of a second screen.

But, at the same time, as the games come, I can see a good part of gamers actually engaging the second screen. Games like ZombiU, Lego Cities Undercover and NintendoLand make a great use of it. If those kind of creative games keep coming, WiiU will meet its audience.

Saying that the competitors will feel limited doesn´t fit well the situation, because some buyers simply won´t be able to adapt to this paradigm shift.

LiquorandGunFun said:
sethnintendo said:
sales2099 said:
Nintendo acts like MS and Sony can't release a peripheral in the future to compete......

But what they don't acknowledge is that the more time goes by, the more dated the WiiU will look by comparison. This aint like the Wii, where casuals didn;t care about graphics......WiiU is for core gamers, and in a couple years it will allready look ancient compared to PS4/Xbox

Wii U is for everyone.  I like the second screen because I can watch netflix in my bed (I have the Wii U in the living room), play some games off screen while lounging in my bed (it is where I get most of my high scores in Zen 2 since I prefer off screen play for the game over TV), web browse (it has a good web browser and since Wii U boots faster than my PC I have been using it more and more for web browsing), web browse / game while taking a shit and a few other things.  So to state that is just for the elite hardcore crowd is a false statement.  Nintendo markets to everyone.

you mean it can do the same thing just about every smart phone and tablet out there, yes it does.

Most smartphone browsers suck. Tablets don't have buttons unless you buy add on which isn't supported by most games probably. You can't play Nintendo published Wii U games on tablets or smartphones can you?