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Euphoria14 said:
JakDaSnack said:
Miyamoto is absolutely right, but the wiiU also needs games. Tablets don't have buttons and analog sticks, the vita won't be bundled with every ps4. The wiiU will essentially have no competition, they just need to show the consumer that it's worth buying. And until new games come out, it's really not worth buying.

Tablets do not need buttons and sticks to make use of the features the gamepad would have incorporated if it added features other than off-TV play. Tablets can easily replicate the Map/Inventory style we have been seeing so far.

Other than off-TV play, what features of the touchscreen will require buttons? I am going to guess "none".

You haven't played nintendoLand, ZombiU or the raymon demo have you?  Please go play those games before making idiot comments k?

in NintendoLand, a 5th player uses the gampad to play as the "villain" like the ghost, or the guards.  while you may be able to play the ghost without buttons, the guards would be near impossible because you need 2 analog sticks, and your fingers would get uncomfortable without being able to use the back ZR/ZL buttons.  ZombiU uses the gamepad as an inventory as well as the main controller, but the difference is that you are not safe while using your inventory, you also use it for sniping and using turrets.  These are features that would be impossible for a tablet, unless you like set the tablet down, and constantly switched between a dual analog and tablet.  But that would be just terrible.....In Raymon, the single player mode has u switching between using buttons and using the touchscreen constantly as well.

These are just he beginnings, you are making an argument with no backbone because the only way your argument works, is if you have NO IMAGINATION.  This is just the beginning, if the DS was able to create hundreds of amazing games that utilizes buttons and a touchscreen and 2 screens, the wiiU can do just the same.
