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LiquorandGunFun said:
sethnintendo said:
sales2099 said:
Nintendo acts like MS and Sony can't release a peripheral in the future to compete......

But what they don't acknowledge is that the more time goes by, the more dated the WiiU will look by comparison. This aint like the Wii, where casuals didn;t care about graphics......WiiU is for core gamers, and in a couple years it will allready look ancient compared to PS4/Xbox

Wii U is for everyone.  I like the second screen because I can watch netflix in my bed (I have the Wii U in the living room), play some games off screen while lounging in my bed (it is where I get most of my high scores in Zen 2 since I prefer off screen play for the game over TV), web browse (it has a good web browser and since Wii U boots faster than my PC I have been using it more and more for web browsing), web browse / game while taking a shit and a few other things.  So to state that is just for the elite hardcore crowd is a false statement.  Nintendo markets to everyone.

you mean it can do the same thing just about every smart phone and tablet out there, yes it does.

Most smartphone browsers suck. Tablets don't have buttons unless you buy add on which isn't supported by most games probably. You can't play Nintendo published Wii U games on tablets or smartphones can you?