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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Wii is a fad claim revisited.


Was Wii a fad?

Yes 219 55.30%
No 147 37.12%
Hesitant to say one way o... 29 7.32%

Outside of the gaming community, yes it was a fad. The millions of people who bought a Wii to play Wii sports and wii fit and stopped playing after a year, treated it like it was a fad. For Nintendo gamers, no, it was just another game console that allowed them to continue playing their favorite Nintendo games.

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I don't think it was, but really, who gives a shit? Does the "fad" label somehow make it less of a success? Does it magically nullify Wii's 4 years of unprecedented sales, and it's influence on gaming as a whole?

TruckOSaurus said:
Max King of the Wild said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Tell me which were fads and which were not.

Just like when Rol asked me if the Psp was a fad I'll give you the same answer. I don't have the slightest idea or clue. I started following console sales inearly  2007. Among that as you can see from my previous console ownership that I didn't game last generation (I was busy skateboarding and playing what little games I did at friends house) and before that I would have been in my pre-teens. The only thing I can observe first hand would be from the Ps2 era because it obviously went through the period I started observing and I can get an idea of how the Ps2 performed prior to when I observed from what I've read.

In your OP, you say that Wii rushed to first place and then fizzled out quickly and that constitutes a fad.So I'm guessing that's how you define what is a fad.

The PSOne shattered console sales records in its first years on the market (much like the Wii) and after the 5th year it fizzled out dropping about 50% from 1999 to 2000 so this means it was a fad too right?

Ps1 sales in 1994 compared to Wii sales 2006. Beautiful comparison. As for my definition for a fad? It's been defined academically in an early post (If you didn't see it I don't blame you. I wouldn't want to read through all the posts either). But in the OP I gave a piece of evidence (fizzling out) as to why it was a fad. That clearly doesn't mean that it only needs to meet that criteria. I was leaving the discussion open for people to add and give their input as you can clearly see from the questions in the OP

oniyide said:
TruckOSaurus said:

In your OP, you say that Wii rushed to first place and then fizzled out quickly and that constitutes a fad.So I'm guessing that's how you define what is a fad.

The PSOne shattered console sales records in its first years on the market (much like the Wii) and after the 5th year it fizzled out dropping about 50% from 1999 to 2000 so this means it was a fad too right?

To be fair, people kept buying PS1s even after PS2 was released. Wii keeps dropping I dont see it being sold that much in the next year. Not saying either was a fad, but PS1 has more longetivity

It's entirely possible that the PS1 end-life might end up being better than Wii's but as a whole Wii and PS1 have very similar sales curves.

Signature goes here!

It most certainly wasn't a fad, unless you consider a fad to be lasting 6 years that prompted the other two platform holders to adopt motion controls. Fads aren't long lasting.

When people were claiming the Wii and motion controls to be a fad they were expecting the excitement to die down over a year or so. NOBODY called it a fad after 2008 because it became clear that it was a trend and not a fad in any way.

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Max King of the Wild said:
TruckOSaurus said:

In your OP, you say that Wii rushed to first place and then fizzled out quickly and that constitutes a fad.So I'm guessing that's how you define what is a fad.

The PSOne shattered console sales records in its first years on the market (much like the Wii) and after the 5th year it fizzled out dropping about 50% from 1999 to 2000 so this means it was a fad too right?

Ps1 sales in 1994 compared to Wii sales 2006. Beautiful comparison. As for my definition for a fad? It's been defined academically in an early post (If you didn't see it I don't blame you. I wouldn't want to read through all the posts either). But in the OP I gave a piece of evidence (fizzling out) as to why it was a fad. That clearly doesn't mean that it only needs to meet that criteria. I was leaving the discussion open for people to add and give their input as you can clearly see from the questions in the OP

I'm not attacking your definition of a fad, you're free to define it how you want. I didn't quote sales numbers for a reason, I only spoke of sales trends i.e. sales exploding then after a 5 year run dying off very quickly... that's the question I'm asking... does this trend constitute a fad in your eyes?

Signature goes here!

Trunkin said:
I don't think it was, but really, who gives a shit? Does the "fad" label somehow make it less of a success? Does it magically nullify Wii's 4 years of unprecedented sales, and it's influence on gaming as a whole?

Bold: Not at all... I've said many times through this thread all fads are successes but not all successes are fads. I don't see why people are so concerned with it being labeled a fad or not. I have always thought of it as a fad and I have had this discussion numerous times this gen. I made a comment in another thread about it being a fad and it gave me the idea to see if views have changed now that a new system has came out for Nintendo and the dust has settled. I thought it might have a decent amount of discussion but at the same time I didn't think it would prove to be such a hot button topic like it was in the past (ya know, since the Wii is old news, for lack of a better phrase, now.) But it appears I was wrong, It started well (on the second page I believe I was saying people who said no it wasn't had good points) but turned out ridiculous.

Max King of the Wild said:

Sorry, didn't see the post due to the flood of nonsense. I disagree with your introduction as I have demonstrated above about skateboarding. The evidence to support your definition is so obvious. People went out in droves to purchase the Wii due to motion and Wii franchise and not because of Nintendo's quality software or else Nintendo would have seen the same amount of success with N64. Zelda:OoT and Mario 64 are my favorite games of all time. Did Nintendo slow support for the Wii due to being stupid or because they could tell the novelty was wearing off. I would like to think that Nintendo is a very competant company (even with the Wii U blunder) and they made a business decision to stop support a console that started showing weak consumer support. I never used Wii U's sales but the direction Nintendo was taking the Wii U.

So you're making the argument that the factors that made the Wii successful were inherently incapable of longterm success? I don't see how you can make that argument. Take a look at the Wii's biggest games: Wii sports, Wii Play, Wii fit, Mario Kart, Super Mario Bros, Smash Bros, and a slew of other smaller games. Nintendo released these games and the majority of the Wii's games within the first few years of it's lifespan. Their support began to drop in 2009 and was essentially nonexistent post 2011. Clearly, the drop of Wii popularity was a direct result of Nintendo's lack of support.

The main types of games that made the Wii successful vanished late in the Wii's life. Therefore, it's impossible to know how they would have done if Nintendo continued to release them through the end of the Wii's life. As I said before, the data suggests that the Wii dropped as a result of less support from Nintendo. From that, it's reasonable to conclude that if Nintendo didn't drop support, then the Wii's sales wouldn't have dropped so hard, therefore not being a fad. But again, we have no way of knowing since those games stopped releasing. 

You need to demonstrate that games like Wii Sports, Mario Kart, etc. were incapable of seeing longterm success if Nintendo had continued releasing them. Otherwise, it's more reasonable to conclude that those types of games would have helped the Wii late in it's life. As for your question, "Did Nintendo slow support for the Wii due to being stupid or because they could tell the novelty was wearing off?" Well, many people, including Nintendo fans, would believe the former. The question is impossible to answer though; I can't read Nintendo's mind. And even if I could, that doesn't mean Nintendo is right. 

Also this:

"they made a business decision to stop support a console that started showing weak consumer support."

It's the other way around. The console started showing weak consumer support as Nintendo gradually put out less and less games that made the Wii successful in the first place. That doesn't make the console a fad - if by fad, you're referring to a product that was successful on novelty rather than quality - no, that's just product that stopped getting the quality required to continue to see success.

Max King of the Wild said:
Mnementh said:
Max King of the Wild said:

Let's compare Model T ford sales to a Honda Civic. Man... Model T's flopped hard... It makes no sense to compare the two and quite frankly that fact that you don't see that is alarming

Let's compare PS2 and Wii. Are both fads or none or only one? If only one, which one? And if you see one as a fad and the other not, you probably can explain what the differences are.

You are probably the most rational person in this thread so I will discuss with you.

I am not opposed to Ps2 vs Wii comparison. It makes a lot more sense than Ps1 to Wii (because Ps1 to Wii made no sense). As for if both were fads? I would deny Ps2 was a fad. It is still chugging on to this day. I doubt the Wii will be on the market 13+ years. The ps2 also never fizzled out as the Wii did (or else Wii would be near Ps2 levels by now since it was looking to break Ps2 sales at first) which I said is a clear indication of a fad as I've said in my OP

I really don't see the difference here. We don't know yet how long the Wii will sell, as it is not discontinued yet (Nintendo even released a new model). But the main point is, that both made record-breaking sales in their days and now sell by far not at the same levels. The only difference you make here, is that the PS2-fad lasted two years longer. But you stated it yourself, some fads even stayed a decade before losing momentum. So the somewhat longer time the PS2-fad was holding does not make a big difference for this discussion in my opinion.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

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Virtual boy was a fad & failure. Some will argue wii was a successful fad, but I still think its a preview of the future. IMO, the future will be Wii + Kinect + Sega 32x = interactive movie gaming, where the player is immersed into the game as the star.