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Forums - General Discussion - Dumbest thing you did in school/work

Went forward instead of reverse out of the mechanics shop with my mom's car... Took out the tool chests and $3,000 damage to my mom's Oldsmobile Brougham...

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One day I went to school and when I got there everyone was looking at me. I realized I forgot to put on my pants. I was very embarrassed. Oh wait, that was a dream.

Taking 5 years to finish my degree and failing a single course that prevented me from getting my minor.

5 years, 1 degree, 1 major, 0 minors. Sigh.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

One time I was running down the stairs in my school and my friend at the bottom of the stairs said joking "here comes that slow b******", the second I reached the bottom of the stairs I said "what the f*** did you say" and punched him in the gut with about half my strength. I knocked the wind right out of him. Unfortunetally the principle was right next to me and was pissed and I sent right to the principles office. Thankfully I away with it.

Another time I was in chemistry class. I was already failing the class and my friend wasn't doing to good either. So were really bored so I happened to have a ping pong ball in my bag and I toke it out. So me and my friend started to hit back and forth. We started to really get into it. Then we looked up and the teacher standing right there. He grabbed the ball, threw it away and started yelling at us. He turned his back and started heading towards the front of the room. Being the idiot I am, I reached into my bag , pulled out another ball and yelled at my friend, "Don't worry dude I have another one." He grabbed it and threw it away and started heading towards the front of the room again. And then I said something to my friend and he turned around and screamed at me "NOW YOUR GRUNTING AT ME!!!!". And I said to him "What the f*** are you talking about?" I have never seen a teacher get so mad.

Also there were many times when either me or my friends got drunk before or during school. One of those time my friend got really drunk before he came to school and he arrived during second period. He sat next to me, told me he was drunk, then I laughed really hard. A little later in the class he said that he didn't fell good and the threw up all over the floor. every one was in disgust except me, because i was laughing my ass off. He got suspended.

Gamertag: KillswitchTris PSN ID: KsET665 Wii Friend Code: 8415 6393 6330 0940 (PM me if you add me)
Feel Free To Add Me Tag: LISMDK - Extremely bad taste in music

I swear to god, this is all true:

High School, I believe my senior year. my first period class was directly under the second period class. The first period class was also on the first floor and had a window that opened to the grounds outside.

At the end of one class, one of the students in my class acted as my wingman to get the teacher to step outside of the class, while another carried my bookbag up to the next period class. At this point I dove out of the window of my first period class and climbed the outside of my school building to get up to the window of my second period class, which was opened by the student who brought my bookbag up.

I climbed my school. To this day I still have people who occasionally recognize me as "Spiderman"

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

<- Click to see more of her


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^^Grey Acumen, One of my class mates tried doing that. Only it was a one story school he didn't have to climb. The teacher didn't see him go out but the other teacher for the next class came in just in time to catch him.

There was a kid in the retard class at my elementary school who would say whatever you told him to. So me and my friend were having fun getting him to say swear words at other kids, which was damn fun...while it lasted, some kid ratted us out and we got detention.

Wasn't a big deal but it was pretty fun!

the dumbest thing I did in school was shoot some one, but in the end everyone laughed it off, everyone hated that kid even the parents.

apart from that, the dumbest thing I did was call a female teacher sexist, she was and everyone new it, had in for guys for some reason, but looks like she didn't like having the truth being revealed, got a slap on the risk though. lolz

being there when someone got knifed...SCHOOL...

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- - - > ¤ « ~ N i n t e n d o ~ » ¤ < - - -
Games purchased since December 30th 2006:
GBA:The Legend of Zelda:The Minish Cap
DS:Lunar Knights, Pokemon Diamond, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass ,Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Hotel Dusk:Room 215, Mario vs DK 2: March of the Mini's and Picross DS
PS2: Devil May Cry 3:Dante's Awakening, Shadow of the Colosuss, Sega Mega Drive Collection, XIII , Sonic Mega Collection,Fifa 08 and Fifa 09.
GC:Fight Night Round 2
Wii VC:Super Mario 64 ,Lylat Wars ,Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest, Super Castlevania IV, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Streets of Rage, Kirby's Adventure, Super Metroid, Super Mario Bros. 3, Mega Man 2Street Fighter 2 Turbo: Hyper Fighting,Wave Race 64 and Lost Winds

Wii: Sonic and the Secret Rings, Godfather:Blackhand Edition, Red Steel, Tony Hawks Downhill Jam, Eledees, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Mario Strikers Charged Football,Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Super Mario Galaxy,House of the Dead 2 and 3 Return, Wii Fit, No More Heroes and Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

X360: Spider Man
Resistance: Fall of Man





actually that wasn't really it...that wasn't blatantly dumb

Why not add me on msn...

- - - > ¤ « ~ N i n t e n d o ~ » ¤ < - - -
Games purchased since December 30th 2006:
GBA:The Legend of Zelda:The Minish Cap
DS:Lunar Knights, Pokemon Diamond, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass ,Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Hotel Dusk:Room 215, Mario vs DK 2: March of the Mini's and Picross DS
PS2: Devil May Cry 3:Dante's Awakening, Shadow of the Colosuss, Sega Mega Drive Collection, XIII , Sonic Mega Collection,Fifa 08 and Fifa 09.
GC:Fight Night Round 2
Wii VC:Super Mario 64 ,Lylat Wars ,Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest, Super Castlevania IV, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Streets of Rage, Kirby's Adventure, Super Metroid, Super Mario Bros. 3, Mega Man 2Street Fighter 2 Turbo: Hyper Fighting,Wave Race 64 and Lost Winds

Wii: Sonic and the Secret Rings, Godfather:Blackhand Edition, Red Steel, Tony Hawks Downhill Jam, Eledees, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Mario Strikers Charged Football,Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Super Mario Galaxy,House of the Dead 2 and 3 Return, Wii Fit, No More Heroes and Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

X360: Spider Man
Resistance: Fall of Man