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Forums - General Discussion - Dumbest thing you did in school/work

Haha hi guys first post here!

In High School we had a teacher that rode his electric-powered bicycle through our group along the footpath. So we tore a metal stake (stardropper?) out of the garden and ripped up the concrete footpath where our group was. haha he just rode around it on the grass.

They re-concreted it a week later.

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Hacked into a teachers account, opened her tests, and rewrote them all in "redneck".
Like, instead of:
"Name three primary functions of the heart?"
I wrote
"What's that thar pumpy thang good fer?"
And so on.
I was promptly caught; there was a huge uproar since I was a 'model student'.

Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

Dallinor said:
Dogs sometimes used to wander into our school grounds. One time we brought a dog (labrador) up to our classroom (4th floor) by enticing it all the way up the stairs with pieces of ham. When it got into the classroom we tried to hide it. But there was no place to conceal it. So we threw loads of coats over it at the back of class. Amazingly it didn't stir, (must have fallen asleep or something). The Buisness teacher then walked in and started teaching class.

Everyone just kept randomly laughing and smiling, and the teacher knew something was up.

Then at the back of class the pile of coats just started stirring. The teacher spun around and said "WHO IS IN THERE?" angrily, which made the whole class burst out laughing. Then the dog emerged from the pile of coats and the whole classroom just went wild.

One guy stood up on his table and started screaming "RUN FREE BOY!! RUN FREE!!!!" haha.

ROFL! That is ridiculous, I wish I was there to see it. I love dogs.

The dumbest thing I did in High School was make fun of a teacher in my yearbook page. I didn't get in any big trouble, but they made me apologize to her which was really awkward.

I my act is a classic, back in 9th or 10th grade which is like 14 years ago.
it was a science class in the lab room, dont remember its a regular class session or doing lab. I use a scissor and poke at the power outlet, amazingly I didnt get shock but sparks came out. The young hot miss got scared of my action lol, then she and the class started laughing.

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Oh, and I also let my friend tie me to a chair with tape from inside cassettes on the last day of 8th grade. In the end, about 30 people got involved, I had about 50 tapes worth wrapped around me, and I ended up being in the chair for about 3 hours. There was so much of the tape wrapped around me, someone had to get scissors and cut me out of it, because I couldn't break it. Some people actually got it on their phones, and there are lots of pictures, but for some reason, I don't have any.

In this one summer job, we had to mow lawns and our supervisors were dicks, we would fuck around a lot. Anyway this one time we were mowing lawns and the lawn mowers were at different heights so we mowed circles and designs in the grass adn when we got caught we just left. Also we would have to clean dorm rooms that were empty so we would run off and hide in lounges.

At school, the stupidest thing was to ditch class but me and my friend just hid for the period cause we didnt want to get caught. Wasnt fun at all. Other things, I still always mess around with my girlfriend at school, just hope I dont get caught or we're screwed.

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Grade 4 or 5 - Broke a ruler (with my name on it) in half and flushed it down the toilet. It clogged the toilet, they knew it was mine, I recieved the plumbing bill in the mail a couple weeks after that.

tombi123 said:
I punched a guy in the face... that was pretty stupid.

I also rammed my fist into another student, wound up with 3 lunch detentions, thankfully no suspension.

segajon said:
Forgot something, Junior High Basketball game I shot at the wrong basket, thank God I missed. To be postive I got the rebound!! True Story.

 I did the same, but I havent missed ... It was at the last second, my team lost because of it and it was not on purpose (I was not paying attention).

P.S. First Post!