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Forums - General Discussion - The bans in Jaywood's thread are laudable

theprof00 said:
ganoncrotch said:
all the moderating is fairly justified tho, guy just made a thread to point out a good deal online and people came in there raining hate down on xbl and its users. I never really got the dislike of it, had a gold account since it was first available and pay 12euros a month for WoW I really don't get the issue some people having with people paying money to use the service/game they like.

Kinda reminds me of when one of my mates who plays LoL all day everyday was giving out shite to another mate for buying skins from the store saying it was such a rip off charging for those.... took us about 2 hours of talking to him to explain that if no one pays for stuff from the store in a free to play game it would not exist for long. Don't understand it at all.

No, I completely agree. Trolling should not be allowed. I'm glad that this event seems to be an official signal of cracking down.
There's a lot of trolling that goes down here, and if I can take

"Still too pricey for what's offered. Zero dollars and zero cents would be nice, or dedicated servers for all popular games."

as an example of trolling, then I'm actually pretty excited about the near future.

I don't see how that can't be taken as trolling :D he is basically saying the service is worth nothing.

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Shinobi-san said:
Well the mods need to be prepared. This set a very bad(good?) precedent.

Posters were not allowed to stray even the slightest bit off topic....and then were immediately banned.

I don't think the mods thought it through properly, they are playing a dangerous game.

A thread with a topic such as that need not go off topic. It is there to inform Xbox owners of good deals for Xbox Live. Well known PlayStation fans strolling in saying it should be free is bad for the thread and every single one of them deserved the ban.

Good, strong moderation at its finest.


pezus said:
theprof00 said:
ganoncrotch said:
all the moderating is fairly justified tho, guy just made a thread to point out a good deal online and people came in there raining hate down on xbl and its users. I never really got the dislike of it, had a gold account since it was first available and pay 12euros a month for WoW I really don't get the issue some people having with people paying money to use the service/game they like.

Kinda reminds me of when one of my mates who plays LoL all day everyday was giving out shite to another mate for buying skins from the store saying it was such a rip off charging for those.... took us about 2 hours of talking to him to explain that if no one pays for stuff from the store in a free to play game it would not exist for long. Don't understand it at all.

No, I completely agree. Trolling should not be allowed. I'm glad that this event seems to be an official signal of cracking down.
There's a lot of trolling that goes down here, and if I can take

"Still too pricey for what's offered. Zero dollars and zero cents would be nice, or dedicated servers for all popular games."

as an example of trolling, then I'm actually pretty excited about the near future.

Basically this means that, for example, posts saying PS Plus isn't worth it are bannable. Or the eventual "PS4 is too expensive for what it offers"

Yep. This is great news pezus. Now you see what I'm talking about.

Somebody sounds mad:

I read the comments going to off-topic... but trolling? c'mon guys in no way these comments are trolling.

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You can't define trolling as whatever you want. It's very disturbing to see that an OP can define trolling as a negative opinion and that the moderating team would ban people for that.

But what's even more sadder is the thread. It should have been locked, and people should either have ignored it or called it out as a shit thread (a few people sort of did).

I mean, let's just taker a looser definition of trolling as "off topic". What exactly was the topic in the thread? What exactly was to be DISCUSSED in the thread?

Say for example that Microsoft permanently lowered LIVE's price. That's a news worthy story that has a lot of implication on Microsoft's business strategy and future actions. There's something to be talked about.

What exactly were people supposed to discuss here?

RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:
pezus said:

Basically this means that, for example, posts saying PS Plus isn't worth it are bannable. Or the eventual "PS4 is too expensive for what it offers"

Yep. This is great news pezus. Now you see what I'm talking about.

Do you guys want to turn this into a "who can get the most people banned" contest?

You're pretty much the king, so we can just give you first place, while we fight for second.

Carl2291 said:
Shinobi-san said:
Well the mods need to be prepared. This set a very bad(good?) precedent.

Posters were not allowed to stray even the slightest bit off topic....and then were immediately banned.

I don't think the mods thought it through properly, they are playing a dangerous game.

A thread with a topic such as that need not go off topic. It is there to inform Xbox owners of good deals for Xbox Live. Well known PlayStation fans strolling in saying it should be free is bad for the thread and every single one of them deserved the ban.

Good, strong moderation at its finest.

I agree but this type of moderation is a first and will need to be maintained otherwise its a bad joke.

Edit: I also noticed that the banning was more for being off topic than trolling. In that case anything off topic needed to go. Which was not the case really. Some people came in just to comment on the banning and actually flamed the situation (flaming) but were not banned.

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Mr Khan said:
It's not the worst thing in the world to continue the argument about why XBL should be free (it really should be). The issue was that such posts were off-topic, making a simple thread about a good deal into another flame war.

If those posts had been made in a "should we pay for LIVE" thread, fewer of them would've been equally bannable.

On a side note, i've really fallen off my game. Full time work will do that to you <_>

When it comes to such blanket ban-slamming, would it be better to just haul all those posts into a seperate thread? Or is it more of a case of "dont break the rules if you dont want to be banned?" 

As for the OP, to be fair I've seen much worse moderation. On the escapist when they had hideous flash adverts that crashed some PC's and some guy was recommend ad blocker on a thread to stop his PC dying from them, everyone who recommended it was banned. Yep, instead of looking into the advert issue they just raged. 

pokoko said:
"jaywood's thread" is half of VGC.

Probably more like 10%. Although that probably depends on when exactly you take a sample.