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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Gameplay vs Story+


Which of these is the better mix?

Excellent gameplay and bad story. (e.g. NSMB) 147 69.67%
Excellent story+ and bad ... 64 30.33%
Jay520 said:
bananaking21 said:

even though i did generalize in my previous post i shouldnt have, a mistake on my part. usually racing games dont need or require a story as the only thing your going to do is race and maybe adjust the car. its a genre that doenst require a story admittedly because the univerise or world isnt important, its all about the race, there are no characters or anything to tell a story. my point was about games where the univerise of the game is important, or when exploration a key element of the game're narrowing down the scope of games that should have a story. First you implied all games should have a story, when you said developers who make games with "pure gameplay" are just hiding the fact that story isn't important. Then you said all games shouldn't have a story; just those with a world or universe. Now you're saying all games with a world or universe don't need a story; just those in certain genres.  

You say "games where the universe of the game is important." I'm not sure what you mean by "universe" but if the universe if important, then that's probably because it's a vehicle used to tell the story. But there are plenty of games where it isn't about immersing yourself in the universe which are quite enjoyable. Still though, the universe is important in many games yet no story is required. Take Journey for example (this is based on what I've heard from the game; I haven't played it myself).

well i generalized in my first post, something i said i was mistaken about and mistaken when i did, coming to think about it though the only games that really dont have a story or need one are sports games (including racers). though some racers do succesfuly add a story (NFS underground2, crash karting game).

and by univerise of the game i meant the setting of the game, in killzone that would be helghan, in littlebigplanet that would be our imaginations or in red dead redemption that wild west back in 1910's. i cant comment on journey because i havent played it yet and i refuse to know anything about the game so i dont spoil it forself. and i honestly cant think of a game where the universe is so important and it is succesfuly immersive yet no story is required, could you give an example?

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I love a good story, but I'd rather have a fun game with a bad story than a great story with a game that's just no fun to play.

cyberninja45 said:
bananaking21 said:
pastro243 said:
Ive learned to enjoy both types. I recently played "To the moon" and while you could say the gameplay wasnt any good it kept me interested for the story part.

On the other hand, I can enjoy games that are "pure gameplay".

You just need what seems apropiate for each type of game or what the game creators want to express.

games that are "pure gameplay" are just games that have a shit of a story and developers/fans want to hide that fact, so they act like its not important

The same can be said about games dependant on story.

games that are "story driven" are just games that have shit gameplay and developers/fans want to hide that fact, so they act like its not important. See not that hard.

The difference being you don't need to have a story to make a game.

yes the same can be said about games dependant on story, but usually when developers bother with a fine story they sure as hell match it with good gameplay. the same cant really be said about a lot of games with good gameplay. 

and as a user posted in this thread the difference between a good game and legendary one is a great story

Excellent gameplay/bad story (or no story at all) is the obvious choice for me.

Excellent story/bad gameplay can easily be replaced by a good movie or watching someone else play the game on youtube.

Signature goes here!

Theres many variables in play. Its not a clear cut answer where you just push all those aside.

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When I was a kid I could choose to go to the arcades or the cinema. Guess where I went to waste my money.

none. I need good story and good gameplay, if not I dont give a damn about a game.

story comes last to me, I don't even mind if there is no story so I can skip the cut-scenes without missing anything important

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Nem said:
Theres many variables in play. Its not a clear cut answer where you just push all those aside.

Like I mentioned many times bro, I know that there are many permutations and combinations of degrees of story and gameplay. The poll option are there to challenge your value system. This far I think it's worked for a few people.

Cyberninja said:

What would you consider a bad story or a good story in a game? To me a story is only needed as a basic narrative as to why the player must proceed through a level or journey through a game, once that is established it is all I need to go forward in a game. That being said  take your exampe with NSMB to me the game gives you that narrative to proceed through the levels so they have succeded in giving you a basic premise to go forward storywise. If on the other  hand halfway through the 1st level you happened to encounter Bowser and get peach back then yes it would seem pointless to go onwards through the other levels.

The narrative in NSMB is a very basic, baseline narrative. It has very little of value. The worlds (which is another important aspect of OP) are nothing to be desired either. Mostly constructed of cliche design they have little to inspire. I'd consider that a poor job in non-gameplay design.

But as much as I consider that bad (and a bit forced, it's there just to be there), an incoherent storyline may make the game just that much more unexpectedly interesting to me, as it defies my expectations and would surprise me. But it wouldn't be intentional by the designers, so it would be an unusual positive side-effect to very poor non-gameplay design. That would be the exception rather than the rule.

Tough ... I've played games with great story and crap gameplay (Blood Omen 2) and games with good gameplay but crap story (RAGE). I'd have to go for the latter. I find myself playing RAGE now and again, but Blood Omen 2 I'll watch the cinemas on Youtube since I don't have to experience the boring gameplay. But both are important though.


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