S.T.A.G.E. said: If this is true Microsofts hypocrisy continues. They love buying timed exclusives but stopping the competition from doing it. |
lol? $ony and MS both bought exclusiev stuff this gen, be it timed or forever exclusive. Seems MS has just upped the ante and got exclusive stuff from someone $ony had a deal with this gen (aka EA).
I say that, of course, assuming this rumor is true. Which it might be for some timed exclusive stuff, the same we saw this gen. I doubt it's an exclusive game in general. Maybe this is something in exchange for MS allowing them to put Mass Effect 1 on the $ony platform?
Regardless, I am not shocked to see rumors of EA being lovey dovey with the console that is suposedly blocking used games. Madden 25 (aka Madden 14), exclusive to the Nextbox for $79.99. Also available in digital for $79.99. Always-online required. Must register for Origin and submit to data collection to play.
Sounds awesome.