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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 720: EA & Microsoft to announce exclusivity deal at April reveal – rumour

S.T.A.G.E. said:
If this is true Microsofts hypocrisy continues. They love buying timed exclusives but stopping the competition from doing it.

ehm... every company tries to achieve just that?!

Trying to get exclusive content and try to provide as much content for your userbase is nothing bad.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
If this is true Microsofts hypocrisy continues. They love buying timed exclusives but stopping the competition from doing it.

lol? $ony and MS both bought exclusiev stuff this gen, be it timed or forever exclusive. Seems MS has just upped the ante and got exclusive stuff from someone $ony had a deal with this gen (aka EA).

I say that, of course, assuming this rumor is true. Which it might be for some timed exclusive stuff, the same we saw this gen. I doubt it's an exclusive game in general. Maybe this is something in exchange for MS allowing them to put Mass Effect 1 on the $ony platform?

Regardless, I am not shocked to see rumors of EA being lovey dovey with the console that is suposedly blocking used games. Madden 25 (aka Madden 14), exclusive to the Nextbox for $79.99. Also available in digital for $79.99. Always-online required. Must register for Origin and submit to data collection to play.

Sounds awesome.

Soundwave said:

Sony is screwed if this is anything significant.

If MS wants to take Europe, getting next-gen FIFA exclusive for 2-3 months would put them in the driver's seat.

It is odd that EA did not appear at the PS4 event at all. 

I believe the FIFA license is given to EA on condition that it be available for all platforms.

I suppose timed exclusivity could happen, but it's extremely unlikely. More likely they'll make a new IP together, like Gears of War last gen.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Talal said:
D-Joe said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:
Talal said:
Why not create new studios with that money. I wouldn't be happy if that were true. I can accept exclusive DLC but full games is too much.

I was just about to write the same :)

It makes a lot more sense in the long term to invest in first-party software rather than lease some high-profile EA titles for a few months.

They already created 10+ studios

Why can't people just read some news before reply.

So is 10 the limit or something? I'm just saying that instead of doing that they could create more jobs open new studios and make new games instead of paying to get exclusive content from an old company.

There is "+" in my reply and there is nothing wrong doing both at the same time.

Just like Sony.

You clearly wanna downplay it,as usual,because it may effect your lovely innocent company.

Btw,how do you know they doesn't keep creating more jobs?from what i see they keep recruiting more persons for MS studios,unless you think every MS studios run by ghost.

DirtyP2002 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
If this is true Microsofts hypocrisy continues. They love buying timed exclusives but stopping the competition from doing it.

ehm... every company tries to achieve just that?!

Trying to get exclusive content and try to provide as much content for your userbase is nothing bad. is...I felt bad for 360 (only) gamers when the Assassins Creed 3 exclusive DLC came to the PS3. Timed exclusivity on DLC is a dirty tactic and in some cases it doesnt even work. Sony has that relationship with Ubisoft and EA while Microsoft gets theirs with Activision.

Around the Network
S.T.A.G.E. said:
DirtyP2002 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
If this is true Microsofts hypocrisy continues. They love buying timed exclusives but stopping the competition from doing it.

ehm... every company tries to achieve just that?!

Trying to get exclusive content and try to provide as much content for your userbase is nothing bad. is...I felt bad for 360 (only) gamers when the Assassins Creed 3 exclusive DLC came to the PS3. Timed exclusivity on DLC is a dirty tactic and in some cases it doesnt even work. Sony has that relationship with Ubisoft and EA while Microsoft gets theirs with Activision.

That's the point though. $ony wants you to feel bad for them and $ony wants them to feel bad about it. And then $ony wants them to go out and buy a PS3 so they can get content like that.

If these rumors are true, then this is definitely a big deal, not only for how it affects potential PS4 users, but also PC users (by tempting them to buy the new Xbox, even if they're running a high-end PC, due to a particular game that he or she wants to play). I personally wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft tries to secure timed exclusivity with all of the biggest FPS (Battlefield), RPG ( Bioware), and sports (Madden, Fifa) franchises, along with exclusivity deals with other Microsoft-leaning companies like Bethesda.  Mass Effect was one of the big reasons why I purchased a 360 back in the day (largely because it didn't release on PC until later), and I'm guessing Microsoft wants to do something similar this generation.

I do find these rumors strange, due to how EA has recently had a good relationship with Sony, but money can easily change relationships.

If true I hope it is DLC. FIFA is popular in my region, but on PS3. I'm inclined to think PS3 owners will continue with PS4. If EA blocked them out that would not be a good move. People would get the PC version instead I am sure - legally or not.


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

BasilZero said:
So this is where that news thread is ;p

Origin on the next Xbox confirmed!


  1. "just to clarify, the CVG story doesn't suggest EA titles will be exclusive to Next Xbox. No one has said that to me.

Even EA doesn't know anything about the deal.
Microsoft is dreaming again...or at least the fan who wishes he has some exclusives.

People are really two faced they praise Sony for the exclusive DLC they get with Destiny and then turn around and treat MS like they are evil for doing the same thing? It's a damn business their first priority is to make money and lot's of it. If that means doing an exclusive or timed exclusive deal then they will do it. Contrary to what Sony fans on the internet lead you to believe Sony is out to make money just like MS and Nintendo and every other company in the world. Only difference MS is making tons of money and Sony isn't.