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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Challenge: Say one positive thing about the big-3 companies you favor less, as they are today

Being a Nintendo fan, I'll say one positive thing about Sony and one positive thing about Microsoft.


Dedicated to catering to the core market, and releasing new intellectual properties. Made some of the most appealing series this gen like Uncharted and the Team Ico games. Its PS3 hosts one of the freshest new games of the generation: Ni No Kuni.

Their product design is always cool and sleek, and they are a very competitive company.



They know how to cater to the greater market and are part of the cyber companies that market to the general population with products like Bing, Windows, Bing Maps, Office, and a slew of products that help people with their day to day productivity.

They carved their way into a very competitive market, and were able to get the favor of the US and UK markets. They also pushed the popularization of the FPS genre thanks to Halo.


Extra Rules...

  • Guys, points about the consoles as they are today, and points that make them look good, not bad.
  • If you can't fulfill the challenge just push yourself harder or don't post, otherwise I'm getting this thread locked due to bad quality.



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Well i'm a Pepsi fan so: Coca-Cola is ok too.

Nintendo: They are committed to making games for everyone, as well as strengthening their all ready established IPs with constant new releases for the fans.

Sony: They pump out a lot of retail exclusives and PS Plus has value to it.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Microsoft-You have good online and the best shooters.

Sony-You have good 3rd parties. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)


You are Marketing geniuses. Good god @ your first week openings for exclusive franchises and your dominance in the United States over the HD-competition.


You don't really put out much that I like, but somehow you find a way to get my money anyway. (Motion control, Zelda, Mario Kart, Super Smash). Iconic franchises that withstand the sands of time are your forte and I salute you.

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I like Halo and Gears co-op and they made Sony lower their prices sooner I suppose

I have nothing but admiration for Nintendo. They're a pillar in the industry that we need. They have classic franchises in classic genres that keep those genres in the spotlight along with all the shooters which I can't thank them enough for. Their platformers are amazing and as my name suggests that means a lot to me. Will pick up a WiiU when I can find one for $200 or maybe $250

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

Microsoft: Best multiplayer console, Halo and Fable were pretty great, Trials is really fun

PSN: Osc89

NNID: Oscar89

I appreciate Microsoft for taking online gaming & online gaming features to the forefront, because I know that the Japanese in general are pretty terrible with setting up and running online infrastructures.  So I'm glad MS was there to show everyone how it's supposed to be done.  No one should take that aspect away from Microsoft.

Also, as side, Microsoft are marketing geniuses.  I mean, look at how they caused many people to buy a product that doesn't even really work (Kinect).

Nintendo: Nintendo Directs are always fun to watch and epic... "Ret's rook at the diffarant gamepray styres in Nintendo Rand! There are singre prayer and murtiprayer attractions as werr!"

Microsoft: They really know how to market their games and hardware. They managed to become relevant out of nowhere.

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey

you changed my youth in quite a good way. loved to play mario and zelda back then und loved the ds, too. wii didn't work for me, though.

for making psx so i could play ff7 and ff9. also spent a lot time with gran turismo. and thanks for inventing the walkman!