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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Challenge: Say one positive thing about the big-3 companies you favor less, as they are today

Microsoft: Though I dislike it personally, Live was brilliant from a profit standpoint. Microsoft is committed to keeping Halo at the top of the food chain. A lot of what they did at the start of this generation with online and indie developers changed the industry for the better.

Nintendo: It's awesome for kids--and no, that's not a slight, it's the honest truth. Due to being video-games only, Nintendo also has a simpler, more direct vibe, where the people in charge interact with their customers. Reggie makes me crave BBQ ribs.

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The console to go to if you like shooters and online gaming.

I'm gonna be honest. I don't have anything positive to say, i would be a liar if i said so. That's just me

Sony: They make good components for the iPhone.
MicroSoft: Windows Phone 8 is pretty cool.... oh, I almost forgot about Halo.


i have nothing positive to say about PC, Sony, and Nintendo.


sales2099 said:
Nintendo: They are committed to making games for everyone, as well as strengthening their all ready established IPs with constant new releases for the fans.

Sony: They pump out a lot of retail exclusives and PS Plus has value to it.

that looked like it hurt

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Sony is easy. Despite not being interested in their products, I do like Sony.

I already quit, though, because I'm drawing a blank on Microsoft.

ghettoglamour said:
Nintendo: Nintendo Directs are always fun to watch and epic... "Ret's rook at the diffarant gamepray styres in Nintendo Rand! There are singre prayer and murtiprayer attractions as werr!"

Microsoft: They really know how to market their games and hardware. They managed to become relevant out of nowhere.

I love Iwata's hand motion before a video starts too "take a look *bows and with overexagerrated hand extension*"

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

Deyon said:

The console to go to if you like shooters and online gaming.

I'm gonna be honest. I don't have anything positive to say, i would be a liar if i said so. That's just me

how about they revitalized gaming in the 80s?  Even if you hate their franchises (which I don't get how you could other than NSMB and Mario Party maybe) you gotta admit that they helped the industry as a whole then.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

ghettoglamour said:
Nintendo: Nintendo Directs are always fun to watch and epic... "Ret's rook at the diffarant gamepray styres in Nintendo Rand! There are singre prayer and murtiprayer attractions as werr!"

Microsoft: They really know how to market their games and hardware. They managed to become relevant out of nowhere.

Hey, that's not positive! That's just hilarious mean.

Sony: well they have team Ico that makes games that I want

MS: Good 3rd party games I can get without getting a PS3 plus some good 1rst party games

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(