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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Challenge: Say one positive thing about the big-3 companies you favor less, as they are today

platformmaster918 said:

how about they revitalized gaming in the 80s?  Even if you hate their franchises (which I don't get how you could other than NSMB and Mario Party maybe) you gotta admit that they helped the industry as a whole then.

To each his own...

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ummm ahh well ahh ummm well u know 

Nintendo: miyamoto's laugh

Microsoft: hmm, Windows 7

Turkish said:
Nintendo: miyamoto's laugh

Microsoft: hmm, Windows 7

But... but... I thought you liked Zelda?!

Deyon said:

The console to go to if you like shooters and online gaming.

I'm gonna be honest. I don't have anything positive to say, i would be a liar if i said so. That's just me

So you have nothing positive to say, at all? Even if you don't like the franchises, you've got to admire the company for bringing gaming back, and it's pretty much a certainty that without them, gaming wouldn't be what it is today, and it would never be the same without them.

There's a good point, you can steal that one if you like!


Anyway, as for MS, I appreciate their attempts to mix things up with Kinect, even if I'm not a fan of the device itself.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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What's sad is that this would be considered a challenge here ...

Microsoft - Great big games, diverse services and good alternative to snoopy Google.

Nintendo - Fantastic, family friendly games and innovative gaming interfaces. Protector of the old ways.

Sony - Great technology, diverse portfolio of first party releases and stubbornly resilient.

There. I said something good about the big 3 and it wasn't remotely hard. Because I'm not a fanboy.

Microsoft: xbox truly was the superior console early on in the gen, I had countless hours of fun with Halo 3.

Nintendo: I've bought almost all of their products in the last 15 years or so, I just love their games too much not to. Pokemon is one of my favorite game series ever.

Darth Tigris said:
What's sad is that this would be considered a challenge here ...

Microsoft - Great big games, diverse services and good alternative to snoopy Google.

Nintendo - Fantastic, family friendly games and innovative gaming interfaces. Protector of the old ways.

Sony - Great technology, diverse portfolio of first party releases and stubbornly resilient.

There. I said something good about the big 3 and it wasn't remotely hard. Because I'm not a fanboy.

Don't bash, it is hard for some people whether you like it or not.

But good contributions.

Microsoft: Have some pretty intresting XBLA that I would love to play.

Nintendo: Donkey Kong serie. Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

Darth Tigris said:
What's sad is that this would be considered a challenge here ...

Microsoft - Great big games, diverse services and good alternative to snoopy Google.

Nintendo - Fantastic, family friendly games and innovative gaming interfaces. Protector of the old ways.

Sony - Great technology, diverse portfolio of first party releases and stubbornly resilient.

There. I said something good about the big 3 and it wasn't remotely hard. Because I'm not a fanboy.

You need only look up a few posts to see this it is genuinly hard for some people, and that there's a lot of "fake" nice things swirling around.

How on Earth it's hard to at least respect all companies baffles me.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.