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Being a Nintendo fan, I'll say one positive thing about Sony and one positive thing about Microsoft.


Dedicated to catering to the core market, and releasing new intellectual properties. Made some of the most appealing series this gen like Uncharted and the Team Ico games. Its PS3 hosts one of the freshest new games of the generation: Ni No Kuni.

Their product design is always cool and sleek, and they are a very competitive company.



They know how to cater to the greater market and are part of the cyber companies that market to the general population with products like Bing, Windows, Bing Maps, Office, and a slew of products that help people with their day to day productivity.

They carved their way into a very competitive market, and were able to get the favor of the US and UK markets. They also pushed the popularization of the FPS genre thanks to Halo.


Extra Rules...

  • Guys, points about the consoles as they are today, and points that make them look good, not bad.
  • If you can't fulfill the challenge just push yourself harder or don't post, otherwise I'm getting this thread locked due to bad quality.