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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is anybody annoyed by the Kaz avatars

Man I love this thread! hahaha every time I see his Asian face I can't stop laughing!!!! XD

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pezus said:
tonymarraffa said:
They don't bother me but with so many people having them it becoming very unoriginal.

Dolphins are unoriginal! HappyD is a dolphin

Well that's 2 people not 20 lol

Jay520 said:
slowmo said:

Its a bit like getting a tattoo done on instinct though, its all cool now but down the line you're going to be looking at yourselves thinking you look a bit of a tit with hindsight.  I find it funny just in a different way, I can't see Kaz being in charge in 18 months time at Sony.

The good thing about jokes is they don't have to be permanently funny. Temporary amusement is well worth it for most people.

A good joke is timeless.  I'm not most people, apologies for being a individual.

Feels as cancerous as the Piplup breakout.

That ps meeting thread is very interesting indeed...about 20 users posting endless kaz gifs. I can almost picture them all masterbating as they post them...kinda like a circle jerk. Anyone else feel this way?

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slowmo said:

A good joke is timeless.  I'm not most people, apologies for being a individual

What are you apologizing for?

Yes, the best jokes are timeless. But jokes that are only funny for a limited duration are still funny, so they are worth the effort. At least until they stop being funny.

Annoyed? No. Although I hope Kaz isn't seeing this. I'd be uncomfortable if I were him.

Doesn't bother me, what does is that those that have kaz icons are dorks lol
Kinda Makes me feel happy I'm not one


-Mr Khan

I associate anyone with a kazatar as being an Asian person. It's not annoying as much as confounding that I racially identify anonymous ppl.

slowmo said:
Jay520 said:
slowmo said:

Its a bit like getting a tattoo done on instinct though, its all cool now but down the line you're going to be looking at yourselves thinking you look a bit of a tit with hindsight.  I find it funny just in a different way, I can't see Kaz being in charge in 18 months time at Sony.

The good thing about jokes is they don't have to be permanently funny. Temporary amusement is well worth it for most people.

A good joke is timeless.  I'm not most people, apologies for being a individual.

I don't think anyone expects internet memes to be timeless, that's kind of the whole point of them. They are a captured essence of something that is raging at that time, they are effectively time litimted jokes by nature.

I find most memes to be stupid or I don't understand the references since I haven't seen that particular show, movie etc or played the right game or heard the right song.

Some memes are funny though, my favourite is Joseph Ducreux for some reason, I love playing with language and text. I still consider myself an individual though.

I don't understand this particular meme, to be honest, I haven't updated myself on gaming related news for a couple of weeks, what amuses me is the fact that people are actually annoyed by avatars and gifs and the fact that some of the people who damn them are using these themselves. Is it overly mature and smart humor? No, but neither are farts. I do love farts though.

PS: Claiming that you're not "most people" and sporting Master Chief as an avatar is somewhat of a strange thing to witness.