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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Pics from Wii version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

I don't think it looks that bad actually, at least miles ahead of the abhorrent Alone In The Dark screens which were a disgrace to the whole industry.

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Looks like Jedi Knight 2...

Which is good and bad...

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

the game looks better then i thought but it could still use some fixing and i hope it plays well

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

BenKenobi88 said:
Looks like Jedi Knight 2...

Which is good and bad...

Yeah, I agree... Jedi Knight 2 was a great game, but it's also many years old, and they should be able to do better.  We'll see.  I honestly doubt I'll buy either version of this game.

To heck with the graphics. They could make it look like Lego Star Wars. If the controls are done correctly, the wii version will be the definitive version.

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I especially like the way some people are always trying to find new ways of saying "Wii iz d00med coz the gfx are last gen!@#" without saying that.


They'll touch up the graphics some more before its released, as long as it plays well that's all I need. Also Wii has 2 player duel mode which no other version has so it will be sweet.

Nintendo still doomed?
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This is the type of game that all the PS3 owners will be like "all you'll be doing is flailing your arms around, while I'll be looking at something more real than real life. Also, I can use the force simply by pushing the SIXAXIS forward. PS3 for the win."

Then the 360 owners will be like "ha, that's nothing. All you guys are doing is waggling all the time. It gets really boring always having to waggle your arms around just to do a combo. Also, the 360 version has the best combos, my favorite is X+X+Y+B+Right trigger = Jump Jump, swing lightsabor, block, forcepower!"

Then the Wii owers will be like, "Our hands are our weapons."

And the PS2 people will be saying, "Shut the fuck up guys. Damn."

The GameCubers will cry because they did not get a version.

"You don't play graphics, you look at them."


I win this thread.

I've been looking forward to this game for a while I'm picking it up, actually with it being a 360/PS3 game first then the Wii thrown in there last the graphics are pretty damn good and they still have 4 months to touch up on things, looks amazing and from the controls I heard about on IGN it's exactly what I described to my friend I wanted the controls to be so I'm sure it'll be great, cheers!

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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