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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo's unrealistic pricing for old-school platformers et al.

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happydolphin said:
forest-spirit said:

But all these games competing for my money aren't largely comparable at all. $50 for a game is perfectly reasonable if that game provides me with an experience that I really, really want.

Okay, but there are many people out there that prefer to play many different games, and that's what today's market is like. It's pick up and play, and there are many apps that fulfill that need in the market at the moment. Imho NSMB U at 60$ doesn't fit the current state of the market.

Oh, I play a ton of different games incl. Europa Universalis, Mount & Blade Napoleonic Wars, Super Mario Bros., Minecraft, Mario Kart, Ace Attorney, Super Meat Boy, Zelda, Xenoblade etc. I'm all for diversity.


NSMBU may or may not connect with the market but imo that has more to do with whether or not the game is good enough and not so much with the fact that it's a 2D platformer. Time will tell I guess.

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happydolphin said:
Spazzy_D said:

People keep saying what is or is not value in this thread. So here, Value:

1: a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged
2: the monetary worth of something : market price
3: relative worth, utility, or importance

Notice that value is either market value, which is fair for these games according to the market, or relative value, which is subjective... so how can these games not hold "the correct value?"

How do you judge the market value of a game where one offering is sold for free or at 1$, and another is sold at 50$?

Also, how to judge whether a price is right or not? Who makes the decision of setting a price and how do they do it, if not by some heuristic or objective measure? And if they can do it, why is it so unfathomable that we as amateur business analysts can analyze that price?

You don't judge the market price, THE MARKET SETS THE VALUE.  THAT IS HOW IT IS DEFINED.  If their is no makret for the game, then people won't buy it.

It's simple, if people don't buy the games, the price is lowered, until that happens, though, they are sold for the correct percieved value.

I too have a problem with Nintendo's pricing of some of their titles but people pay for it so..

Spazzy_D said:

You don't judge the market price, THE MARKET SETS THE VALUE.  THAT IS HOW IT IS DEFINED.  If their is no makret for the game, then people won't buy it.

It's simple, if people don't buy the games, the price is lowered, until that happens, though, they are sold for the correct percieved value.

Um.... at Nintendo, when they set the price..... how do they or in your mind it's done magically by the market?

happydolphin said:
RolStoppable said:

Who is getting robbed?

Consumers are getting robbed. They think they are getting value for the price, but they are getting ripped off without even knowing it.

Hmmm...I take my family of four to the movies and spend $30 for just the tickets and get 2 hours of entertainment out of it. Or, I pay $60 for NSMBU and get countless hours of fun for the family and still have a game that is resellable in the end. It's simple, if you don't feel the game is worth it, then don't buy it...just don't get mad at the people who do....and NO ONE is getting robbed. No on sticks a gun to anyone and tells then that they have to buy the game.


btw...I have far less problem spending $50 or $60 for a game that I like and that will still sell a year later for the same price as apposed to a game that sells for $60 when released and drops down to $30 two months later.

Stop hating and start playing.

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@HappyDolphin - TRINE 2 is a DOWNLOADABLE GAME only, which in turn cannot be found at your local retailer. NSMBU is a RETAIL GAME that is also offered to consumers via download.

Stop cherry picking.

The only victim as I see it is Nintendo as you have shunned the rest of the gaming industry in regards to pricing and only concentrated on Nintendo's offerings, not the industry as a whole.

I enjoy conversation with you Happy but c'mon, you are better than this :)

RolStoppable said:

Nintendo's biggest problem at the moment is the Wii U hardware, something I have been talking about for a long time. Basically since the thing was unveiled. I knew Nintendo was going to be in trouble and it has nothing to do with 2D platformers. Meanwhile, you thought Nintendo was good to go, because they were talking about going after the hardcore and all that stuff. The first time you saw a problem with the Wii U was when they didn't show you a 3D Mario or Zelda at E3 2012. But had they shown one or both of these games, you probably would have thought the Wii U was a winner until January 2013.

I saw it coming, but you have this warped idea in your head that NSMBU might be the problem while in reality the Wii U would do even worse if it weren't for that game.

@bold. It's creepy how well you know me. :P Indeed, had they shown 3D Mario my hopes would be higher. But I agree that the U's pricing is not in line with its launch line-up. That's something I agree with you on regardless. Also, though NSMBU might still help atm, with what I was telling you earlier about these emerging games and the evolution some of the sequels to these games are seeing (Torchlight 2, Trine 2), the competition will only get tougher for Nintendo. I understand that NSMBU is a game that is still helping Nintendo, but on the long run I believe this will not last too much longer given what I've been saying in this thread. ITT it's not about NSMBU being the problem more than it is about it's price. Compounding that with the issue you're raising about the U's price and it paints a grim picture.

@Vinnie, I'm not cherry picking. What does the difference you're mentioning bring as value to the points made in OP? What does it change if one is retail+DL and another is only DL? Truly, from a market price perspective what does it matter?

such an odd thread, some nintendo games get discounted soon after launch too, you can get boom street and rhythm heaven wii fairly cheap now due to poorer sales, but the games which are in the top 50 spaces in the charts each week for a year and a half? There is no point to cut the price of these games, to do such a move because there are budget titles and free to play moba games out there? utterly pointless to even suggest this. Perhaps make a thread to suggest that microsoft is being stupid to have cut the price of Forza horizon so early and they should charge more for it because it is a fuller HD game and should clearly be costing more than 60dollars? To even need to be told why the market works as it does is fairly crazy tbh.

tl-dr. Supply/Demand - Rule.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

ganoncrotch said:
such an odd thread, some nintendo games get discounted soon after launch too, you can get boom street and rhythm heaven wii fairly cheap now due to poorer sales, but the games which are in the top 50 spaces in the charts each week for a year and a half? There is no point to cut the price of these games, to do such a move because there are budget titles and free to play moba games out there? utterly pointless to even suggest this. Perhaps make a thread to suggest that microsoft is being stupid to have cut the price of Forza horizon so early and they should charge more for it because it is a fuller HD game and should clearly be costing more than 60dollars? To even need to be told why the market works as it does is fairly crazy tbh.

tl-dr. Supply/Demand - Rule.

I really don't understand the need to call the ideas here crazy, I'm saying nothing crazy.

I mentioned that there is new competition out there, and that certain games are more demanding of effort than others, and all this affects what pricepoint should be set.

Honestly *what's wrong with you.gif*. :P

And yet, I was more glad with the 50 bucks I spent on DKCR than the 10 bucks I spent on Limbo.

Since there is no rational argument that could change your mind about this topic, it's not worth the hassle to explain how people don't feel robbed and it's all a subjective thing.

Try selling Limbo at $50.