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happydolphin said:
RolStoppable said:

Who is getting robbed?

Consumers are getting robbed. They think they are getting value for the price, but they are getting ripped off without even knowing it.

Hmmm...I take my family of four to the movies and spend $30 for just the tickets and get 2 hours of entertainment out of it. Or, I pay $60 for NSMBU and get countless hours of fun for the family and still have a game that is resellable in the end. It's simple, if you don't feel the game is worth it, then don't buy it...just don't get mad at the people who do....and NO ONE is getting robbed. No on sticks a gun to anyone and tells then that they have to buy the game.


btw...I have far less problem spending $50 or $60 for a game that I like and that will still sell a year later for the same price as apposed to a game that sells for $60 when released and drops down to $30 two months later.

Stop hating and start playing.