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RolStoppable said:

Nintendo's biggest problem at the moment is the Wii U hardware, something I have been talking about for a long time. Basically since the thing was unveiled. I knew Nintendo was going to be in trouble and it has nothing to do with 2D platformers. Meanwhile, you thought Nintendo was good to go, because they were talking about going after the hardcore and all that stuff. The first time you saw a problem with the Wii U was when they didn't show you a 3D Mario or Zelda at E3 2012. But had they shown one or both of these games, you probably would have thought the Wii U was a winner until January 2013.

I saw it coming, but you have this warped idea in your head that NSMBU might be the problem while in reality the Wii U would do even worse if it weren't for that game.

@bold. It's creepy how well you know me. :P Indeed, had they shown 3D Mario my hopes would be higher. But I agree that the U's pricing is not in line with its launch line-up. That's something I agree with you on regardless. Also, though NSMBU might still help atm, with what I was telling you earlier about these emerging games and the evolution some of the sequels to these games are seeing (Torchlight 2, Trine 2), the competition will only get tougher for Nintendo. I understand that NSMBU is a game that is still helping Nintendo, but on the long run I believe this will not last too much longer given what I've been saying in this thread. ITT it's not about NSMBU being the problem more than it is about it's price. Compounding that with the issue you're raising about the U's price and it paints a grim picture.

@Vinnie, I'm not cherry picking. What does the difference you're mentioning bring as value to the points made in OP? What does it change if one is retail+DL and another is only DL? Truly, from a market price perspective what does it matter?