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happydolphin said:
Spazzy_D said:

People keep saying what is or is not value in this thread. So here, Value:

1: a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged
2: the monetary worth of something : market price
3: relative worth, utility, or importance

Notice that value is either market value, which is fair for these games according to the market, or relative value, which is subjective... so how can these games not hold "the correct value?"

How do you judge the market value of a game where one offering is sold for free or at 1$, and another is sold at 50$?

Also, how to judge whether a price is right or not? Who makes the decision of setting a price and how do they do it, if not by some heuristic or objective measure? And if they can do it, why is it so unfathomable that we as amateur business analysts can analyze that price?

You don't judge the market price, THE MARKET SETS THE VALUE.  THAT IS HOW IT IS DEFINED.  If their is no makret for the game, then people won't buy it.

It's simple, if people don't buy the games, the price is lowered, until that happens, though, they are sold for the correct percieved value.