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Forums - Movies & TV - Your Top 50 Movies: 2013 Discussion Thread- Final Day!

Went ahead and posted my 41ist pick my next movie also features a main character with a unknown name but its not a western and features tons of bloody violence.

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spurgeonryan said:
I feel like the name is on the tip of my tongue. Certainly not Hard Boiled? Is it a newer movie?

Never watched Hard Boiled its newer than it.

pezus said:

My 42nd movie was Requiem for a Dream. I don't think another movie has ever made me feel as much uncomfort as that one.

My next one is a very recent lighthearted film from France ;o

I almost put Requiem for a dream on my list. But ultimately I want it to be a list of movies that I like to watch any time. Requiem for a dream is just a bit too depressing. Same for Bringing out the dead and Trainspotting.
Loved the movie though, the older women getting addicted to diet pills hit me the most.

ichi the killer ?

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

My #42 is Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. This is the first of two Kubrick movies on the list. Dr. Strangelove is a masterpiece of comedy, and a benefactor of extreme good luck since so many great lines and scenes were ad-libbed or improvised in some way. The star of this black comedy is clearly Peter Sellers, who plays three roles, but it's actually George C. Scott who steals the movie with his over-the-top, fiercely nationalisitic portrayal of General Buck Turgidson.

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Veknoid_Outcast said:

My #42 is Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. This is the first of two Kubrick movies on the list. Dr. Strangelove is a masterpiece of comedy, and a benefactor of extreme good luck since so many great lines and scenes were ad-libbed or improvised in some way. The star of this black comedy is clearly Peter Sellers, who plays three roles, but it's actually George C. Scott who steals the movie with his over-the-top, fiercely nationalisitic portrayal of General Buck Turgidson.

Great movie, great comedy. Kubrick knows how to film.
My 2nd Kubrick pick would have been The Shining. The beautiful wide shots in the movie add so much to the atmosphere of being isolated in this huge hotel.

41. House of flying daggers, 2004, Yimou Zang

Color was invented for a movie like this. While most films like to hide in the shadows House of flying daggers splashes the screen with bright colors everywhere it can. The costume design is amazing, and all the outdoor scenes are beautifully lit.
Only the bamboo fight scene could be a bit better. The blu-ray release puts a heavy green filter over it with visible digital noise, too much.
The story has plenty of twists and turns, nobody is who he claims to be. The finale is one of the best, revenge, sacrifice and despair all in one.

SvennoJ said:

41. House of flying daggers, 2004, Yimou Zang

Color was invented for a movie like this. While most films like to hide in the shadows House of flying daggers splashes the screen with bright colors everywhere it can. The costume design is amazing, and all the outdoor scenes are beautifully lit.
Only the bamboo fight scene could be a bit better. The blu-ray release puts a heavy green filter over it with visible digital noise, too much.
The story has plenty of twists and turns, nobody is who he claims to be. The finale is one of the best, revenge, sacrifice and despair all in one.

How I love this movie. The best film of 2004, in my opinion. It has plenty of action, but it unfolds like a Greek tragedy. Just brilliant.

pezus said:
Chris Hu said:
Went ahead and posted my 41ist pick my next movie also features a main character with a unknown name but its not a western and features tons of bloody violence.

Kill Bill?

Yes that's it Kill Bill: Vol. 1 to be more precise. 

Posted my 40th pick which is Kill Bill: Vol. 1. My next movie features one of the most epic and bloody shoot outs at the end of the movie.