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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 sales surpass Xbox 360 (Shipped Numbers)- report

We wait for Sony and MS quarterly reports, not some 3rd party.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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sales2099 said:
We wait for Sony and MS quarterly reports, not some 3rd party.

No no, we wait til one of the companies comes out and deines the report.  If there is silence, then the shipment numbers are most likely true.

Train wreck said:
sales2099 said:
We wait for Sony and MS quarterly reports, not some 3rd party.

No no, we wait til one of the companies comes out and deines the report.  If there is silence, then the shipment numbers are most likely true.

You know both Sony and MS reports are due later this month. We dont have to wait that long.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


kowenicki said:
GameAnalyser said:
kowenicki said:
GameAnalyser said:
kowenicki said:
GameAnalyser said:
kowenicki said:
GameAnalyser said:
Now VGChartz should be checking and updating accordingly. It's time for the adjustments. I still believe PS3 is under tracked by atleast 1mn margin.

how long have you thought this for?

Post Q4 2011.

Then we have a problem.....

First column is shipped, second column is sold, 3rd column is the difference:

How can there be more sold than shipped?

If VGC is a million off then in March then shipped would be 63.93 and sold would be 64.45 = 520k more sold than shipped.

If VGC is a million off then in June sold would be 66.07 and shipped would be 65.63 = 440k more sold than shipped.


So you can see why your belief is impossible and you are wrong.

First of all, to initiate a clear debate over this issue, I would like to know where the shipped numbers  are coming from. What sources do  you use to put up those numbers in that shipped column? Post the links and I'm open to discuss.

er.... Sony.

Yeah, and let the FY 2012 figures be put up as well, which will help us to discuss more about this. Moreover Post Q4 2011, I tried to imply anything after fiscal year 2011. I didn't realize for Sony it was March 31st up until now. Thanks for the link post.

Those numbers there are up to March 31st 2012.

The numbers for PS2 and PS3 combined for the next two quarters can be found there too by clicking the appropriate link for "computer entertainment system"

Yeah, I did check all of it before coming back to post here. So FY 2012's final figure with Q3 and Q4 is yet to be confirmed by Sony, which I'm indeed looking forward to seeing.


Popcorn is over-rated. Grabs some pizza!

Around the Network
Train wreck said:
sales2099 said:
We wait for Sony and MS quarterly reports, not some 3rd party.

No no, we wait til one of the companies comes out and deines the report.  If there is silence, then the shipment numbers are most likely true.

this is a fun-post, right? some arbitrary site puts out some numbers and the involving companies should react? why? really, this is ridiculous and most probably neither sony nor ms will do anything but smile a bit about these numbers.

kowenicki said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
kowenicki said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
kowenicki said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
Fantastic come back! It was only a matter of time

Also before any Xbox fans reply doing damage control I be leave IDC over your opinion or using vg data which is not very well reported when it comes to some parts of Europe (Sonys big territory)

1. What does VGC have to do with shipped numbers?

2. We will have official shipment numbers in the next few weeks.  This will be right or wrong very soon, OFFICIALLY.  If Sony man up and release actual data that is, unlike the last two quarters.


Damage control. Damage ccontrol 

cool story bro, PS3 finally where it deserves to be :) have a lovely day 

Whats a cool story?  The fact that the official numbers come out in a few weeks?

Are you disputing this?  What if the official numbers disagree? 

I'm surprised so many people are hanging their hat on this given it is completely unofficial. 

Now most sensible people, like my good self, are saying lets wait and see - powder dry.  if its right then fine, no problem from me.  If its wrong?

No it's cool your desperate to try and play it down.. Again. Why are you here? PS3 has past the Xbox.. And considering almost everyone who brought a 360 in the first 2 yeas brought a new one due to RROD I think this really happened a LONG time ago. 

Your even trying to say this huge company that has run for 48 years is completely rubbish.. It's clearly doing better then you are and your knowledge of business you like to boast (think) you have. 

Again, have a great day! 

So 77m shipped and the PS3 is undertracked here by about 3.5m?


That sounds about right and Vita is probably undertracked from 250,000 to 750,000.

This thread was fun to read. Keep it coming folks!

maybe sony somehow pulled a microsoft, and absolutely stuffed the channels

kowenicki said:
joeorc said:
kowenicki said:

anbd you do know there is no d@mn way they will have their number's on time right?  remember it's not like they get their Number on the end of March 31 as soon as Apr 1'st roll's around?

their number's are not going to be uptoday because you have to ship for the upcoming month because you and i both know they produce what the reorder number dictate!

Sorry, what!?

Can you explain that again?

Those shipment numbers are the actual shipment numbers for each quarter. They are correct, if they arent then Sony is committing accounting fraud.

They are announced in the financial results about a month after the end of each quarter.  This quarters numbers will be annoucned BY SONY at the start of February.


ok Apr 1st is the start of a new sales Q: right? when does Sony get it's number for each of the sale's Quarter's?

the only way they know How many they will need is by Restock number's . the only way for that is the Re Order Number's, they will only ship as many as what the retail chain's will re order. Yes they can have more product systems ready @ Hand to be shipped out, but they are not going to have too many just sitting around. 

Thus the Number's are for each Quarter are shipment's to retail, that means for the upcoming Q4 they ship How Many? we do not know yet How many Sony has to ship, Sony does not know until they get the re order's in , so the point is are the re order's have to be in by a certain date? or at the end of each said Quarter?

we do not know. That's why their shipment's not sale through #'s


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.