KungKras said:
Am I missing something? Because I thought american media portrayed Obama as far left...
Aside from a few outliers, most of which are owned by Rupert Murdoch, nope. I'm not sure why you thought that.
But that's really not what I was getting at. I'm talking more about overhyping or outright fabricating incidents at Tea Party rallies, while sweeping Occupy Wall Street or union protest thuggery under the rug. Everything bad the right does is evidence of how crazy they all are. Everything bad the left does goes pretty much unremarked upon.
Alex Jones is a nut, and he was raked over the coals for it yesterday. But Piers Morgan and his dipshit friends sitting around and laughing about shooting him is pretty ghoulish, not to mention astounding hypocritical since they've got their panties in such a bunch over gun violence, and you'll not hear a peep about it.