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Forums - Politics Discussion - Social media abuzz over Piers Morgan vs. Alex Jones (Gun control debate goes awry...)

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Should there be more of a restricted Gun Control in the United States?

Yes 47 67.14%
No 23 32.86%
killerzX said:
Max King of the Wild said:
brendude13 said:
killerzX said:
brendude13 said:

That's a bad example, yet I see it all the time.

Ban cars, society will collapse.
Ban fully automatic and hi-cap weapons, hunters will have to reload slightly more often.

fully automatic weapons are banned.

Also, there are heavy restrictions with the use of cars. Speed limits, having to have lessons and a test before you get a licence etc. Why can't restrictions be imposed on how people use guns?

there are over 20,000 laws and regulations on firearms, you dont think thats enough? firearms are at least as regulated as cars are. furthermore owning cars is a constitutionally protected right, owning firearms is.

Did some research on it. They're not banned, but they're difficult and expensive to get hold of, so I'll give you that.

It doesn't matter if there are 20,000 laws and regulations if they're not any good. They're obviously not as regulated as cars if you need a licence to drive a car but don't need one to own a gun.

Funny, I could have sworn I needed to send 10 dollars into the state of illinois sheriffs department so they could do a background check and send me back an ID card so that I can show people tat I can in fact own a gun.... just like a car... but hey i mus be a delusional gun nut

man, you need to get out of that state, move to one of the free states. im sure glad i live in a free state, and especially glad i dont live in illinois or the Peoples Republik of Kalifornia.

Missouri is right accross the river.

I'm in Wisconsin now

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badgenome said:

As a good illustration of how extremism on the right is amplified and extremism on the left is ignored, compare all the noise over Jones' appearance to the defeaning silence that greeted this:

Of course, Infowars is silly to believe that this represents an actual threat. But while all these sensible "moderates" seem to be greatly amused by the thought of shooting Alex Jones, Jones wasn't openly fantasizing about violence beyond wanting to punch Piers Morgan in the face (nothing that St. Jeremy Clarkson didn't already do, and he didn't even wear a boxing glove).  It takes a lot of fucking crazy to out-crazy Infowars.

Am I missing something? Because I thought american media portrayed Obama as far left...


KungKras said:

Am I missing something? Because I thought american media portrayed Obama as far left...

Aside from a few outliers, most of which are owned by Rupert Murdoch, nope. I'm not sure why you thought that.

But that's really not what I was getting at. I'm talking more about overhyping or outright fabricating incidents at Tea Party rallies, while sweeping Occupy Wall Street or union protest thuggery under the rug. Everything bad the right does is evidence of how crazy they all are. Everything bad the left does goes pretty much unremarked upon.

Alex Jones is a nut, and he was raked over the coals for it yesterday. But Piers Morgan and his dipshit friends sitting around and laughing about shooting him is pretty ghoulish, not to mention astounding hypocritical since they've got their panties in such a bunch over gun violence, and you'll not hear a peep about it.

Max King of the Wild said:
CDiablo said:
Ive got a question for gun folks. What is the argument against smaller clips, say 2-6 shots till you have to reload. Sure it wont stop criminals from getting banana clips, but it would help prevent lunatics with access to legal guns from shooting up places.

We should ban magazines over X number of shots! ect ect ect(long informative post above)

Thanks, 10 rounds isnt that bad. Im generally left leaning but not anti gun as I feel theres just too many out there to stop the problem of guns, so people can use protection. I dont give a shit about target/trick shooters and I think hunters with guns are pussies(though I do love me some venison) that should be hunting with bow and arrow in most cases, but I dont mind people using them for protection.

This is a bit OT but why are gun folks against stamping serial numbers on ammo or having a national database of forensic marks from sold guns(firing pin marks, striations, ect)....other than a potential rise in cost. Again it wont help much against street criminals but it can help with getting a piece of the puzzle in a shooting crime.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

CDiablo said:
Max King of the Wild said:

We should ban magazines over X number of shots! ect ect ect(long informative post above)

Thanks, 10 rounds isnt that bad. Im generally left leaning but not anti gun as I feel theres just too many out there to stop the problem of guns, so people can use protection. I dont give a shit about target/trick shooters and I think hunters with guns are pussies(though I do love me some venison) that should be hunting with bow and arrow in most cases, but I dont mind people using them for protection.

This is a bit OT but why are gun folks against stamping serial numbers on ammo or having a national database of forensic marks from sold guns(firing pin marks, striations, ect)....other than a potential rise in cost. Again it wont help much against street criminals but it can help with getting a piece of the puzzle in a shooting crime.

I actually want to get a revolver when I eventually get around to buying my gun. Only holds 6 rounds so a restriction of 10 wouldn't bother me. I also plan on getting a conceal and carry permit and will eventually look into a snub nose type of weapon which I've mostly seen at 10 rounds also. I'm mostly interested in protection which I don't think I will ever get into a fire fight so I'm uninterested in needing to reload quickly or carrying many rounds since the snub nose would be close range.

As for hunting, I hate it. People call it a sport but thats bullshit. Its a hobby along with bowling and golf. I can respect bow and arrow hunters who have a challange to overcome. Also hunters usually try to lure or trick the animal. I think they should just use tracking. Unless these hunters are relying on their hunts to bring them food. If thats the case then I don't mind them using guns or traps.

As for your question I have no clue and haven't heard of that but I can only assume it's because they feel its against the constitution (illegal search and seizure maybe?) or they believe government should have minimal relations with it's citizens

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killerzX said:
brendude13 said:
killerzX said:
brendude13 said:

That's a bad example, yet I see it all the time.

Ban cars, society will collapse.
Ban fully automatic and hi-cap weapons, hunters will have to reload slightly more often.

fully automatic weapons are banned.

Also, there are heavy restrictions with the use of cars. Speed limits, having to have lessons and a test before you get a licence etc. Why can't restrictions be imposed on how people use guns?

there are over 20,000 laws and regulations on firearms, you dont think thats enough? firearms are at least as regulated as cars are. furthermore owning cars is a constitutionally protected right, owning firearms is.

Did some research on it. They're not banned, but they're difficult and expensive to get hold of, so I'll give you that.

It doesn't matter if there are 20,000 laws and regulations if they're not any good. They're obviously not as regulated as cars if you need a licence to drive a car but don't need one to own a gun.

as for cars, like i said before owning guns is a right, driving a car is not. furthermore. you dont need a license or anything to own a car. i can go right now to a car dealership, and buy a car no questions asked. what you need a license for is to drive on state roads. and i think requiring a license to drive on a state road is a state level law, not a federal one (dont hold me to that claim, i might be wrong) states dont have require a lisence, but all of them have. Now for firearm, all but 3 states require you to take a class, and get a permit to carry a gun in public. even further than that, several states require you to have a license even to own a gun (just look at connecticut). firearms are one of the most regulated things there are in the US.

Yeah, they're state laws.  Inacted indivdually between like early 1900's up until like mid 1950s.

Finally saw the video in question (was bored, decided to avoid it to save my sanity), and all it made me want to do is steal every gun in america and put them all in a big smelter just to piss of the fanatical gun nuts in the country. Man, that guy was fanatical, bordering on the clinically insane! Holy shit, it's guys like him that make me WANT to take over America just so we don't have to deal with his type anymore.

Hey, gun fetishists, I'll give you a bit of an enlightening advice: You look as crazy as any taliban when you scream 'we have our second amendment rights'. you're just as laughably insane as religious fanatics.

Just a bit of a heads up.

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Runa216 said:
Finally saw the video in question (was bored, decided to avoid it to save my sanity), and all it made me want to do is steal every gun in america and put them all in a big smelter just to piss of the fanatical gun nuts in the country. Man, that guy was fanatical, bordering on the clinically insane! Holy shit, it's guys like him that make me WANT to take over America just so we don't have to deal with his type anymore.

Hey, gun fetishists, I'll give you a bit of an enlightening advice: You look as crazy as any taliban when you scream 'we have our second amendment rights'. you're just as laughably insane as religious fanatics.

Just a bit of a heads up.


Edit: Dang, you're Canadian, not British.

Runa216 said:
Finally saw the video in question (was bored, decided to avoid it to save my sanity), and all it made me want to do is steal every gun in america and put them all in a big smelter just to piss of the fanatical gun nuts in the country. Man, that guy was fanatical, bordering on the clinically insane! Holy shit, it's guys like him that make me WANT to take over America just so we don't have to deal with his type anymore.

Hey, gun fetishists, I'll give you a bit of an enlightening advice: You look as crazy as any taliban when you scream 'we have our second amendment rights'. you're just as laughably insane as religious fanatics.

Just a bit of a heads up.

Irony, thy name is Runa216.

guns are usless, i dont see why should i own one