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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Kid Icarus Uprising 3DS VGC TOURNAMENTS! Free For All Today, Post Here!

tbone51 said:
Are you guys doing the last round?

should we?

Around the Network

My brother (Jared)'s playing a match with you guys O_o... or he thinks he is at least

Edit:  At any rate it seems with the current results another match won't change things.

KHlover said:
Mnementh said:
5 times last one - minimal possible result. I demand next time a bracket with at least one non-pro.

Dude, I'm a non-pro. 5 times 5th place^^

I'm ashamed, I was 3rd place in the first tournament, only lost to CyberNinja and tbone. My guess: CyberNinja will dominate ALL of these tournaments with an iron grip. Can't wait for the SSB4 tournaments, I'm going to destroy you all...

I got no plan today. all around me splosions and stuff. If I tried to attack someone something hit from behind and killed me. I was constantly dying.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

tbone51 said:
KHlover said:
Mnementh said:
5 times last one - minimal possible result. I demand next time a bracket with at least one non-pro.

Dude, I'm a non-pro. 5 times 5th place^^

I'm ashamed, I was 3rd place in the first tournament, only lost to CyberNinja and tbone. My guess: CyberNinja will dominate ALL of these tournaments with an iron grip. Can't wait for the SSB4 tournaments, I'm going to destroy you all...

ssb4 is my territory! Mario whippin A's!

Pffft, Marth will blow you all out of the water. Very good character in non-pro battles!

Mnementh said:
KHlover said:
Mnementh said:
5 times last one - minimal possible result. I demand next time a bracket with at least one non-pro.

Dude, I'm a non-pro. 5 times 5th place^^

I'm ashamed, I was 3rd place in the first tournament, only lost to CyberNinja and tbone. My guess: CyberNinja will dominate ALL of these tournaments with an iron grip. Can't wait for the SSB4 tournaments, I'm going to destroy you all...

I got no plan today. all around me splosions and stuff. If I tried to attack someone something hit from behind and killed me. I was constantly dying.

I made sure all of my charged club shots were invisible and phasing, so yeah...

Around the Network
JWeinCom said:
tbone51 said:
KHlover said:
Mnementh said:
5 times last one - minimal possible result. I demand next time a bracket with at least one non-pro.

Dude, I'm a non-pro. 5 times 5th place^^

I'm ashamed, I was 3rd place in the first tournament, only lost to CyberNinja and tbone. My guess: CyberNinja will dominate ALL of these tournaments with an iron grip. Can't wait for the SSB4 tournaments, I'm going to destroy you all...

ssb4 is my territory! Mario whippin A's!

Why not do brawl tournaments?  No reason this has to be 3DS only.

internet connections! Unless you want to try later? Im down! After the tourny ok we'll try! I'd love SSBB fighting you guys

tbone51 said:
JWeinCom said:
tbone51 said:
KHlover said:
Mnementh said:
5 times last one - minimal possible result. I demand next time a bracket with at least one non-pro.

Dude, I'm a non-pro. 5 times 5th place^^

I'm ashamed, I was 3rd place in the first tournament, only lost to CyberNinja and tbone. My guess: CyberNinja will dominate ALL of these tournaments with an iron grip. Can't wait for the SSB4 tournaments, I'm going to destroy you all...

ssb4 is my territory! Mario whippin A's!

Why not do brawl tournaments?  No reason this has to be 3DS only.

internet connections! Unless you want to try later? Im down! After the tourny ok we'll try! I'd love SSBB fighting you guys

I have somewhere to go after this tournament, but later tonight I'm down for a few matches.

Just finish your last match!

Scores (waiting for bracket 2 to be finished!)


tbone51 said:
JWeinCom said:
tbone51 said:
KHlover said:
Mnementh said:
5 times last one - minimal possible result. I demand next time a bracket with at least one non-pro.

Dude, I'm a non-pro. 5 times 5th place^^

I'm ashamed, I was 3rd place in the first tournament, only lost to CyberNinja and tbone. My guess: CyberNinja will dominate ALL of these tournaments with an iron grip. Can't wait for the SSB4 tournaments, I'm going to destroy you all...

ssb4 is my territory! Mario whippin A's!

Why not do brawl tournaments?  No reason this has to be 3DS only.

internet connections! Unless you want to try later? Im down! After the tourny ok we'll try! I'd love SSBB fighting you guys

I'd be in, I just have to connect my Wii to the internet again.

okay you two join me