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Forums - General Discussion - What is Art of Angels?

Art of Angels is of course, my screen name, it is a name derived for a song called Art of Life by a band none other then the one in my Avatar, X Japan.

Angels and the concept has always fascinated me, I once drew a Manga called Art of Angels, about a boy named Zycuh who dies and becomes an Angel, and embarks on a quest to learn why he died and what it means now that he is an Angel.

Zycuh (Zy-Kuh), the protagonist, is the name Jason, translated from English into Al bhed, the language featured in Square game Final Fantasy X.

Art of Angels and Zycuh are to me original and created by me, the names of course come from influences in my life which make me who I am.

But Art of Angels does not end there, it's got further dreams.

I have the ability to write and place music in excellent ways, I often think to myself that Artists make it into the music industry with some great music, why can't I do this?

I think of the creation on songs and put it to paper, so I don’t forget, amazing Guitar Solo’s to Piano/Keyboard placement to blend in perfectly, of course I have a unique style in development, however may not be recognized by the mainstream media and what today’s tastes in music are.

So all I have to do is lure people in with a ‘hit’, a song in which today’s youth would like, and then get them interested in what I really have to offer, get them curious so to speak.

My level of motivation needs no attention, people out there make millions form music which I feel I can easily top, and I’m not going to let it go to waste and just be a Chef or muck around with Video Games my whole life and let a dream sit there that could have been.

Of course it can’t really be done alone, I have a dedicated Drummer that will stand by the idea, he lurks these forums but rarely posts, he'll probably see this thread.

And a Bass player that knows of my dream and vowed that whatever I write that needs him he’ll play it, and this guys quite good, his old band Red City had a hit that was played on Triple J for 3 months and another one of his bands played along side Silver Chair at Concerts, not that his past means much to me though because I’ll surpass it with flying colours, he just produces Techno these days waiting for me to need him.

It’s not my intention to be famous or rich, my intention is to just to create that album, have it sitting there on the table and be able to say; “I did it”

Well that’s Art of Angels, I just thought I’d share it with you =P

Around the Network

That's sounds cool. Can you post some images of your comic? I'm interested to see artwork you created.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

you gave me my inspiration too join here

^^Really? Thanks =]

modsgonecrazy said:
you gave me my inspiration too join here

 lol...and he actually believed you.

Around the Network

^ouch cold


i sense some hate around here

mesoteto said:
^ouch cold

 that wasn't a dig at AoA.

ohh my bad


I'm confused, I saw it as a 'dig' towards me, but I steered clear from posting incase it was.