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Forums - Sales Discussion - Prediction: Wii U will sell under 7m in 2013



No chance. The Wii U will... 415 53.34%
I agree, the Wii U will s... 363 46.66%
bdbdbd said:
Mazty said:
Viper1 said:
Mazty said:
Viper1 said:
You're crazy.

It depends. If the first few months with 2013 are littered with announcements for new iphones/samsung phones/next box etc there is a chance that the wiiu could sell less then 7m. A slim chance though as it's already hit 2m. I estimate that the life sales of the WiiU will put it somewhere inbetween the GC and N64, as long as 2013/2014 sees another console release and a continued popularity in iPhone/Nexus/etc products.

I actually don't think those things will matter very much.  The people that want a Wii U are not going to suddenly decide not to get one just because some new phone (with the tiniest increase in something new over the last phone ) was announced.

New console announcements....maybe.   But largely it seems that consoles sales tend to be not be deterred too much by competitor consoles these days.   All 3 last gen consoles over 70 million.

The thing is you have to consider who wants a wii u. All I can think of is die hard Nintendo fans. Anyone who is a casual who enjoyed the wii is probably more inclined to play on a tablet/phone then cash out on a console. Are there really many die hard Nintendo fans left? The Wii would have deterred many new potential fans by offering the least of the 3 systems, meaning that gamers will most likely already have a 360/ps3, and therefore why upgrade to something which ash the "tiniest increase in something over the last" console?

That's an empty quote & your avatar is just wrong in so many ways...

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ghettoglamour said:
Good, risky call imo. I say it'll be between 6 and 8 million!

Did you vote??


Mazty said:

bdbdbd said:
It's going to top 10M in CY 2013. Wii U should have atleast one AAA title to boost the sales before the end of march; Wii Fit U.

Will that boost sales? I can't see people feeling the need to upgrade wii fit to wii u fit. It's not like you bought Wii Fit for the graphics, so why upgrade? This is the major downside nintendo never considered when they focused on the casual audience; getting them to upgrade when you are no longer the "in" gadget is incredibly difficult. 

I actually can. The gamepad solves one of the biggest issues Wii Fit and Plus had.

Besides, outside of rhetorics, your argument has no value in it. Why should anyone feel the need of upgrading any console?

Mazty said:

Viper1 said:

Mazty said:

Viper1 said:
You're crazy.

It depends. If the first few months with 2013 are littered with announcements for new iphones/samsung phones/next box etc there is a chance that the wiiu could sell less then 7m. A slim chance though as it's already hit 2m. I estimate that the life sales of the WiiU will put it somewhere inbetween the GC and N64, as long as 2013/2014 sees another console release and a continued popularity in iPhone/Nexus/etc products.

I actually don't think those things will matter very much.  The people that want a Wii U are not going to suddenly decide not to get one just because some new phone (with the tiniest increase in something new over the last phone ) was announced.

New console announcements....maybe.   But largely it seems that consoles sales tend to be not be deterred too much by competitor consoles these days.   All 3 last gen consoles over 70 million.

The thing is you have to consider who wants a wii u. All I can think of is die hard Nintendo fans. Anyone who is a casual who enjoyed the wii is probably more inclined to play on a tablet/phone then cash out on a console. Are there really many die hard Nintendo fans left? The Wii would have deterred many new potential fans by offering the least of the 3 systems, meaning that gamers will most likely already have a 360/ps3, and therefore why upgrade to something which ash the "tiniest increase in something over the last" console?

There have always been competition around and it has never made any sense to purchase any console, as you always have had a device available that isn't limited to just playing games. It's easy to understand that any hardcore gamer wouldn't touch a console, as you can play WoW on a PC with updated specs.

If you're phasing out the money for a tablet to play games with, I don't think it would be a problem to buy something cheaper, like Wii U.

The entertainment industry is rather simple, as all you have to do is make a product people want, and they will buy it.
The success of a videogameconsole depends only on one thing; if it has games people want to play. The biggest issue with Wii U is the public perception of Wii U being an gamepad-accessory for Wii, and the lack of games.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

I think at or around 7m is reasonable, but probably more. We have a weird economy right now and people's thirst for consumer electronics are being met in many many ways. Videogames used to stand out as the most fun device to buy, especially during Christmas season, but now you have so many other mediums and ways to play games and to kill time... the consumer electronic market is getting saturated. There is something for everyone.

So for that reason I wouldn't be surprised if maybe people's thirst lessens just a bit.... I would wager more than 7m, maybe more like 8-9m. I will trust Nintendo to make the most out of these times.


If anything, Nintendo is a good choice for the impulse buyers waiting for next gen and then let's not forget the kiddies.

I haven't kept up with the Wii U sales, how is it tracking versus the original Wii?
If I remember correctly, wasn't there shorages after Christmas when the original Wii released?

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If you would have said under 8 million, I would have agreed.

I think it will sell 10m + , cuz alot of people arent rushing to buy a wii-u right now , most of them are waiting for Pikmin 3 , Raymen Legends, Bayonetta 2 u know stuff like that, well same thing here for me , and if new games r announced in E3 2013 which is going to happen probably well so the sales will increase.


Vinniegambini said:
It really depends if Nintendo can get heavy hitters from third party publishers like GTA 5. If so, combined with Nintendo's first party software, it can shoot upwards to 10 million. But if it's only Nintendo published titles a la Gamecube, then 8 million seems about right.

With big 3rd party games Wii U will easily surpass 10m units, probably close to 12-14m. If it only gets 1st party games it'll end up somewhere around 9-10m...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

NintendoPie said:
I doubt that there is going to be a 3D Mario and a new Mario Kart again next year. Maybe one of the two but not both. They already had that strategy in 2011.
Nintendo will most likely push a Wii U Sports or Wii U Fit title next year.

You mean this year, right? I think a big key to the success of the system will come down to 3rd parties. Don't get me wrong, it'll sail past 7mil, but hopes for over 10mil needs dem multiplats, and BETTER ADS!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

I disagree. I'm expecting something like 10m units in 2013 (+/-1m). It's still quite expensive and the first half of the year should be slow but we'll probably see a price cut in late 2013 and at that point Super Mario Bros., Wii Fit U and (most likely) Mario Kart will be available for the console.

Don't forget when the PS4 and Nextbox launch *they* will be the expensive consoles with no games while the Wii U will be cheaper and have a nice library of games. Again, 2D Mario + Wii Fit + Mario Kart (and there will be another big title for the holidays - Nintendo always releases two or more big games before christmas to push the console) is a powerful combination that should secure a certain level of sales.