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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony Worst Moves in History

platformmaster918 said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
platformmaster918 said:
brendude13 said:

Getting rid of all their IPs from the PS1 days. Playstation needs its own "Mario" more than ever now, but anything that came close to that status like Crash or Spyro was sold off.

crash was the one that got away for Sony.  He was Mario huge during PSone.  He had an awesome Kart racer too so the spinoffs were starting.  If they can buy Gaikai they can buy Crash back.

But at this point will it ever be as big as it once was? I mean activision destoryed him. I don't think there is any savign him with out Naugty Dog taking controll back, and even then it's iffy.

I think with the right marketing (wishful thinking with Sony) they could make it big again.  Obviously the game would have to be good, but if they got ND or someone else who they could market past games as examples of the quality it would really pay off.  Think about the commercial "The makers of Jak & Daxter, Uncharted, and the Last of Us return to their first Playstation classic *crash music kicks in as he falls in or some other clumsy move*" show some levels and show the crash dance of course.  Show it off at E3 maybe and make sure everyone knows this is different from those games as you introduce it.  I feel like there's a lot of old Crash fans, like myself, who bought the old ones in droves and will come back for the new ones.  I mean 2 and 3 sold over 7 million each so there's a lot of old fans willing to come back I think, and with word of mouth and good review scores (I assume it will be good if its made by ND) it could be huge again.

Nostalgia is one of the best salesmen you can ever have. Look what it did for the New Super Mario Bros. franchise.

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Sony as a company?
Their whole business operations
Sony with games?
$600 PS3 otherwise they have really done a great job of beating MS this gen. And it's not completely out of the realm of possibility of them closing in on Wii's sales.

Thinking consumers are stupid sheep that will buy anything they release.

osed125 said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
AndrewWK said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
AndrewWK said:
Mmmfishtacos said:

It will sell over a million.

You wanna bet?

Would still be a failure

It's sitting at 1/4 million now, was released during Call of duty and halo 4. and is still 60 dollars in stores. That don't count any vita sales or psn. And you actually think it wont hit a million? How would that be a failure it it started yet another new franchise on the PlayStation and was cheap to make?  I'm having a hard time believing you like the PlayStation brand at all.

So just because I criticize dumb moves you think I am PS3 hater? I have bought the first PS3 model yes I mean the fat one. And games like God of War, Uncharted Gran tourismo and many many more made me proud to have a device like this. I am proud to see Sony investing in new IP´s like Pupeteer altough I am not into Jump ´n Runs. But lately Sony has done a few things that really enrage me. Like Move(copying Nintendo big times) PSABR( same as Move) and raping Kratos with this new God of War game. You may think whatever you want I don´t give a shit. Maybe you should try to look at it realisticly and not trough some pink beergoogles

Hows this for realistic, comparing the game with Heavenly sword, which is now over 1.5 million. It took the game 10 weeks to reach .5 million. In 3 weeks PASBR did half of that going against halo and call of duty and during the hype of a console release.And you really think it wont hit a million?

Second, Move wasn't a copy of the wii, Video had been show way before we knew what a wii was showing off the controller. It was released in reaction to the wii? yes. Besides Sony Did motion before anyone with the eye toy. All they did was expand on it, with nearly 15 million sold i can't say it was a failure and it made them money. PSABR is just a game that many make comparisons to Smash which is the wrong thing to do because the games play completely different. What's wrong with another company doing a mascot brawler, it's like like the first of its kind, or even a kart racer. Just because Nintendo did it no one else can? Please, they have done so much good this gen but people like to hang on little things like these.

as far as i know that was a mattel creation made as a peripheral for nintendo systems just like how third party companies like madcatz make conrtollers and other peripherals 

Worst fails:
-They didn't manage to bring many of their big 3rd party IPs to the PS3, so 2-3 years were lost in which they had to build up their own

-EyeToy (was big in Europe during the PS2, never really shifted to PS3)

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Rushing out a Twisted Metal they knew was broken and unplayable online just to get some sales

DirtyP2002 said:

Worst moves:


- Playstation 3
- PS Move
- PS Vita
- BetaMax
- MiniDisc
- SonyEricsson

Ouch even the Vita is Sony Worst Move!