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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Half-Life 2 is the game of the DECADE!

sales2099 said:
2000-2010 decade? Then fair enough.

Why have a 2000-2010 game vote in 2012?

I think it might be 2002-2011? Or maybe 2003-2012? It's a weird choice in any event.

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Now I hardly say this because of the responses, but I dont care much for Half Life story. The gameplay is solid in all respects, but I just think the story is lazy.

Only Nintendo can pull off the silent hero. In a sci-fi PFS, a silent hero is just lazy. Its all overly vague and mysterious with Gman. Thats ok, but some answers should eventually come out. You still have no idea whats going on in the broader scope of things.

With Halo, it gradually tells you about the universe. You learn of the Forerunners and Covenant in Halo 1. Halo 2 gives you a view into Covenant society, so now we understand them. The other Halos expand upon this. Foreunners are largely a mystery to us for years, giving us only bits about their culture and technology. Only recently have we learned far more about them with Halo 4 and the Forerunner Novel Trilogy. Master Chief also speaks. Not much, but he speaks. The novels tell you all about him and Halo 4 starts to bring out the more human attributes in him. Gordon not speaking at this point seems....lazy.

If the lore and universe remains vague too long, it just means the developer doesn't know where to take the story, or doesn't care.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


CGI-Quality said:

sales2099 said:

Only Nintendo can pull off the silent hero

Obviously, millions disagree. ;)

They play for the gameplay above all else im sure. Like how millions play Halo only for the MP.

By pull off I dont mean sales (in which case Valve pulled it off). I mean story-wise.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


CGI-Quality said:
sales2099 said:
CGI-Quality said:

sales2099 said:

Only Nintendo can pull off the silent hero

Obviously, millions disagree. ;)

They play for the gameplay above all else im sure. Like how millions play Halo only for the MP.

By pull off I dont mean sales (in which case Valve pulled it off). I mean story-wise.

Millions love Gordon Freeman. That's what I'm saying. Everything else is a bonus and why the game won GOTD. Not saying you have to agree/bow down to the results, but the game didn't achieve what it did with no substance.

Can you try to address the legitimate story complaints I talked about before. I love sci-fi, but I could never get into that universe because of those reasons mentioned above. I think the next Half Life Valve has to step up their game with stroytelling. Gordon has to speak (this isn't the early 2000s anymore) and the major lore plotholes have to be filled in IMO.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


CGI-Quality said:
sales2099 said:
CGI-Quality said:
sales2099 said:

They play for the gameplay above all else im sure. Like how millions play Halo only for the MP.

By pull off I dont mean sales (in which case Valve pulled it off). I mean story-wise.

Millions love Gordon Freeman. That's what I'm saying. Everything else is a bonus and why the game won GOTD. Not saying you have to agree/bow down to the results, but the game didn't achieve what it did with no substance.

Can you try to address the legitimate story complaints I talked about before. I love sci-fi, but I could never get into that universe because of those reasons mentioned above. I think the next Half Life Valve has to step up their game with stroytelling. Gordon has to speak (this isn't the early 2000s anymore) and the major lore plotholes have to be filled in IMO.

How can I address it when it's merely opinion? I didn't have those complaints, because what I found was an engaging story, with a likeable protagonist, thrown into a detailed sci-fi world, with physics and capablities many modern, similar games don't hold a candle to.

Therefore, our personal feelings aside, since they aren't relevant, Gordon Freeman did what he needed to in aiding Half-Life 2 to achieve what it did (proving what you said about Nintendo to be false).

Guess its just one of those anamolies in gaming. Personallhy, if Im gonna go the silent protagionist route, Id say Bioshock 1 and Dead Space 1 outperformed Half Life 2 in story and physics gameplay. Yes I know Dead Space is 3rd person. But nm, I said my origional piece. Guess it just isn't for me.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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pezus said:
DieAppleDie said:
I really dislike this game getting so much praise for those stupid physics, the game is not even better than the first one, the gameplay is very limited, puzzles were annoying due to physics, and the rest is just a corridor/checkpoint based FPS
It doesnt stand a chance against Metroid prime

What's stupid about the physics? They revolutionized the genre.

The game not being better than the first one would not be a point against it, since the first one didn't qualify because of its release date.

Again with the corridors...I wonder if those who say it's a corridor shooter even played it beyond the first hour. So you're against checkpoints? I don't get that.

How is the gameplay "limited"? The physics alone open up way more possibilities than any FPS games before.

Metroid Prime must be very forgettable since I rarely see it mentioned.

Pezus the best thing to do when you don't know about a game is to stay quiet because your comment on metroid prime is shooting yourself in the foot.

you do realize I could half life is irrelevant because the only people who know are the very hardcore as mainstream probably didn't even know it existed until it said on t.v. Hell I guess every halo makes half life a forgettable trash game. 

"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
people still bitching about this? oh god !!!

need to replay it , its amazing this game

  Yes it is

15mil. on how many platforms ? :S

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

kljesta64 said:
15mil. on how many platforms ? :S

From memory, around 9 million on PC/Steam and the rest divided amongst the consoles (Xbox + 360 & PS3 if they count Orange Box).

pezus said:
ninetailschris said:
pezus said:
DieAppleDie said:
I really dislike this game getting so much praise for those stupid physics, the game is not even better than the first one, the gameplay is very limited, puzzles were annoying due to physics, and the rest is just a corridor/checkpoint based FPS
It doesnt stand a chance against Metroid prime

What's stupid about the physics? They revolutionized the genre.

The game not being better than the first one would not be a point against it, since the first one didn't qualify because of its release date.

Again with the corridors...I wonder if those who say it's a corridor shooter even played it beyond the first hour. So you're against checkpoints? I don't get that.

How is the gameplay "limited"? The physics alone open up way more possibilities than any FPS games before.

Metroid Prime must be very forgettable since I rarely see it mentioned.

Pezus the best thing to do when you don't know about a game is to stay quiet because your comment on metroid prime is shooting yourself in the foot.

you do realize I could half life is irrelevant because the only people who know are the very hardcore as mainstream probably didn't even know it existed until it said on t.v. Hell I guess every halo makes half life a forgettable trash game. 

Lol, only the very hardcore? What did HL2 sell again? Right, close to 15m...this is just a laughable attempt to downplay the game, and now you even add Halo even though no Halo game can touch HL2's sales. 

This is highly ironic because you keep mentioning Metroid Prime that would perfectly fit your description right there.

I suspect he's trolling you.