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Now I hardly say this because of the responses, but I dont care much for Half Life story. The gameplay is solid in all respects, but I just think the story is lazy.

Only Nintendo can pull off the silent hero. In a sci-fi PFS, a silent hero is just lazy. Its all overly vague and mysterious with Gman. Thats ok, but some answers should eventually come out. You still have no idea whats going on in the broader scope of things.

With Halo, it gradually tells you about the universe. You learn of the Forerunners and Covenant in Halo 1. Halo 2 gives you a view into Covenant society, so now we understand them. The other Halos expand upon this. Foreunners are largely a mystery to us for years, giving us only bits about their culture and technology. Only recently have we learned far more about them with Halo 4 and the Forerunner Novel Trilogy. Master Chief also speaks. Not much, but he speaks. The novels tell you all about him and Halo 4 starts to bring out the more human attributes in him. Gordon not speaking at this point seems....lazy.

If the lore and universe remains vague too long, it just means the developer doesn't know where to take the story, or doesn't care.

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