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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Half-Life 2 is the game of the DECADE!

sales2099 said:
Now I hardly say this because of the responses, but I dont care much for Half Life story. The gameplay is solid in all respects, but I just think the story is lazy.

Only Nintendo can pull off the silent hero. In a sci-fi PFS, a silent hero is just lazy. Its all overly vague and mysterious with Gman. Thats ok, but some answers should eventually come out. You still have no idea whats going on in the broader scope of things.

With Halo, it gradually tells you about the universe. You learn of the Forerunners and Covenant in Halo 1. Halo 2 gives you a view into Covenant society, so now we understand them. The other Halos expand upon this. Foreunners are largely a mystery to us for years, giving us only bits about their culture and technology. Only recently have we learned far more about them with Halo 4 and the Forerunner Novel Trilogy. Master Chief also speaks. Not much, but he speaks. The novels tell you all about him and Halo 4 starts to bring out the more human attributes in him. Gordon not speaking at this point seems....lazy.

If the lore and universe remains vague too long, it just means the developer doesn't know where to take the story, or doesn't care.

Half-Life 2 adopts a very different approach to storytelling where everything is presented through subtle nuances, casual conversations and actions that appear during gameplay. It's not lazy (I'd argue it's actually the opposite) as all those little elements (and there are a lot of them) are put there for the player to absorb the information as Gordon Freeman. Rather than explaining everything to you on platter, the game is designed around leaving the player to discover the story as they play. This does mean that if you're distracted by something in the game, then you can miss some of that story.

This actually brings me onto the silent protagonist point. Gordon Freeman is simply an avatar for yourself. I find this actually works best in First-Person, especially when the viewpoint is strictly adhered to through the entire game. The fact that he remains silent allows the player to input their own imagination into Gordon Freeman. I actually find its a great way to improve immersion as you don't have a dumb marine voice blasting out of what is supposed to be your avatars mouth. It's not like they couldn't give Gordon characterization, their ability to do so is shown in all the deeply fleshed out NPCs, but it would ruin the game if they did.

Also, if you need novels to make a character relatable or to give the back story, then your game has failed in storytelling somewhere down the line.

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Mazty said:
pezus said:
Mazty said:
pezus said:

You must have missed the story. There are few cutscenes as most of the story takes place as you're playing.

It's so far from being a corridor crawl it's ridiculous. No lean mechanic, seriously?

Edit: Post above sums it up very well

What story?? The protaginist says a total of nothing. Zero. Zip. F all. As I'm playing all I could see is that aliens had taken over (combine) and there was a resistance to stop them. You join the resistance and take out the top guy at the end. Then a mystery guy in a suit says some random stuff that makes no sense. That's it. That is the story. It's cliche and forgetable. 

Most of it is a corridor crawl. Oh a few physics puzzles. Big woop. Physics and graphics don't make a game. The post you state sums it up is nonsense. As I have said time & again, what is this great story exactly? Hell, it doesn't even come close to the storylines of many RPG's and frankly is on par with Halo. 

So your biggest beef with the story is that the main character doesn't speak? Gordon Freeman was voted the greatest video game character ever on Gamespot a few years back and I guess that shows how much a character needs to speak. 

Lol, it's clearly anything but forgettable. What would be a good story to you? Some modern war type of thing with lots of CGI cutscenes where the protagonist has the coolest voice ever and talks nonstop? Also, you missed a few plot points lol. 

The story is told in a way that had not been done before, plus it's original and the characters are likeable and human. Just like the post above says.

No my beef is that the game as a whole is completely forgetable. Because people voted for something it makes their choice correct? 

You haven't delt with any of my qualms. What story? It's moving from point a->b->c->d. Nothing more, nothing less. A good story would be something like FFVII or FFX. How about SotC - the character says nothing, but it is infinately more memorable then HL2 which is nothing more then a generic FPS. Halo was a far better game which was considerably more revolutionary - melee, quick access grenades, decent vehicles, weapon limit, recharging health.

Why is HL2 not forgetable? What exactly makes the story so good or the game so memorable? The characters are not human. Alyx is a joke - develops a liking for a guy who says nothing. Playing on the virgin-geek factor much? It's just the "cool" thing to worship HL2. 

It's not simply about story but the way the story is presented to the player. The way Half-Life 2 tells its story is all designed on immersion. The story itself isn't presented to you on a platter like in Final Fantasy or Halo. The story is implied rather than stated outright. It's funny you mention SotC as the game design philosophies aren't that different. Presenting story via gameplay.

Your comment about Alyx shows that much the subtlty in the game went over your head; Alyx's father was a fellow survivor from Black Mesa. When you reach Black Mesa East, Alyx mentions how much Gordon has been the topic of conversation. Alyx's liking of Gordon isn't some mad infatuation that just occurs when she meets him. The tales of Gordon's survival and heroic deeds in Black Mesa have been spread by the fellow staff/survivors. At their first meeting Alyx is effectively meeting the rebels hero figure for the first time.

This probably explains my points better:

"Of course, Freeman can’t topple an entire extraterrestrial government alone. One of Half-Life 2’s major strong points is its well-written and appealing cast of characters. Freeman’s main allies are Dr. Isaac Kleiner, a resistance scientist, Dr. Eli Vance, Freeman’s former colleague, Barney Calhoun, a resistance informant who works with the Combine, and Alyx Vance, Eli’s daughter. Kleiner is a classically neurotic scientist, akin to Doc Brown in the Back to the Future series, whose stilted vocabulary and domesticated headcrab (a primary enemy in the game that attempts to eat your brain) cause the player to revel in his eccentricities.  Eli is a sympathetic father figure who is forced to see his daughter in increasingly dangerous situations, and his feelings make the narrative events much more significant. Barney Calhoun is Freeman’s optimistic best friend, the kind of guy who jokes about Freeman’s signature crowbar and how he owes Freeman a beer.

While these characters could be seen as traditional character molds adapted from movies and literature, albeit molds that are executed excellently, Alyx is a character that completely breaks established conventions. Alyx is Freeman’s main companion, and is an amicable and charming comrade that wins over players’ hearts with her tough-as-nails exterior yet sensitive personal feelings. Her introduction into the game immediately causes the player to treat her seriously: after getting ambushed while unarmed, Alyx single-handedly saves the player’s life. As opposed to annoyingly useless sidekicks that fail to make an impact or even hinder the player’s progress, Alyx is consistently helpful and disposes of enemies with ease. Alyx defies conventional feminine stereotypes in gaming and beyond: she’s not a buxom floozy whom the player is forced to protect for the sake of gameplay variety, but a nimble patriot that the player is thankful to have. Alyx also has believable emotions that are put to the test during the narrative situations. With enemies and combat constantly pursuing the pair, their conversations are limited to brief intermissions in elevators or other transit. Thus, the game’s intense run-and-gun sequences are punctuated by character development that always leaves you wanting more. Alyx’s emotions reach a hilt when the Combine captures her and her father. She is fearless even when she is staring down Dr. Breen himself, and spits in his face when he mentions Alyx’s deceased mother. Alyx’s believability is aided by the game’s impressively emotive facial structures that coincide well with the top-tier voice acting. Alyx is necessary on a mere gameplay level as well: she is particularly skilled at hacking Combine computer terminals, and the player needs her tools to advance in the game’s world."

You cant make everyone Happy with something like this, The Fact is that Half Life 2 is a well known Game for a reason and even if u didn't like it or thought it was boring it doesn't change the fact that it was an important game in history. With that said though i honestly thought WoW would win, the Game has been relevant for nearly the whole past Decade, but I am still pumped that Half life 2 won. As for the other games on the list none of them came close to either Half life 2 or WoW in the sense of how influential they were.

Scoobes said:

It's not simply about story but the way the story is presented to the player. The way Half-Life 2 tells its story is all designed on immersion. The story itself isn't presented to you on a platter like in Final Fantasy or Halo. The story is implied rather than stated outright. It's funny you mention SotC as the game design philosophies aren't that different. Presenting story via gameplay.

Your comment about Alyx shows that much the subtlty in the game went over your head; Alyx's father was a fellow survivor from Black Mesa. When you reach Black Mesa East, Alyx mentions how much Gordon has been the topic of conversation. Alyx's liking of Gordon isn't some mad infatuation that just occurs when she meets him. The tales of Gordon's survival and heroic deeds in Black Mesa have been spread by the fellow staff/survivors. At their first meeting Alyx is effectively meeting the rebels hero figure for the first time.

This probably explains my points better:

"Of course, Freeman can’t topple an entire extraterrestrial government alone. One of Half-Life 2’s major strong points is its well-written and appealing cast of characters. Freeman’s main allies are Dr. Isaac Kleiner, a resistance scientist, Dr. Eli Vance, Freeman’s former colleague, Barney Calhoun, a resistance informant who works with the Combine, and Alyx Vance, Eli’s daughter. Kleiner is a classically neurotic scientist, akin to Doc Brown in the Back to the Future series, whose stilted vocabulary and domesticated headcrab (a primary enemy in the game that attempts to eat your brain) cause the player to revel in his eccentricities.  Eli is a sympathetic father figure who is forced to see his daughter in increasingly dangerous situations, and his feelings make the narrative events much more significant. Barney Calhoun is Freeman’s optimistic best friend, the kind of guy who jokes about Freeman’s signature crowbar and how he owes Freeman a beer.

While these characters could be seen as traditional character molds adapted from movies and literature, albeit molds that are executed excellently, Alyx is a character that completely breaks established conventions. Alyx is Freeman’s main companion, and is an amicable and charming comrade that wins over players’ hearts with her tough-as-nails exterior yet sensitive personal feelings. Her introduction into the game immediately causes the player to treat her seriously: after getting ambushed while unarmed, Alyx single-handedly saves the player’s life. As opposed to annoyingly useless sidekicks that fail to make an impact or even hinder the player’s progress, Alyx is consistently helpful and disposes of enemies with ease. Alyx defies conventional feminine stereotypes in gaming and beyond: she’s not a buxom floozy whom the player is forced to protect for the sake of gameplay variety, but a nimble patriot that the player is thankful to have. Alyx also has believable emotions that are put to the test during the narrative situations. With enemies and combat constantly pursuing the pair, their conversations are limited to brief intermissions in elevators or other transit. Thus, the game’s intense run-and-gun sequences are punctuated by character development that always leaves you wanting more. Alyx’s emotions reach a hilt when the Combine captures her and her father. She is fearless even when she is staring down Dr. Breen himself, and spits in his face when he mentions Alyx’s deceased mother. Alyx’s believability is aided by the game’s impressively emotive facial structures that coincide well with the top-tier voice acting. Alyx is necessary on a mere gameplay level as well: she is particularly skilled at hacking Combine computer terminals, and the player needs her tools to advance in the game’s world."

Because when you are a scientific mute rambo in a giant cliche its going to be immersive..No, just cliche. The story is non-existant. Unless you have played the original game, which is a wholly rediculous requirment given the age of that game, you won't understand jack. The story isn't even implied. If you have played the original game, the story is very, very thin. If you haven't played it, the story is non-existant.
The difference with SotC is that the entire game presents to you this lonely world with one boy & his horse out to save a mysterious girl by taking down these titans. However, what the game has vastly contrasts HL2. In SotC you have a magnificant orchestral score which contrasts the silence of running around the tranquil plains and the ever growing feeling that something just isn't right with killing these creatures. HL2 however just has you bumbling through a world as a mute rambo-scientist with people talking AT you - that part right there makes it rediculous, and the fact you are held to such high esteem whilst having women drop to their knees is just a sad nerds fantasy.
Here's a real world truth - if you say jack shit, no girl is going to take a liking to you, more so when she sees you for the whole of 5 minutes. That's just cliche at best. Also as I said, expecting the player to know the story of HL1 is not acceptable considering the small platform gaming was when the original was released. 

Klein - cliche
Eli - cliche
Barney - cliche
Alyx - cliche

Alyx is nothing more then a nerds wet dream - tits with guns that gets a crush on the player. It's just pathetically hilarious. I was laughing during the confession scene in the elevator as it was so pathetic. If you compare REAL LIFE to the characters of HL2 there is nothing believable about them, and in terms of storytelling, again nothing believable or original. 
Plus this overlooks another point - what fucking storyline?!?! You wake up, teleporter goes wrong, a lot of shooting later, the end. Praising this game for it's story is absurd and nothing more then the relic of an elitist attitude from the days when PC Gamer was a niche magazine. 

Mazty said:
Scoobes said:

It's not simply about story but the way the story is presented to the player. The way Half-Life 2 tells its story is all designed on immersion. The story itself isn't presented to you on a platter like in Final Fantasy or Halo. The story is implied rather than stated outright. It's funny you mention SotC as the game design philosophies aren't that different. Presenting story via gameplay.

Your comment about Alyx shows that much the subtlty in the game went over your head; Alyx's father was a fellow survivor from Black Mesa. When you reach Black Mesa East, Alyx mentions how much Gordon has been the topic of conversation. Alyx's liking of Gordon isn't some mad infatuation that just occurs when she meets him. The tales of Gordon's survival and heroic deeds in Black Mesa have been spread by the fellow staff/survivors. At their first meeting Alyx is effectively meeting the rebels hero figure for the first time.

This probably explains my points better:

"Of course, Freeman can’t topple an entire extraterrestrial government alone. One of Half-Life 2’s major strong points is its well-written and appealing cast of characters. Freeman’s main allies are Dr. Isaac Kleiner, a resistance scientist, Dr. Eli Vance, Freeman’s former colleague, Barney Calhoun, a resistance informant who works with the Combine, and Alyx Vance, Eli’s daughter. Kleiner is a classically neurotic scientist, akin to Doc Brown in the Back to the Future series, whose stilted vocabulary and domesticated headcrab (a primary enemy in the game that attempts to eat your brain) cause the player to revel in his eccentricities.  Eli is a sympathetic father figure who is forced to see his daughter in increasingly dangerous situations, and his feelings make the narrative events much more significant. Barney Calhoun is Freeman’s optimistic best friend, the kind of guy who jokes about Freeman’s signature crowbar and how he owes Freeman a beer.

While these characters could be seen as traditional character molds adapted from movies and literature, albeit molds that are executed excellently, Alyx is a character that completely breaks established conventions. Alyx is Freeman’s main companion, and is an amicable and charming comrade that wins over players’ hearts with her tough-as-nails exterior yet sensitive personal feelings. Her introduction into the game immediately causes the player to treat her seriously: after getting ambushed while unarmed, Alyx single-handedly saves the player’s life. As opposed to annoyingly useless sidekicks that fail to make an impact or even hinder the player’s progress, Alyx is consistently helpful and disposes of enemies with ease. Alyx defies conventional feminine stereotypes in gaming and beyond: she’s not a buxom floozy whom the player is forced to protect for the sake of gameplay variety, but a nimble patriot that the player is thankful to have. Alyx also has believable emotions that are put to the test during the narrative situations. With enemies and combat constantly pursuing the pair, their conversations are limited to brief intermissions in elevators or other transit. Thus, the game’s intense run-and-gun sequences are punctuated by character development that always leaves you wanting more. Alyx’s emotions reach a hilt when the Combine captures her and her father. She is fearless even when she is staring down Dr. Breen himself, and spits in his face when he mentions Alyx’s deceased mother. Alyx’s believability is aided by the game’s impressively emotive facial structures that coincide well with the top-tier voice acting. Alyx is necessary on a mere gameplay level as well: she is particularly skilled at hacking Combine computer terminals, and the player needs her tools to advance in the game’s world."

Because when you are a scientific mute rambo in a giant cliche its going to be immersive..No, just cliche. The story is non-existant. Unless you have played the original game, which is a wholly rediculous requirment given the age of that game, you won't understand jack. The story isn't even implied. If you have played the original game, the story is very, very thin. If you haven't played it, the story is non-existant.
The difference with SotC is that the entire game presents to you this lonely world with one boy & his horse out to save a mysterious girl by taking down these titans. However, what the game has vastly contrasts HL2. In SotC you have a magnificant orchestral score which contrasts the silence of running around the tranquil plains and the ever growing feeling that something just isn't right with killing these creatures. HL2 however just has you bumbling through a world as a mute rambo-scientist with people talking AT you - that part right there makes it rediculous, and the fact you are held to such high esteem whilst having women drop to their knees is just a sad nerds fantasy.
Here's a real world truth - if you say jack shit, no girl is going to take a liking to you, more so when she sees you for the whole of 5 minutes. That's just cliche at best. Also as I said, expecting the player to know the story of HL1 is not acceptable considering the small platform gaming was when the original was released. 

Klein - cliche
Eli - cliche
Barney - cliche
Alyx - cliche

Alyx is nothing more then a nerds wet dream - tits with guns that gets a crush on the player. It's just pathetically hilarious. I was laughing during the confession scene in the elevator as it was so pathetic. If you compare REAL LIFE to the characters of HL2 there is nothing believable about them, and in terms of storytelling, again nothing believable or original. 
Plus this overlooks another point - what fucking storyline?!?! You wake up, teleporter goes wrong, a lot of shooting later, the end. Praising this game for it's story is absurd and nothing more then the relic of an elitist attitude from the days when PC Gamer was a niche magazine. 

I find it hilarious that you call all these characters cliched and the story nothing believable, yet you mentioned Final Fantasy VII and X... because the entire casts of both games weren't cliched in the slightest! Tidus, Tifa, Cloud, Rikku, Barret, Cid, Yuffie... they all follow common Japanese anime sterotypes.

Maybe you should actually have a look at main female characters in most video games before you complain about Alyx. Most of them are horribly cliched and are genuine "nerd fantasies" as you put it (at least half the female characters in all Final Fantasy games could fit that bill). Alyx by comparison actually shows human traits of strength, emotional vulnerability and love for a father. All of these factors are implied throughout the game rather than outright told to you in a script or cut-scene.

Also, I already explained why she takes to you (or your avatar/Gordon Freeman). Gordon Freeman isn't just mute, he's also the figurehead for the Resistance and a highly regarded individual amongst the Black Mesa survivors (again, implied in the game). The whole concept of a silent protagonist is that he becomes an avatar for you. If you have difficulty with that as a concept then your going to struggle to enjoy any game with a silent protagonist.

@ bolded, I was right. The subtlty was obviously beyond you if that's all you took from the story. You don't need to have played the original because everything you need to know about the story is actually in the game. The references to the "Black Mesa" incident in HL2 should be more than enough if you actually care to listen to the conversations as you traverse the game let alone the actual events of HL2 which you don't seem to have registered at all. Those characters talking "AT" you, they're kinda explaining the story

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Scoobes said:

I find it hilarious that you call all these characters cliched and the story nothing believable, yet you mentioned Final Fantasy VII and X... because the entire casts of both games weren't cliched in the slightest! Tidus, Tifa, Cloud, Rikku, Barret, Cid, Yuffie... they all follow common Japanese anime sterotypes.

Maybe you should actually have a look at main female characters in most video games before you complain about Alyx. Most of them are horribly cliched and are genuine "nerd fantasies" as you put it (at least half the female characters in all Final Fantasy games could fit that bill). Alyx by comparison actually shows human traits of strength, emotional vulnerability and love for a father. All of these factors are implied throughout the game rather than outright told to you in a script or cut-scene.

Also, I already explained why she takes to you (or your avatar/Gordon Freeman). Gordon Freeman isn't just mute, he's also the figurehead for the Resistance and a highly regarded individual amongst the Black Mesa survivors (again, implied in the game). The whole concept of a silent protagonist is that he becomes an avatar for you. If you have difficulty with that as a concept then your going to struggle to enjoy any game with a silent protagonist.

@ bolded, I was right. The subtlty was obviously beyond you if that's all you took from the story. You don't need to have played the original because everything you need to know about the story is actually in the game. The references to the "Black Mesa" incident in HL2 should be more than enough if you actually care to listen to the conversations as you traverse the game let alone the actual events of HL2 which you don't seem to have registered at all. Those characters talking "AT" you, they're kinda explaining the story

Stating FF is cliche does not mean HL2 is not cliche. FF actually has a storyline. HL2's storyline is so thin it's almost non-existant. 

Alyx is  nothing more then a nerd fantasy. "Hot" young chick falls for a rambo scientist who has said literally nothing. Yep, 100% believable. A mute scientist rambo figurehead for a resistance against aliens...Even if he doesn't speak the storyline is still barely there, so to praise something that barely even exists is, as I said, just a PC Gamer magazine elistist notion. 

I enjoyed SotC greatly because it was atmospheric and very immersive. HL2 bore me stupid, was filled with cliches, and had very little storyline. 

Okay then please explain these "subtleties" I missed. What story?!?! Aliens have invaded. You are part of a resistance to fight them. Lots of travelling. That is it. And a grav gun. 

Muffin31190 said:

You cant make everyone Happy with something like this, The Fact is that Half Life 2 is a well known Game for a reason and even if u didn't like it or thought it was boring it doesn't change the fact that it was an important game in history. With that said though i honestly thought WoW would win, the Game has been relevant for nearly the whole past Decade, but I am still pumped that Half life 2 won. As for the other games on the list none of them came close to either Half life 2 or WoW in the sense of how influential they were.

HL2 is not an important game in gaming history. It's just an elitist left over opinion from the days of PC Gamer being worshipped and a knee-jerk reaction in the wake of decent console FPS' e.g. Halo. 

pezus said:
ninetailschris said:
pezus said:
DieAppleDie said:
I really dislike this game getting so much praise for those stupid physics, the game is not even better than the first one, the gameplay is very limited, puzzles were annoying due to physics, and the rest is just a corridor/checkpoint based FPS
It doesnt stand a chance against Metroid prime

What's stupid about the physics? They revolutionized the genre.

The game not being better than the first one would not be a point against it, since the first one didn't qualify because of its release date.

Again with the corridors...I wonder if those who say it's a corridor shooter even played it beyond the first hour. So you're against checkpoints? I don't get that.

How is the gameplay "limited"? The physics alone open up way more possibilities than any FPS games before.

Metroid Prime must be very forgettable since I rarely see it mentioned.

Pezus the best thing to do when you don't know about a game is to stay quiet because your comment on metroid prime is shooting yourself in the foot.

you do realize I could half life is irrelevant because the only people who know are the very hardcore as mainstream probably didn't even know it existed until it said on t.v. Hell I guess every halo makes half life a forgettable trash game. 

Lol, only the very hardcore? What did HL2 sell again? Right, close to 15m...this is just a laughable attempt to downplay the game, and now you even add Halo even though no Halo game can touch HL2's sales. 

This is highly ironic because you keep mentioning Metroid Prime that would perfectly fit your description right there.

I got my game free on steam. I assume most were given away or so low it was basically free.

Funny thing is vg  says it flopped on consoles.

therefor I can believe that it's irrelevant in the mainstream. 

Diablo is the only legit game saw over 10 million at full price.

Half life 2 was free at some point and was counting the downloads as "sales" kinda like bundles. Plus there were the orange box bundles.

atm it's sold for 10$ valve is know to drop games to crazy low numbers so again not crediable. 

Nuff said trolololo.


"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max

Mazty said:
Muffin31190 said:

You cant make everyone Happy with something like this, The Fact is that Half Life 2 is a well known Game for a reason and even if u didn't like it or thought it was boring it doesn't change the fact that it was an important game in history. With that said though i honestly thought WoW would win, the Game has been relevant for nearly the whole past Decade, but I am still pumped that Half life 2 won. As for the other games on the list none of them came close to either Half life 2 or WoW in the sense of how influential they were.

HL2 is not an important game in gaming history. It's just an elitist left over opinion from the days of PC Gamer being worshipped and a knee-jerk reaction in the wake of decent console FPS' e.g. Halo. 

Thats like Just your Opinion Man ... lol Jokes aside that Game half life 2 which you think is elitest is kinda  the reason that there is Call of Duty and 
Battlefield, but yes Halo C.E.evolve a great game BUT <(very huge BUT) Halo came out in 2001 so that is over 10 years ago which is over a Decade, but again thats just like my opinion man ... but its more like straight facts

Muffin31190 said:
Mazty said:
Muffin31190 said:

You cant make everyone Happy with something like this, The Fact is that Half Life 2 is a well known Game for a reason and even if u didn't like it or thought it was boring it doesn't change the fact that it was an important game in history. With that said though i honestly thought WoW would win, the Game has been relevant for nearly the whole past Decade, but I am still pumped that Half life 2 won. As for the other games on the list none of them came close to either Half life 2 or WoW in the sense of how influential they were.

HL2 is not an important game in gaming history. It's just an elitist left over opinion from the days of PC Gamer being worshipped and a knee-jerk reaction in the wake of decent console FPS' e.g. Halo. 

Thats like Just your Opinion Man ... lol Jokes aside that Game half life 2 which you think is elitest is kinda  the reason that there is Call of Duty and 
Battlefield, but yes Halo C.E.evolve a great game BUT <(very huge BUT) Halo came out in 2001 so that is over 10 years ago which is over a Decade, but again thats just like my opinion man ... but its more like straight facts

Er what....!?!?! 
Call of Duty has absolutely nothing to do with HL2, same with Battlefield. CoD came out before HL2....It's mechanics were completely different and radical with the iron-sights. In fact most modern FPS' own their heritage to Halo: CE. I can't think of a single FPS outside of the HL2 series that owes anything to HL2....