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Scoobes said:

I find it hilarious that you call all these characters cliched and the story nothing believable, yet you mentioned Final Fantasy VII and X... because the entire casts of both games weren't cliched in the slightest! Tidus, Tifa, Cloud, Rikku, Barret, Cid, Yuffie... they all follow common Japanese anime sterotypes.

Maybe you should actually have a look at main female characters in most video games before you complain about Alyx. Most of them are horribly cliched and are genuine "nerd fantasies" as you put it (at least half the female characters in all Final Fantasy games could fit that bill). Alyx by comparison actually shows human traits of strength, emotional vulnerability and love for a father. All of these factors are implied throughout the game rather than outright told to you in a script or cut-scene.

Also, I already explained why she takes to you (or your avatar/Gordon Freeman). Gordon Freeman isn't just mute, he's also the figurehead for the Resistance and a highly regarded individual amongst the Black Mesa survivors (again, implied in the game). The whole concept of a silent protagonist is that he becomes an avatar for you. If you have difficulty with that as a concept then your going to struggle to enjoy any game with a silent protagonist.

@ bolded, I was right. The subtlty was obviously beyond you if that's all you took from the story. You don't need to have played the original because everything you need to know about the story is actually in the game. The references to the "Black Mesa" incident in HL2 should be more than enough if you actually care to listen to the conversations as you traverse the game let alone the actual events of HL2 which you don't seem to have registered at all. Those characters talking "AT" you, they're kinda explaining the story

Stating FF is cliche does not mean HL2 is not cliche. FF actually has a storyline. HL2's storyline is so thin it's almost non-existant. 

Alyx is  nothing more then a nerd fantasy. "Hot" young chick falls for a rambo scientist who has said literally nothing. Yep, 100% believable. A mute scientist rambo figurehead for a resistance against aliens...Even if he doesn't speak the storyline is still barely there, so to praise something that barely even exists is, as I said, just a PC Gamer magazine elistist notion. 

I enjoyed SotC greatly because it was atmospheric and very immersive. HL2 bore me stupid, was filled with cliches, and had very little storyline. 

Okay then please explain these "subtleties" I missed. What story?!?! Aliens have invaded. You are part of a resistance to fight them. Lots of travelling. That is it. And a grav gun.