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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U 'Has A Horrible, Slow CPU' Says Metro Last Light Dev

Whether 720/PS4 pose a threat to WiiU ultimately depends on how well either console does in sales. But if they make it much too costly and too powerful, it's going to result with more and more developers going bankrupt. I doubt anyone will really wanna see that. I seriously doubt that PS4/720 will be much of a leap over WiiU anyway, despite what some people say. All this speculating is just pointless based on this one guy, never mind that there are 30 other developers for WiiU (third parties included) who have said otherwise?

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BlueFalcon said:

I get the feeling the people who are going to be skipping the Wii U wouldn't have bought it even if it was 10x more powerful than PS3/360 because they just aren't interested in Nintendo's games.

Exactly. Same can be said about many 3rd party developers. They just hate competing on Nintendo platforms so they give up before even trying.



"Wii U graphics would need to be scaled back on Xbox 360 and PS3. Trine 2 pushes the Wii U beyond what's possible on current consoles."

We should wait until developers learn to optimize games for the Wii U. Even the very act of porting the game (i.e, Batman AC) is often outsourced and not carried out by the actual developer of the game. I don't think it's fair at all to judge the potential of a new console based on the first week of games!  Compare Perfect Dark Zero on Xbox 360 (launch title) against Halo 4 or Super Mario 64 against Banjo-Kazooie/ Conquer's Bad Fur Day.

It isn't the fault of the console. Consoles shouldn't need to rely on strong processors solely for games. It's sad that developers are lost on how to develop for a GPU nowadays. If these developers would put more load on the GPU and less on the CPU the Wii-U would win out every time because it has a far more powerful GPU and the processor I highly doubt is that much worse. GPU optimized games run a whole lot better.



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The biggest 3 problems I see for Nintendo right now are:

1) The average consumer might think it's a $300 tablet accessory for the Wii, not a brand new console;

2) PS3/360 owners have little reason to get the Wii U without any killer apps, as whatever 3rd party titles come to the Wii in the next 12-18 months will likely launch on PS3/360. 

3) Certain developers are already saying they won't develop games for Wii U in the near future. That's never a good sign and shows Nintendo needs to figure out a way to court 3rd party developers. With initially low install base of Wii U consoles on the market (5-6 million by Spring 2013?), developers aren't going to be that eager to spend $ porting games to the Wii U.

Point #2 means all those people will be sitting on the sidelines waiting on killer/unique games to come to the Wii U but only Nintendo can deliver them as no 3rd party developer is going to go out of their way (without $ bribes) to make Wii U exclusive titles and not release them to capitalize on the massive current userbase of Xbox 360/ PS3 (i.e., GTA V coming first to those 2 consoles as opposed to Wii U or PC). The real danger is if Nintendo doesn't get any killer games in the next 12-18 months and builts up a minimum userbase of 10 million gamers, by then PS4 / Xbox next will launch and Nintendo's console may look outdated with a small userbase. They should have launched the console with a revolutionary Super Mario, Zelda, Metroid game to make sure the current PS3/360 owners take notice. Those gamers aren't going to be spending $300 just to play AC3, Batman AC or Black Ops 2 on the Wii U when they probably already bought them for their current consoles. 

so anybody take the Wii U out back to shoot it up yet after this news?

BlueFalcon said:


3) Certain developers are already saying they won't develop games for Wii U in the near future. That's never a good sign and shows Nintendo needs to figure out a way to court 3rd party developers. With initially low install base of Wii U consoles on the market (5-6 million by Spring 2013?), developers aren't going to be that eager to spend $ porting games to the Wii U.


Not going to happen. The uncool nerd at school will always be punished and bullied by their fellow peers. The only time the "cool kids" will do anything nice for the nerd is when the cool kids are clearly taking advantage of him for their own gain. Then they'll walk away laughing the second they don't need the nerd's attention anymore.

Sad, but true.

Lets see links where 3d party devs are leaving the wii u .i have never seen that.
Its all bull e


BlueFalcon said:

The biggest 3 problems I see for Nintendo right now are:

1) The average consumer might think it's a $300 tablet accessory for the Wii, not a brand new console;

2) PS3/360 owners have little reason to get the Wii U without any killer apps, as whatever 3rd party titles come to the Wii in the next 12-18 months will likely launch on PS3/360. 

3) Certain developers are already saying they won't develop games for Wii U in the near future. That's never a good sign and shows Nintendo needs to figure out a way to court 3rd party developers. With initially low install base of Wii U consoles on the market (5-6 million by Spring 2013?), developers aren't going to be that eager to spend $ porting games to the Wii U.

Point #2 means all those people will be sitting on the sidelines waiting on killer/unique games to come to the Wii U but only Nintendo can deliver them as no 3rd party developer is going to go out of their way (without $ bribes) to make Wii U exclusive titles and not release them to capitalize on the massive current userbase of Xbox 360/ PS3 (i.e., GTA V coming first to those 2 consoles as opposed to Wii U or PC). The real danger is if Nintendo doesn't get any killer games in the next 12-18 months and builts up a minimum userbase of 10 million gamers, by then PS4 / Xbox next will launch and Nintendo's console may look outdated with a small userbase. They should have launched the console with a revolutionary Super Mario, Zelda, Metroid game to make sure the current PS3/360 owners take notice. Those gamers aren't going to be spending $300 just to play AC3, Batman AC or Black Ops 2 on the Wii U when they probably already bought them for their current consoles. 

Point 1 - have you seen the ads? "new console new way to play" Perhaps they only Europe.

Point 2 -  I dont think many of those 360/PS3 people ever intend to buy a WiiU, so point is somewhat irrelivent.

Point 3 - Nintendo tried to court them in the past and it didn't work because of various excuses. Hell they even dropped the quality control of games to allow more 3rd party support, yet all Wii got was shovelware. The developers who are on the fence, have never intended to work on a Nintendo console to begin with.