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Forums - Sony Discussion - Does sony have a franchise that will sell the PS4 out of the gate

Jay520 said:
sales2099 said:

Well the spent 5.5 years getting used to the PS3 archeteture and now they are wrapping themselves around the PS4 archecture. But even then Sony has this policy to let them release the game when its ready. Sony pressured PD to release GT5 one year too early, and the metascore reflected that.

In the end, we don't know, but my guess is just as probable as yours.

Well Kaz said himself that GT6 won't take as much time to develop as GT5 due to the fact that GT6 will use the same framework/engine as GT5. 

There's also the fact that Sony stated that they would make their hardware easier to develop. So don't expect the PS4 to be as difficult to develop for as the PS3.

With the known information, expecting GT6 to take as long as GT5 is improbable. If GT5 took 5.5 years, then I expect GT6 will take 4 years, releasing in 2014, only one year after the PS3 launches.

Hmm, I think Sony wont launch PS4 in 2013, so GT6 might actually be a launch title after all. Your release window of 4 years makes sense.

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sales2099 said:

Both fanbases can have the same number, but if one group has 3x the spending capacity......that means something.

It could mean something. But considering GT fans have had only one main installment, you don't know what their spending capacity is. You just know what they can spend on one game, which is similar to what Halo fans spend on one game.

Regardless though, GT's fanbase consists of around 10 million fans, no too much lower than Halo's. With that said, GT can push around 10 million consoles, not too much lower than Halo's.

riderz13371 said:

GG is also making a new IP plus they Killzone Merc for Vita. Damn they're busy =P

I doubt it's a new IP tho...I think it has to be KZ4. Siliconera discovered a script of KZ (to be said by the visari's daughter) a while back. KZ Merc doesn't sound like it's taking that route.

Imagine a KZ on a next gen console 0_0 would be a perfect way to show off the system as well


oh and GG has expanded now so they can handle more. Sony Cambridge is part of GG now

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FatalInertia said:
Umm Uncharted alone is on pace to be a huge franchise, God of war, Gran turismo already is, and so is metal gear solid. Sony has more top selling franchises then xbox.

its not 1 franchise that sells a system however, its a combination of games, and sony has that in spades.

Sadly CoD is the one franchise that is keeping the 360 in front of the PS3
11 months of the year the PS3 is destroying the 360 in sales worldwide but then BÄM CoD - 11 months effort get destroyed.
As long as this continues and it probably will as sad as it is(see at BO2 - Same copy+paste garbage and sells like hell) Microsoft can put their money into other things.They don't need the variety in games and genres.
They only need CoD and here and there their Halo....Sony on the other hand has to put out 30 different franchises while creating 20 new ones cause "gamers" of these days have a non existent taste in games.
Games like Uncharted and God of War should all be at 25 Million for each game cause they are top notch quality and pushed everything beyond limits with every game.

Sony will need 3rd Party support more than ever.
Development costs are rumored to be doubled and at the same time the PS4 is getting architectures that even devs that aren't Sony 1st Party should be able to understand.If this doesn't help nothing will and we can enjoy our CoD Copy+paste games every year(and other franchises turn into CoD like some did already in this Gen) cause nothing else will be worth the effort for them.

CGI-Quality said:
sales2099 said:
CGI-Quality said:
sales2099 said:
Jay520 said:

They should be fine.

Gran Turismo is a 10 million seller. Uncharted is a 6 million seller. God of War is a 5 million seller. LittleBigPlanet is a 3-5 million seller(not really sure). Then they have plenty of medium franchises like Killzone and inFAMOUS that sell 2-3 million. There's also new Ips and the fact that developers like ND are splitting up into multiple development studios.

Sony actually had an impressive batch of exclusives who could have been used for the PS3. The problem is many of them were released much too late. As well as excessive pricing, etc.

As for Halo and Gears. Halo isn't that much bigger than Gran Turismo. And Gears isn't that much bigger than Uncharted. 

1 on 1 Halo and GT are similar. But take into account franchise sales this gen, and Halo dwarfs it.

With Halo having 3 full releases + a spin-off, next to GT's one full and a Prologue, how can you realistically even compare the sales like-for-like and claim one "dwarfs" the other? 

I compared "franchise sales". This doesn't take into account how much each franchise released games or even if its fair. That is their problem (the developer).

I am simply stating how much sales Halo got this gen vs how many GT got this gen.

Halo sales this gen dwarf GT. Simple.

But your comparison doesn't make any sense because you aren't comparing similar situations. 

Its unfair, but it makes sense.

For the 7th generation of consoles, one franchise brought in X amount of sales. Another franchise brought in X amount of sales. Thats it. Simple. Not complicated.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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Jay520 said:
sales2099 said:

Well the spent 5.5 years getting used to the PS3 archeteture and now they are wrapping themselves around the PS4 archecture. But even then Sony has this policy to let them release the game when its ready. Sony pressured PD to release GT5 one year too early, and the metascore reflected that.

In the end, we don't know, but my guess is just as probable as yours.

Well Kaz said himself that GT6 won't take as much time to develop as GT5 due to the fact that GT6 will use the same framework/engine as GT5. 

There's also the fact that Sony stated that they would make their hardware easier to develop. So don't expect the PS4 to be as difficult to develop for as the PS3.

With the known information, expecting GT6 to take as long as GT5 is improbable. If GT5 took 5.5 years, then I expect GT6 will take 4 years, releasing in 2014, only one year after the PS3 launches.

If a system is easier to develop for can we conclude that it will be easier to hack?  Just thinking about their 1P sales. I am wondering if someone can make a thread on it :X

JayWood2010 said:
bananaking21 said:
JayWood2010 said:

Everybody wants to predict how well the PS4/ NeXbox and the WiiU will sell, however people has left out important info on why they think each will sell well.  So here is my question, what does Sony have that will make the PS4 sell well.  Microsoft has Halo and Gears which are both system sellers to a mass amount of people and on top of that the XBOX brand is higher than ever in America, as well as Nintendo having Mario, DK, Zelda, and this list never ends.  Sony has a ton of franchises but does any of them really have that mass appeal that people will just blindly go in and buy the system right off of the bat for a high price?  The two biggest franchises that they have is Uncharted ,God of War, and Gran Turismo, but are they big enough?  

Explain your answers and try not argueing.


Serious question.  Uncharted and God of War are both possibly ending and neither one are 10 million + sellers.  Which leaves it up to gran turismo.

Neither is Gears of War, Zelda or DK.

Yes i think. The biggest mistake with PS3 in this gen is the lack of Cross Game Chat, big launch price, the inferior multiplataforms. PS3 could today be in a worst situation, but the great exclusives and free online service is helping a lot!!
SONY can easily make right with PS4/ORBIS and learn with this big mistakes that PS3 has. I also know that PS4 is being done outside Japan.  I think it's good, because I believe that American engineers have more experience with hardware.


This is the reason PSP could not match DS and PSV will die early with the rise of smartphones/tablets.

Sony does not have the IP strength of Nintendo and quite frankly when you consider the appeal of Halo, MS.

Sony has a lot of IPs and many of them are very good for what they are.

  • Uncharted is a good story based game, but its not a Mario, Zelda, Halo system seller. Just look at Vita and its Uncharted launch title.
  • GoW simply should not be considered a system seller. Its never really pushed harware.
  • GT is a good candidate, but its a niche title. Not a mass market seller like Mario or Halo.
  • LBP is also a decent choice, but its not quite mass market either.
  • Then there honestly is no other Sony IP I can even think of... Infamous? nope. What else? I seriously don't know why anyone brings up Killzone... ever.

PS1 and 2 dominated not due to Sony's IPs, but do to their early launch combined with A LOT of 3rd party exclusives. PS3 launched late and no exclusives and its result is doing well due to Japan and European love for Playstation while Wii never lived up to 3rd party AAA expectations. Vita meanwhile is, well Vita.

PS4 would require not only a couple first party IPs like a LBP or Uncharted/GT (specifically for Europeans), but they'd also need some serious 3rd party exclusives.

Otherwise, what will be more important is how they directly compare to WiiU/neXtBox. i.e. free online play? increased value in PSN+?, other services? (especially in comparison to what should be expected from MS in Win8 on neXtBox).

Nintendo can launch with a Mario game and be set so long as it has an otherwise good launch line-up and seemingly decent system.
MS can launch fine with a Halo or likely Gears game and be fine with the rest of its obvious offerings.
Sony will need a far more rounded out line-up, especially if they go retard again and offer a $600 system. (I have zero faith that will happen, I expect parity between MSony in price and power)

M.U.G.E.N said:
riderz13371 said:

GG is also making a new IP plus they Killzone Merc for Vita. Damn they're busy =P

I doubt it's a new IP tho...I think it has to be KZ4. Siliconera discovered a script of KZ (to be said by the visari's daughter) a while back. KZ Merc doesn't sound like it's taking that route.

Imagine a KZ on a next gen console 0_0 would be a perfect way to show off the system as well


oh and GG has expanded now so they can handle more. Sony Cambridge is part of GG now

This is from Guerilla Games website,

After the successful release of the original Killzone, Guerilla was acquired by Sony Computer Entertainment in 2005. It went on to create the critically acclaimed handheld spin-off, Killzone Liberation, as well as the award-winning sequel, Killzone 2. The studio released Killzone 3 to eager audiences in February of 2011, and is currently in the process of developing a second IP.