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This is the reason PSP could not match DS and PSV will die early with the rise of smartphones/tablets.

Sony does not have the IP strength of Nintendo and quite frankly when you consider the appeal of Halo, MS.

Sony has a lot of IPs and many of them are very good for what they are.

  • Uncharted is a good story based game, but its not a Mario, Zelda, Halo system seller. Just look at Vita and its Uncharted launch title.
  • GoW simply should not be considered a system seller. Its never really pushed harware.
  • GT is a good candidate, but its a niche title. Not a mass market seller like Mario or Halo.
  • LBP is also a decent choice, but its not quite mass market either.
  • Then there honestly is no other Sony IP I can even think of... Infamous? nope. What else? I seriously don't know why anyone brings up Killzone... ever.

PS1 and 2 dominated not due to Sony's IPs, but do to their early launch combined with A LOT of 3rd party exclusives. PS3 launched late and no exclusives and its result is doing well due to Japan and European love for Playstation while Wii never lived up to 3rd party AAA expectations. Vita meanwhile is, well Vita.

PS4 would require not only a couple first party IPs like a LBP or Uncharted/GT (specifically for Europeans), but they'd also need some serious 3rd party exclusives.

Otherwise, what will be more important is how they directly compare to WiiU/neXtBox. i.e. free online play? increased value in PSN+?, other services? (especially in comparison to what should be expected from MS in Win8 on neXtBox).

Nintendo can launch with a Mario game and be set so long as it has an otherwise good launch line-up and seemingly decent system.
MS can launch fine with a Halo or likely Gears game and be fine with the rest of its obvious offerings.
Sony will need a far more rounded out line-up, especially if they go retard again and offer a $600 system. (I have zero faith that will happen, I expect parity between MSony in price and power)