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Jay520 said:
sales2099 said:

Well the spent 5.5 years getting used to the PS3 archeteture and now they are wrapping themselves around the PS4 archecture. But even then Sony has this policy to let them release the game when its ready. Sony pressured PD to release GT5 one year too early, and the metascore reflected that.

In the end, we don't know, but my guess is just as probable as yours.

Well Kaz said himself that GT6 won't take as much time to develop as GT5 due to the fact that GT6 will use the same framework/engine as GT5. 

There's also the fact that Sony stated that they would make their hardware easier to develop. So don't expect the PS4 to be as difficult to develop for as the PS3.

With the known information, expecting GT6 to take as long as GT5 is improbable. If GT5 took 5.5 years, then I expect GT6 will take 4 years, releasing in 2014, only one year after the PS3 launches.

If a system is easier to develop for can we conclude that it will be easier to hack?  Just thinking about their 1P sales. I am wondering if someone can make a thread on it :X