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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What next gen consoles will you be buying?


Which console will you be buying?

WiiU 73 12.37%
NeXbox 101 17.12%
PS4 251 42.54%
All 3 46 7.80%
WiiU/NeXbox 19 3.22%
WiiU/PS4 44 7.46%
NeXbox/PS4 55 9.32%

At the moment the Wii U and Ps4, i will consider the next xbox if it offer something new (baring in mind im not a halo or gears fan) other than that just those too, for the time being...

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All 3 probably, I'm probably getting a Wii U next summer with Pikmin 3, nintendo land, their fall titlea and a few wii games i've ignored (zelda ss, mario galaxy 2 and xenoblade). Hopefully they've have HD downloadable wii titles by then.

I'll probably get the 720 summer 2014 and I'll wait and see what the PS4 offers, but I'm sure I'll get it last just to avoid an anti climax as I'm sure its going to be the most impressive of the 3. If it isn't I may not get it till way later when its £199-249 and I can get most of the good 1st party titles on PS Plus.

I'll probably end up buying all 3. However, 720 is likely the only one I'll be buying on launch day.

Wii U for the Nintendo exclusives and Xbox for Halo and third party titles.

Just like this generation.

I am an undecided voter.

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PS4, that's all I need.


    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

The neXt box for sure. Bungie's new IP Destiny at launch? Yes please!!!

Quite likely to get a second hand or discounted WiiU or ps4 down the line sometime.

PS4 and Wii U but I'll be damned if I bought any of those bastards at launch. I have to wait a year so I can have a years worth of games in their respective librarys to choose from. I was thinking about getting The Wii U at launch but I said fuck it when Pikmin 3 got delayed

But i usually always roll with just Nintendo and Sony each gen and nothing is going to change going into the 8th generation