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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your Top 50 Games: 2012 Discussion Thread: FINISH YOUR LISTS

TruckOSaurus said:
Kantor said:
Clue for 17: he's BACk

(Yes the capitalisation is important)


Nope. That has nothing to do with the capitalisation

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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TruckOSaurus said:
Scoobes said:
Clue for 17: Holy crap! The moon!

Majora's Mask

Nope, it relates to the end of the game rather than playing an integral part of it.

Was busy for awhile. Just made a large update!

18. Final Fantasy X-2
19. Jeanne d'arc
20. Valkyria Chronicles 2
21. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
22. Final Fantasy VIII
23. Halo: Combat Evolved
24. Bayonetta
25. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
26. Catherine
26. Super Smash Bros. Melee
27. Gears of War 2
28. Mario Kart 64
29. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
30. Dark Souls
31. Final Fantasy XIII-2

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

18. The Legend of Dragoon (1999)

Down from 13th is this still masterful PS1 game. I'm normally not a fan of games that require fast thinking or reactions but the timing mechanic for additions in this game really kept you engaged in the battle.  I could have done without button mashing to make item attacks more powerful but the idea made up for it.  Dragoons were wonderful as they were almost like summons that you got to exchange for your character in battle.  Later in the game they were almost a necessity to keep your defense and health high enough to survive.  This also meant that you had to manage when you went into your dragoon form.  I thought the story surpassed that of most rpgs and would have loved to learn even more of the lore (prequel please!).  The dragoon cutscenes were fun to watch in an anime sort of way as well.

Primarily an RPG player but have interest in any game that will make me think. 

Scoobes said:

18. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2, PC, also on X-box)


The only GTA game on my list as it's quite simply brilliant. For me, the content in this game alone was enough to push this game up to 18th. All the aspects that made GTAIII and Vice City great were thrown into this game and then the content was doubled to create a gloriously fun package. Great missions, lots of cars, diverse environments (3 different cities, countryside, desert) and flying jets! I prefered the mafia story of Vice City, but the sheer volume of the game world and the variety of things to do make this game the best GTA game ever created! I really don't see how they can better this game (especially after the disappointing GTA IV).

I know how they can make it better. Do this.

Only improve the combat systems, and have better graphics. While still having the awesomeness and ability to get fat!
GTAV doesn't look like it's doing this :-/.

I'm so far behind because of finals I'll do one big post :D of nonsense after in a few days.

Around the Network
ishiki said:
Scoobes said:

18. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2, PC, also on X-box)


The only GTA game on my list as it's quite simply brilliant. For me, the content in this game alone was enough to push this game up to 18th. All the aspects that made GTAIII and Vice City great were thrown into this game and then the content was doubled to create a gloriously fun package. Great missions, lots of cars, diverse environments (3 different cities, countryside, desert) and flying jets! I prefered the mafia story of Vice City, but the sheer volume of the game world and the variety of things to do make this game the best GTA game ever created! I really don't see how they can better this game (especially after the disappointing GTA IV).

I know how they can make it better. Do this.

Only improve the combat systems, and have better graphics. While still having the awesomeness and ability to get fat!
GTAV doesn't look like it's doing this :-/.

I'm so far behind because of finals I'll do one big post :D of nonsense after in a few days.

Yeah, that would be ideal, lol. I just don't see how any development team has the resources to build the sheer variety of high def models and assets that this game would need for the HD age.

Look forward to your massive post!

#17 - Metal Gear Solid 3 (PS2)

So, after years of speculation at the end of MGS2, I was shocked by the complete shift in tone, time period and even atmosphere that Kojima took with MGS3.  At first, I hated it.  I didn't like the jungle, I didn't like the focus on survival, there were so many things that put me off it.  But slowly, as I explored Kojima's telling of the Virtuous mission, I grew to understand what a masterpiece he had created.

It's a homage to the James Bond movies of the time.  It's a fantastic shift in terms of the stealth action gameplay that the MGS series has become famous for.  It's a fantastic simplistic story, far removed from the convoluted mess that was MGS2.  It features some great characters, some fantastic bad guys and some even more entertaining boss fights (including escaping from the Shagohod on Eva's bike, easily one of the best set-pieces in gaming history).  I doubted Kojima but I don't think I ever will again, this man knows how to make a masterpiece and MGS3 is one of his finest achievements.

Clue for my #16 - Three-quel (and final mainline entry in the series so far) which shifted the action from the city to the desert and gave our heroes new powers.

Kantor said:
TruckOSaurus said:
Kantor said:
Clue for 17: he's BACk

(Yes the capitalisation is important)


Nope. That has nothing to do with the capitalisation

Terminator 2 on NES/SNES?

Kresnik said:
Clue for my #16 - Three-quel (and final mainline entry in the series so far) which shifted the action from the city to the desert and gave our heroes new powers.

Jak 3?