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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GTA V coming Spring 2013 to PS3, X360. UPDATE: it's official now, R* confirms

phenom08 said:
oniyide said:
this thread turned into port begging and whining faster than usual.
The Ninty fans on this site swear that there are millions of them that are upset about this, please. Most people who were interested in getting GTA has a PS360 or PC by now. Lets be real.

This is how we got into a debate last time Oniyide, you making it seem like every Ninty fan is begging for this by seeing just a hand full having meltdowns. All I see is one saying how this is unfair and the others are pretty much saying could be a later port, since even the PC version wasn't announced. I also highly doubt Rockstar would not port this to PS4/720, why not port to WiiU while they are it.

im not the one making it seem like anyone is begging, but you have the usual suspects and there conspiracies. They are the ones acting like R* slightly the Ninty community. Although like you said yourself that is far from the truth, but if they know that(the ones complaining) why complain? They must know they are in the minority and there words are falling on deaf ears.

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oniyide said:
CCFanboy said:
oniyide said:

LOL, how??? Its not getting you the game on WIi U any faster. And lets be real your not going to do much about it, except for what you have been doing, which is just complaining, on a video game forum a forum that is probably not seen by anyone with any real influence anyway

You'd be surprised who can read forums actually. I found this pretty interesting back when mr. Dyack called out neogaf for upsetting him.

Mike Maag: A week later, news broke that longtime Xbox spokesman Peter Moore would be leaving Microsoft for EA. My post ["Keep Peter Moore, get rid of Jeff Bell"] apparently caught Mr. Bell's attention. That day a new member, calling himself "bell801," was approved. His first and only act as a member of NeoGAF was to send me the following message: "And you're contribution to society is...what?"

^ quote from the article.

For me I am going to trust that nintendo spoke on our behalf for the game.

believe whatever you want man

A great many developers are ascended gamers. You'd be surprised who's watching.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

It must have been a tough call - got with lower specs - but a huge 150 million console market (X360 + PS3). It's too bad it isn't a launch on the WiiU but it will probably not be that big of a market then @6-10 million on the WiiU.

Plus, who knows how hard it is to port to the WiiU.

I would think porting from the Xbox to the PC wouldn't be that hard as they are both DirectX. But they will want enhancements on the PC version.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

Zappykins said:
It must have been a tough call - got with lower specs - but a huge 150 million console market (X360 + PS3). It's too bad it isn't a launch on the WiiU but it will probably not be that big of a market then @6-10 million on the WiiU.

Plus, who knows how hard it is to port to the WiiU.

I would think porting from the Xbox to the PC wouldn't be that hard as they are both DirectX. But they will want enhancements on the PC version.

Its actually really easy to port to wii u. They have implied there will be a pc version later which I think we all can guess and they have yet to say anything about wii u. And I don't know why people are saying the next xbox. That makes even less sense then wii u because it would launch right into a fire with an install base of 0.

One more thing to complete my year = senran kagura localization =D

PC owners did not worry. This will 100% arrive on the PC as a superior edition of the console versions, although I will get this on PS3 myself.

Wii U on the other hand I don't think.

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I think they're probably waiting to see about the Wii U. They don't have as much faith in it as some other companies appear to, but if the system sells well, and games like ME3 and Arkham City are successful, they'll probably go ahead and develop a Wii U version.

Anyway, good news and hopefully it can stick to that date.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Mr Khan said:
Train wreck said:
oniyide said:
runqvist said:

I don't get it. Why do you think that if a company does not release their games on one platform, it would make them worth ridiculing? As far as I know, it is their choice.

your wasting your time

Yep.  I hope the rockstar snub stays in effect.

As do i. Proof of malevolent conspiracy is a handy thing to have.

tell me mr khan...  on what day did nintendo tell R* wii U's targeted release window of holiday 2012?  on what day nintendo let R* know wii U's targeted specs?  on what day did nintendo get R* a development kit?

business plans extend out more than a year in advance.  projects get green lit or canned, resources get allocated, financial committments get set, release dates are committed to.   nintendo likes to "surpise" people and that might put a big grin on your face during a game show but business thrives on stability and predictability.  most companies will NOT invest into risk .. they are the most conservative entities out there.  ..especially a "red ocean" game company like R*.

as a consumer does it suck for you?  yeah, yeah it does.   ..but don't pretent like everyone is out to get nintendo.   nintendo is just as at fault (if not more) than everyone else as it is there perogitive and responsibility to encourage third party development on their systems.

Kantor said:
I think they're probably waiting to see about the Wii U. They don't have as much faith in it as some other companies appear to, but if the system sells well, and games like ME3 and Arkham City are successful, they'll probably go ahead and develop a Wii U version.

Anyway, good news and hopefully it can stick to that date.

ME3 isn't going to succeed. EA is making damn sure of that.

And that's where we see the underlying brilliance of their plan (worthy of a B-grade movie villain or so): put ripoff "core" games on the platform, know they're a ripoff, watch them tank, and there's your and everyone else's excuse to avoid the platform.

Brilliant in its insidiousness.

@ kitler. Plenty of development kits were out there. I'm sure if Rockstar wanted one, all they had to do was ask. But that would, of course, involve talking to Nintendo, which is the greatest  shame aside from developing for one of their platforms (the unthinkable taboo).

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

I'd imagine a WiiU version of the game will appear about 6-8 months after the game has been released; if not at launch. This will give R* time to assess the system, see how games like Batman, ZombiU etc. are being received and make a decision from there.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

LOL at ME3 being a ripoff! At least use the right word, say its a waste of time and effort, but dont say its a ripoff, if you dont want the game, dont buy it.